Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1927, p. 3

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February 11, 1927 WILMETTE ' LIFE s I I' MISSION LEADER IN SPAIN, HERE SUNDAY · Rev. Wayne H. Bowers to Address First Congregational Church Service Feb. 13 Rev. Wayne H. Bowers, Congregational hoard mission leader located at Barcelona, Spain, will speak at the First Congregational church Sunday morning-, February 13, at the 11 o'clock ·~e rvices. HEAR· JANE ADDAMS John Davies, ' Builder, New Optimist Club President Leader of Hull House at Sunday Club, February 13; Dasch Hour's Program Quartet in The \Vilmette Sunday Evening club will have one of its best program s of the year Sunday night, February 13. Mis · ] ane Addams will speak on "Impres. · ton s o f 11 ext·co an d t 1 1e p resent '-' · · " · ) 1 · t · ,>ltuattOn, a parttcu ar Y ttme 1 Y optc. The Philharmonic String quartet, now kno\\'n as "The George Dasc h Qua.r tet," will rcnde·r nearly an hour's John Davies, building contractor with offices in the Brown building. was elected president of the Wilmette Optimist club at th ~ annual session of the luncheon held TuesdaY noon of this \\_.eek at the Lake hore Terrace. 11r. Davies is one of the best known h u i 1 de r s on the John Davies north shore and has been active in Optimist club circles since the inception of the organization several years ago. He succeeds Dr. George D. Upson as directing head of the club. · El<.:cted as officers to sene with ~fr. Da\·ies were the following: Dr. D. \V. Rapp, vice-pre sident; R. H. Klehm, secretary; Orian Galitz, trea surer, and ]. ]. Schneider, sergrant-at-arms. BOXING AND WRESniNG PROGRAM ON TONIGHT Athletic Carnival to Bring Variety of Events to Howard Gym at 8 O'clock · The stage is all set for the athletic entertainment to be given by the Wit mette PlaygrQund and Recreation board at the Howard school gymnasium tonight at 8 o'clock. A large crowd is expected and arrangements have been made to take care of them . With an all-star ca$t of amateur buxers and wrestlers, the best on the north shor·e, and the fairy-like tumbling of the DeLofta Tumblers, together, with the magical entertainment furnished by the Matthew Drees company, formerly of the Orpheum circuit, and the antics of Al Smith the comedian, the villagers are assured a real all-round entertainment. Then, to cap the climax, the board has secured the services of the "'Masked ).larvel," who is de scrib ed as a musical "\Vow." Who is she and what is she, you must come to see, but she \\·ill be there in person, it is explained. ' "One of the most intere sting missions of the American hoard is its mis sion to . Spain, opened in 1872," reads a comment regardin g· Mr. Bowers. "Its headquarters are at Barce lona, with five out-stations. There are 'ix schools and eight Suncla\· schools in operation in addition to th.e general mis sionan· work. Mr. Bowers is the resident inissionary in charge of this mission. program. A great banquet was recently given in honor of ~!i ss Addams at th e Furniture ).1 art by Chicago's ciYic lcad~rs. fn spite of the size of the banquet hall, is '"as impossible to accept all the rr serYations that \\'Cr' · made 1)\· those \\'ho wish ed to honor 11i ss Addams. ~I iss Add am is known throughout the \rorld for the wond erf ul \\'Ork that s he ltad accomplished at Hull House, Chicago, \Yhich \\'as opened in 1889. Harvard Man She \\'a s pre sident of the :Kational '· ~fr . Bo\\'rrs attendrd Franklin anrl Conference of Charities and Correction );[ar. hall cnllcge and HarYard univer- in 1909. lat er she \\'as chairman oi tltc· . ity. Also tTnion atHl Lancaster sc m- fnternational Committee of \Von 1c n for in aries. Permanent Peace, and president of the 1 "He is a man of krcn in sight and International Congress of Women in C 00 !J a.;; a remarkahl under~tandin~ of the 1910. ),fi s. Addams is the author of The second opportunity for :\e\\' All Numbers Donated religious problem of Spain: He tells tlH' iollo\\'ing hook~: "Democracy and T ner. · H'tg 1 1 1 st.uc1ents an.d the 1 sc 100 EYcrv number 011 the program of .1 fir~rhand inside story of the religious J Sorial I·:thic s," "~c\H'r r de a I~ o f pu 11 l IC to 1 lear an mterpretatton o f this entertainment has been contrib-.. itua tinn in that country. t 'II \' ' 1 d · K M . S't t' [\·a ct." "The Spirit oi Youth and the < rama .\\'t come vee nc;_. ~Y atter- uted ancl the proceeds are to be used nows exican 1 ua ·on l'i ,. Street-.." "20 n ·ars at Ilu11 Hott-.e." nonn. rchruary 16, at 3:b o'Clock. at to pay for athletic equipment. "Mr. ·nowers made a profound im-~ ....\ · ~'-'\\' Con . . cic~lce and an .\n rient " ·hich time Prof. Bertram Xclscin of · 1 } k 1 f tl 1 · S The boa rd is fortunate in securing prcs ston "'.1 en 1e spo ·r JC ~rc 1e an- 1-:,·il." "'l'hL· l,:)ng J( oad ni \\.o mL·n\ tl;c. )uh!lc · pca.ki.ng clepa.rtment of the the se n ·iccs of ·excellent officials. Vil!lllal nH·dtng·. of the Amcncan B?a:ct \IL'lllOn·." aml "J\·ace and Bn·ad in I( 111\'l' r:-. lty uf Ch1cago wtll read Ro::, tE ·n .\kron. Ohio. last Octob er and IS 111 T' c .f \Ya . ,, and's .. 'yrano de Bergerac." lage President ·arl E. Orner will act · 1 m. n I. . Thi s event should be of oTeat in- as announcer-; John Clark Baker, ron:;tant demand heforc churche s and clu !J-. at this time in virw of the re~ ~!1-. s _Acldat!lS has tr;wcled 1~1 tllany tcrcst to drama-lovers and s t~dent:; of chairman of the Recreation board, . is lil!in 11 · C(ltltrover..,v in ~fexico '"hich J·arH nl the \rurlcl and ha ~ :. tudtL·d ron- l' tc t .t . f lt f tl tl time keeper, Dr. Charles 1 th e official .' . . !' ·. . . . . I J· J rct..<t<<tL II · .. . .. I ·ra ure , I I S e ' or 1 )0 1 le rcack £ 1 1' . . D. Bl a·c. -1 "hr"L' s . tt~· s hacl ·rrround <t ,tOtb 11llll<Ul\ a nc-.. th re f ere 111 · 1 · . -. · c·n..,r ha <· ' "t-o . · · . . . , r aiH1 e p1 ay are excecc1 mg y pronup eI oK' t1e wrestmg f f 1 1 1 itt Spain. ).fr. Bo\\'ers' addres s is not ~ll' :-;tr< · \\'11 1 1 )L' ot \\'H e tn tnv;-;t. n ent. Professor Xelson ha s fascinated matcles, anc . . ter, re eree o o nly informing- hut rig-ht up to the !north shore audi e nce~ mam· time~ boxing. tllinut_< ' in' ih r~liah_lc informati.on . . . \\'ith hi s delightful readin gs. . . Tickets for /h~ entert~inment are on Tnc1dcnt.tlly. tt lllt~ht he_ of mtet r:-.t I . \ ~ for the play. " yrano de Der- :.a le at the \' tlltam Ta) lor Dry Goods tn kilO\\' that ).f r. ~~ nwers I s an expert 0 I gerac" is held by critics as one of the st~r e at 112J Central avenue, and can cht·~.; pl;.tyer. hanng once pbyrcl a be:-.t and most " ·id ely read of all I ab~ be had at the door of the gymmatch 'nt h the f,amous world chamOr eW t . ! modern French plays . Jt::; story is nasmm. pion, Capahlanca. Prospccts ·. .for a new _church celt fi_ce 1 that of one Cyrano, who, though he i ~ Here's the Program for the \\ tlmcitt c Pan~h Methocltst 1 a ga llant mat1 and a bran? fighter. is The program follows: church loomed las t \\T ck at the Quar- 1handicapped at even: turn bv the ex- 1. .\fng·tv<tl Ent(·nn.iiWl'l;-:\fattht.·w Drets Dr. W . A . M ann, J r ., . f I . 1 I D I I c. 0 ter 1 Y meetmg o t 1e pan.;; 1 "'len r. treme kngth of hi s. no"c just '"hen <lllC ·. Returns From Abroad ~ or ace G. ~mit h. the mi_n istcr. oul- 1a romanc ~ is about . tn l.Jc~in. i1i ~ nose ~. ~:~;:;~·.~ ~~~nt-:·-.\ :\fl'i t.·r vs Harold lm ecl a. pos:-;thle program lor ~uch a'l injt:cb intu and ~poi Is en~rything. And ::\'ick ~~ilkr YS Hubby Marquardt. Dr. \Yilliam A. ).fann, Tr ., has re- cnterpnse. e\·cn thouah he t)erf orms matn· braye .la<'k S1mpson vs Jack Brewer. Cl'tltly n·turne d from Eut:ope. \\·here '1'1 t t' tl . ' -t 1. o·a rd'11lg ~ Den Copple \'S Andrew Borg 'gl1t , . 1e rcpor o le mtn b e re::, deeds and nobl e acts. his ricli culou:-i < r.,·!,!·J · · ., p Hea.,··-,·,v·e·tght. hl' ha~ ~pent ·the pa st (j,·e month s. He k 1 1 k - ·· 1 t l1"," ' ' \._\·,,·e 1 · 1 a . new st.ruc.ture_ C \' O _· e.< s uc ·~:e n. lll - ~ n ose makt: s him always an__object. of .t: llan~ .pic.·n..of nor.th_~ l,t,ore.) " ·a-; engaged in special eye, car, nose tcrest .t h,Lt 1.t "as. dec1 clecl t~ contmue laughter and sco rn. How a tatr ma 1clen ... 1,11v ~l<l:--ht.l :\l:Ln e l and tlm·at \\·ork in Vienna and also the cltscnss to n ot th e prOJect at a I t 1 t _ th t 1 't . . 1 . tl t ·L < omt·c~Jan-Al . 1111th Yi:.itecl clinics in a numb er 0 f 0 tl · · · 1 a as sees a Is t le nMn la .J. l~t-Lt·lla 'l'umhkrs ler mcett.ng ot the _congre gatJ() n to )C co unts and not his nose is the story. li. Hoxing--ll<tyt.lL'n .Jo11t-s Ys Elmer Kei: le;tdin!..!· llll'clical renter~ (Jf Furopc. held 111 the. near tuture.. . . \\'alter Hampden recently acted the <2t nrg·f· _Braun Ys Hurry yroft Hi . .; itinnan· included Scotland, EngDr. Ha st 1e Odgers, dtstnct supertn- l , 1111 · I · f h' . l . .· l Jo,arl .\Tl.!.!.tT n; Emmt>tt Kmland . cr 10 'd d 1 Q at· rlv (:aC ~"'> e 0 t Is P a~ "It 1 great :\likt· Tn·ad \'S ('Jan· tH·e Bennett land, Trclanc.l, Ho ll and, German\.', A · us- tcndent, pres1 e at t 1C u te · succe ss. Joe t ·orrato , ·s \Ym. B nnett tria. Hun gary, Italy and France. conference. Educator to Read "Cyrano Bergerac" H·hS h / at tne tg I ' Il l" . ll1 ethodists Hear : 0 z· f Pl ut tne an f N Ed "jice 1 1 I J rt The \V ilmette Village board "'ill , to Community as a Whole . , ·meet in regular . e~sion Tuesday eve, l' D' k' t' tl to Celebrate V alentlne s 1 · F b 1~ · tl C 1 '1 . ··. tc ·tt tson, repre se n mg 1e 111 e ruary J! le ounc 1:.· nit c d Realt,· COlll))anY o\\·ners of In accordance with th e schedule Emil A. ~onl, presidrnt of the \Vil - nmg, ·I amber· of the Vdlag·" hall · · · ne\\'h· an- previously announced, a Valentine !:> t: large tracts of ·land in the mctle Chamber of Commerce and c 1 ' nc~ed territory in the far \Yest ~f the party will be held at the Wilmette mem ber of the firm of Schultz and \·il\age, di ~p layrcl map s at a meeting Public Library for al l of the first, secXonl. tailor ~ . is in P ittsburgh. Pa .. this \\Tek attending thl' annua l conprdiminar~· to the regular session of ond and third grade children of WilYention of the National Association the \Vilmette Chamber of Commerce, mrttc, Monday afternoon, February 14. cf De:,i g ners and Cutters. ).'fr. Nord ~I on day, desig ned to indica te the y;: llue Th e party is one of a series being expects to go to X ew York following oi that company\ suhdivi~ion~ to the gi,·en und er the direction of Miss \\'inifrecl Bright, children's librarian, at the convention and \Yill return home C011111lltnit \. as whole. .-.~ nne time next week. The Ut{itcd Realty company ha s ac- \\'ltich the children dress to represent quired holdings in various sec tions of some book . and then all try to guess NEW C. OF C. MEMBERS the annex~d terrt.ior~·. including that the book that is thus depicted. ThL· fnllo,,·ing \\·e re e1ectl'cl members adjacent to the Glenayre stat ion of the. The book parties are proving to be eli the \\.ilmettc Chamber of Commerce Skokie Valle~· route and extending quite a success, it is said. Over seventy at the meeting 1fonclay night: north \\'a r.d a ncl immediate 1\- cast of the children were in attendcnce at the ri glt t-of -way in cluding w I~ at was fo r- seventh graders' party on February Dr. Lester K ~fee, physician: Dr. merly the Big Tree farm at Lake ave- 4 and a large number at the one for C. H. Elrcd, dentist; Hector Dood s, ineighth grade youngsters on January :-ura nct:; S. ]. Kordorf attorney; Ednu~ . 28. The next of the series will be held The company is now conferring \\'ith '"ard ] . Bcbrose, barber; M. L. Olson, Why worry about household help? for third graders, on February 18. the Village authorities relative to apL. \V. and H . \V. Bills, all of the Bills The Want Ad Page is a directory proval of plats of subdivision. Rea lty Co.: Clarence Zeub schell, tailof dependable home service. GIVE LINCOLN PAGEANT or; T. E. Thompson, manufacturer; C. SIT. 'V'T'D. - WO:\TAN WANTS C. Mills, E. E. Shimanch and T. E. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL A Lincoln Day pageant is to be work by da y for 3 or 4 days a Dickinson, all of the United Realty L. C. P~loH, 1132 Ashland avenue, · given in the Church school of the week. 934 Elm St., 2nd Floor, Winn. Co.; Cha.rles E. Welter, contractor: A. returned from St. Luke's hospital, Chi- First Congregational church Sunday Frankmvitz and A. Jen son of the Wilcago, last Saturday, where he recently morning, February 13, at the Church underwent an operation. school hour. mette Battery and Electric service. Emil A. Nord .Attends Tailoring Convention BOARD MEETS TUESDAY Show Value of West Areas Children to Have Party a Service!

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