Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE February 18, 1927 University 123 Elevator Service High School Store-Church Street · rs FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON Smart! Deckle Vellum ·By Eaton, Crane and Pike 85c ]b. A fashionable vellum finish wntmg paper with deckled edges. Available in three smart sizes at this very moderJte pricing of 8sc a pound. Will take your monogram excep. tionally well. · appointed at not being able to see ~he Tony Sarg marionettes on the occas10n of their recent visit, will have one more opportunity. on Washington's birthday, February 22 when the little woodenheaded acto;s will present their puppet version of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" on a miniature stage at the Goodman theater, adjacent to the Art Institute, in three perfor!llances, morning, afternoon and evenmg. The popular Arabian Nights fantasy lends itself exceptionally well to marionette interpretation, and the colorful oriental setting, the special lighting effects and music combine to make this production the most elaborate that Mr. Sarg ever has attempted. The cast will include Ali Baba in person; his faithful donkeys , Abou and M umu · Cassim the wicked; Danhasch, leader ~£ the Forty Thieves ; Ahib, his fiery steed; the sultan of the I~dies and his trick elephant, and ¥org1ana, the beautiful slave girL "It would be a good thing if all the church es were closed," so wrote <:eorge . Bernard Shaw not long ago. The pastor Evanston and north shore youngst~rs will suggest a possibl e an~wer to tht~ bold -and grown-ups, too-who were dts- claim n ex t Sunday mornmg. Ali Baba. to Come to Life in Tony Sarg Marionettes First Methodist The annual Fathers' and Son~· dinne r will b e h e ld this e\'ening at 6 :30 o'cl<;~ck at the church. This will b e an C\'t'nmg of good f ellowship. "Tlw MarvPls of Chemistry" will be presente? b~ Prof Ira Hilton Jones, the address b e mg Illustrate d with certain ex perime nts. A happy and worth while time wiH b e had by all m e n and boys present. The annual meeting of the Sunday school board was h eld last W'e dnesday eve ning. Dinne r was served at 6 :30, followt>d by a busin ess m eeting. Miss Blanche Carrier, who is nationally kno'Yn as tl11· director of the Dayton, Ohio, Wt>e k-day System of R e ligiO';IS Education, was the speaker of the cvenmg, h e r m essage b e ing one of particu!ar int e r e~t t o pare nts and t each e rs of chtldren. \Vilm etl(' Boy Scout Troop VI, has sec ured ~Ir . Ball as Seoutmaste r. A great program is be ing d e veloped. The sPrmon on prohibition prf'ach e.d by the pastor on January 23 will be prmt e d and r ady for distribution at. the l<'e llowship st-rvicc '\Vednesday evcmng. At that time will b e shown a series of slidl·S portraying the success of prohibition.. T~e pastor will also review Professor FtshH s book entitled "Prohibition at Its '\Vorst. " Several high S<'hool students ~<'portE:-d tlw !"t~rmon of last Sunrlay mornmg, 1 hEtitlP of which was "The Man for the Agt-s." Tlw decision of .the ju~lges conCt'rning the n·ports submtttC'd w1ll be announced Sunday morning. Thf' congr('gation last Sunday morning more than fill rcl tlw church auditorium so that tht· cloors in th e chap('} had to b e open{·d. Dr. Smith gave an addrPss (Jn "Th·· l\Iast<'r of l\fount Vernon" at tiH' Optimist ('lub on Tu esday of this we<·k. H (· will rf'peat the samP ad<ln·ss for thf· Lake Fort>st l\ff'n's club n ext Tu <·!"day eve ning. Th e choir :Hlgm(·nted by a. numh(·r (·f nc·w V()it-e< is relwarsing thP Elijah . This oratorio will bf' prese nt<·d <luring tlw latte r part of 1\larc h. Tlw Fri (· ndly circle iR holcling a 1\·ashingtn n Birthday party TuNHlay (·\'··nin~. T·\ ·bruary 22, at. R o'clock In thP Youn g Pt·opiP's Hnus . L\ 11 m C'mb £> rs and frit ·ncls are urgPd to lH' JWf·se nt. Ho~h' ss(· s-:\[r!" . Martin. :\Trs. :\Tatso n, )frR . :\Tc<'linton ancl :\Tt·s. ::\frK ibb<' n . Th f' First di\'isi o n M thf' La1lit·s' .-\ id will h o lcl a Progressi\'1' dinn (·r Friday P\'Pning-, Ft ·bruary 2ii. Tlw first <'f·\lrsf· will lw :it tlw <'hurch at fl : ~n. Tlw St ·<'n ncl division will nwf·t with ::\fiss PPnrl ('ouff(·r. filii Fifth stn'l't. :lt 1 () :~0 A. :.\f. , Thursday , F ebruary ~ ·1. TIH· 1'hircl cli\·ision will m· ···t at tho· rhut·rh to st·w for tlw Lake> Hlttff Orphanngt· c'n Thursclay. F\·bruary 24. nt 10 A. ).f. Hostt·Ss<·s- -:\frs. f'hrbtt·nst·n, )[r~. Fo~t<'r, ~Trs. ~Tat~on and :\Irs. X('}snn . Envelopes to Match 4oc and 45c pkg. Japanese Plain School of Elections Attracts Local Women The School for judges and clerks of election held by Judge Edmund Jarecki last fall ·was so helpful that because of many requests from those who attended, another school was held in the election commlssJoners' office at the City hall, Chicago, vVednesday and Thursday of this week. The personal instruction given was better than printed matter, it was said. The school was not only for judges, clerks, and ·watchers but for all others interested. The local League of \Vomen Voters was intere sted in the instruction. IMARI VASES $I ·35 up One of these handsome lmari ware vases will make a lovely bridge prize. This low price possible be· cause of a fortunate purchase. VISITING CARDS 25c and 30c pkg. Regulation size cards-superfine finish. Ideal for enclosures or din· ner cards. Matching envelopes at 2 5 cents and 3 o cents package. CLEVER FAVORS For Washington's Birthday Parties Place cards, nut cups, stick-ups, motto snappers and invitations. Our Mrs. Palm will be glad to suggest decorative schemes for your party. -------------Rummage· Sale Continues in the Book Section There Is Only One Reproducing Piano, THE AMPICO It is obtainable in a charming small Grand for Thf' Young 'Voman's i\rissinnary SOC'it-ty and m ;e ll bookH for you ha\'f' any h0uks which you would C"are to give, will you kindly h('lp thP Y. ,V. M. S. · makl' th P rhildren happy by bringing your hooks to thl" Young People's housP nPxt Sunday morning. If you cannot bring th<·m. tf'lt-phone Mrs. Spiegelhattt·r, \\'ilnwtt ro i~ cnllt·C'ting- nf·w ~Tar<' Y f'f·nt <' r . Tf ~814. -------------Main Floor Thousands of books-fiction, history, plays, poetry, etc.--every one priced at half or less. Some slightly soiled from handling. $1,975.00 Why pay as much for any inferior instrument? Zenith Radio Vera -tonal Columbia Columbia Electrically Recorded Records Last TuPsday aftPr th<> n·gu!ar ~('I· Ut nw0ting, th<> girls of Troop TV hacl a. surpriH(· 11arty for th<'ir captain, :\li!"s Hum11hrirs, at tlw hom(' of ::\[rs. H . A. HPrger, 819 ('hr·stnut avenuP. A picnic suppf'r Wal:> s£>rved, and th£> girls JlrPsentPtl Miss Humphries with a lowly gift. .·\ hamn· timt> was Pnjoyed by tlw tw< ·n tyfin> girls present. Tlw Cirl Scout ll'adPrs of the ('hit 'i1 gn ara aSSI'mbling this WPt>k-rncl at tlH·ir wintc·r ramp nt Gray's Lake>, lll.. :\TiHs Attig-, Miss Humphrirs and ':\fiss 1'\·nnE·r will att('ntl thiR ramp. :ll"P:t Here They Are! 5,ooo Pairs UNION HARDWARE ROLLER SKATES lot boys and girls $2.00 Union Hardware-the finest made. Dandy ball bearing roller skatesall first quality. Styles for boys · and girls. ~ t l I for little folks $I .25 1\ special-Union Hardware sbtes <mtititring f'fubios g;kpltom-Cm,kaf )2JO Ope,~ Tttes., for little tots just learning to skate. These are NOT ball bearing! Carleton /Caume'ler $27 Davis Street ... evanston Ill Thurs. and Sat. Evenings Second Floor ·===============:! I ~fr. and Mrs. James P. Prinrllr. fiT. announce thr birth of a s~n on F "hruary 11, at thr Evan ston l10spital. Th<' hah,· ha..; h t·t· n n;l Jnerl l ;q nrs Pt·;)rl Princllr. TV. ?\f rs. Prindle was ~[ iri'am ~1 argarrt M ctze I. clauQhtcr of ~{ r. and ~fr:'. r·:. B. ~fct7rl of Kcnil\\'orth. -oM rs. Charles Comstock of Elgin came to Wilmette \~l e<lnesdaY to spend a few days with her sister: l\1 rs. ~rederick B. Crossley of 600 \Va shmgton avenue.

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