Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LI-FE February 18, 1927 English Lutheran 7AI<'ECAR£ OF IT .! nreenleaf and :;;t>rYices St>n~nth for February 20 : HPY. A. :F~. RPnn of Indianapoli!', Ind., will preach the sermon at 11 o'clock, and 've in \"itt· a II our lllt'lllb(' r:-: and frit>nds to comt' and hear his inspiring nw:-:sag·l· . Rib!t· ~chool at !l :4il. .Tost·ph .Johnson, SUJH'l'intt·tH'It·nt. A. D. <:ash will tt·;teh thl' adult class. ~f'w S('holar ...; art· always \n·komC'. Kenilworth Happenings . ~~ r. and ~[r.. L. C. Dilb, 227 Sheri~~ r. and ~~ r:;. Alexander Joslin. 2-W clan road, left Kenih,·orth Thur:;day for Essex road, Kenil\\·orth a11d their Xew York \\"here the,· \\·ill sta,· ior ten <Ltughter. Betty, leit Kl.'nil\\"orth ~lnn<la_,·s. Frum there . the_,. \riil go to da_,. ni!!ht i::>r llolly\\·ood. F la .. to he: " Florida \\'here th~,- expl'ct to he until gonl' four \\'ct·ks. \\'bile they are April. They ha,·e.shippcd their car to ;ma~·. ~fr. Joslin\ si:;tl'r, ~1i:--s Huth ] acksonvillc, Fla., and ""ill t(ttlr through I Jo:--lin. and :\1rs. J()·din':-. s_i . . tcr. :\I r-. tll<lt state. 11J ugh ).I ungcr, \\ill stay in thl' hou~l'. -::>· - o~fr. and ~[rs. Frederick F. Skeel. Bntn· llulhert. 52R Abhott:-.inrd road, 338 \ \ .oodstock a\' en lll', and their Kl'nihrorth ldt ~fonday night to redaughtcr, ~larjoric, left K~·nil\\·orth turn to the l·nin~rsity oi ":\1 icl1igan February 11 , for Tucson. Ariz. The' after spending thr period bct\\TL'll length oi their stay is indefinite. sen1cstcrs at hi:; home. 1 ~ AKE care of your furni - The LutlH·r lea! will mt· ·t Friday t>Yening at the ho C' nf "!\[iss Carolitw Buch ho lz, 22;; Centra a venue. ture. Polish it properly and use the right oils. When paint is needed get . the very best and ask our Peter Paint for instructions as to how to use it. OJ'=::I'D . 0 -o- - o- Draperies Made to Order and Estimates Furnished. Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Prop. Glass, Picture Framing, Mirror Resilvering, Wallpaper, Draperies and Art Materials. 11 33 Cent ra l Ave. 0 0 0 0 In fixing ou r prices we have figured on ly a reasonaule protlt. For this n ' ason \\'l' h:we been able to a ttrat't in<.:rl'ased patronag·e and t lwy D 0 The study class under Dr. Terry met ~f r. and ~f r:--. D\\·innl'! Slater (_Prisat the home of ":\.1rs. Harn· P. Harri-1 cilia Alll'n) ha\·c tnon·d fre>nl tht·ir son. 307 Ahbottsford road,- Kenilworth honll' in Lexington. '.1 a~"-, to Xe\\' on Thursday. · York. They will he at Craml'rcy Park · -ohote I t l'lll pora rily. -o":\1 iss · ~[arj<. <3mnhe, -U Kcnil"·orth ayen ue. ·: rtained sixicen of :\1 r:;. ~~orris A. Bell oi O~hko:-.h. her friends at c.. ~-idgc luncheon on \\'i:;., arrin~s today t::> \'isit lwr mother. Saturday, February 12. ~Irs. Theodore E. ~~()ritz. 22() \\. anrick -0road, Kenihrort h. --()Roy Seery, 414 Abhottsford .r oad, left Kcnih,·orth Sunday, going first to Kcw ~fr. and ~ f rs. Richard \\'olie. 414 York. He left there \\'cdncsday for Essex road, left Kenilworth \\. ednesTampa, F la. day to vi~it Xcw Orlean~ and lliloxi. -0-0- are satisfied patrons. Tempting Service MAC'S Bowling Lunch Ph. Wil. 349 3 I I I Let Me Estl ·mate : '[······..····'··'···· ···· your Build ing Alterations Re Storm Work. pairs Roofs Sash Garages PorchesScreens Cement ~fr. and ~!rs .. 1· ran cIs .-\lkn_ ot Larchmont, ~- )_ .. _announce the h1rtlt ·_ 0_ oi a dau[..;htl'r. Pnscdla, on Fvhruar _ ,. 12. ":\Irs. Amuel B. Spach. 228 Leicester \1 r. :\lien i:; the son ni \I r. and ~f r'. road, Kenilworth. was hoste;-;s at a tea !-- ~I. .-\lkn. 23g ~r t·lrost an' lllH', hl'n on Thursda v of this week. 11\\'()rt h. . . - () ,~ ll l \1 r . and \I r:-- . llcnry 'I' a _ ,·lor. Jr .. 431 ! F-.:--t·:-: rflad .. K!'nih\-(lrtl-1 ('lllt'rt;lin~·d iniorm_ally ;:t a dinner hrid~l' \\ " l'dlll'"da~ I l'\'l'llltlc' C) · · 1 i ....... l·l·hnnrr c · ":\[rs. \V. T. Ga~kell, 224 Sheridan road, ldt Ke_n~lworth Tuc:;day ior Clen~land to v1s1t her daughter. ~[rs. Charles King-, for a icw days. -o":\[rs. Frank Fulton oi Jlill road, \Vinnetka is entertaining at a luncheon and bridg-e todaY. r:--. J :tllll'S 1ldm oi Kan..;a.., Cit~· . r l'turnl'rl to lll'r hon1e la~t Friday.) Sh;.ha . . lH:l'II the gue..,t ot ~Irs. h. C. 1 I ~-Jawkts. 1~/ Kl'nihn>rth an-11tH.', Kentlworth. ~~ -c.~-- . . I j I I i I IJ r..;_ J ()hll }I. J(IIH"- oi 1·: \';tn ,_ ton. immn)_,. oi I\:t·nih\llrth. kit la-..t \\Tek ior . Biloxi. ~f i-.... .. t" j1 ,in ~tr. 011 l' .... --------- ~I \~a\~-:1 We've \nsta\\ed An Auto Laundry . e uipment d spectal q at purchase i've yout c We '\enab\eustog bnwas that wtl b cleaning t a f ote tbotoug a tn \ drea..n,d o · 1 .~ ot fotmet y ~ ' L" to town en you take the Linden A1Je. , ~ Junior Scout Officers ' Convene in Wilmette , Fiity-:--ix junior oflicn . . n·prc..,entillg I SC\'t'lll<:<:ll troops. and ntne clillcn·nt / towns gathered last Saturcla,· mornIng- at the Byron Stolp s~·hool in \ Yilmctte. for a t\\·o -hnur conferrnce on prol>lem:-. of junior nnicer;-;. The meeting adjourned at 12 \\'hen a lunchcon prepared rntirdy by Scouts \ras scn·cd 111 St. A u g: u ~tine's ch ur ch club house. The March j unior (}fficer:;' confen·nce w ill he held at Lake Bluff on Saturday, ~larc h 12. Wm. R. Wilson Carp~nter Contractor 1 1 ' - ·~- ······················-- Phone Kenilworth 1146 615 Kenilworth Ave. Whh North Shot~ from and it will be t e wtth us, leave the cat return. readtJ when 1JOU Save Money on Inside Repairs Have Plastering Done Now-Before Spring Rush Makes Work Expensive We do all rep au work on propertyincluding Brick. Stone. Cement. Plaster and Stucco Wash. We gtve each job our personal attention. · ... ~. Sales ·lbnette Lno..or W 1 f proP· P. J. Schae er' ,,r·t 636 S phone vvt· 515 Fourth t. Shortrid1e & Saxton 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735

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