Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 13

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February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 13· New Trier Quints Take M e·a sure of Oak Park Squads Oak Park lightweight basketball men who heat New Trier in hasketbafl a month ago by one point. were defeated bv the erst\vhile victims with the score of 36 to 17 last Saturday. New Trier heavies added another. victory to their list by downing the Oak Park heavies 32 to 15. The lineups: Hl~AVJES Christian Science Churches "Soul" was the subject of the lessonsermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, S.unday, February 13. The Golden Text was from Prove.r bs l C) :8, "He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that kecpeth understanding shall find good." Among the citations which comprised the lesson- sermon was the following from the Bible: "And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who ne,·er had walked: The same heard Paul speak: \\'ho steclfastly beholding him. and perceiving that he had faith to he healed, Said with a ioud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked" (Acts 14: 8-10). The le;;son- . ermon also included the following pas~ages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health \\'ith Key to the Scriptures," by · Mary Bakrr F.dd,·: "The Science of Christianitv comes with fan in hand to separate. the chaff from thr wheat. Science will declare God aright. and Christianit,· will demonstrate this declaratinn ~\'it h its didne Principle, making mankind hetter phy!--ically. morally, and spiritually" ( p. 466). in~ton 80 Acre Vineyard in Cali. fomia . In the heart of the fertile San Joaquin Valley is this beautiful 80 acre vineyardt completely equipped. A fine place for life income and a home. . ~ It has cost over $60,000 to put in present con ... dition and owner, having moved here, wishes to sell or exchange for Chicago or North Shore property at $35,000.00. NEW TRIER (32) Bli'P OAK PARK (l!"i) 0I 0 I Smith, If 0 I Houston, c :~ Hodge, rg 0 Pyatt, I'g' 2 Sommers, Ig 0 2 Sheldon, rf Pattison, rf W. Faletti, lf Nelson, If Hoerber, c Thompson, c J. PalE-ttl, rg ::\Tarklf'y, rg ('opt·land, lg· Burrc.ws, lg 2 1 1 I Urban, BFP 0 0 li 2 0 0 :l 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 (I 0 rf Taylor, rf 3 1 1 2 0 J 1 0 ·O I l 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 _ 2 0 0 1 ~ St···n· by quartt·rs: i44SI 1 0 0 I 6 3 11 l !1 ~ n .:\'t ·w Tri··r· ;:; 4 )a k Park ~ I' f t· r t· f' - -OslJOUI'l1t'. 21i :l2 l"tnPii'P- Quant. 12 Hi ~E\V 'l'RlER (~fi) OAK PARK (17) Ti rw·kt ·l· pt ·r - - Tatham . LTC:JI.TS BFP BFP Address WILMETTE LIFE B- I 9 I \'\c.hitnk('l', rf :!'vfcLran. If Strong, c 1\fills, rg Smith . lg- r; 2 .f 0 fi 0 1 0 0 0 2 I Lf'f', rf 2 I Raymond , rf 2 I ('o{'g-f'lia, If 2 I tl·Jf'!J)Pl', (' 3 ! !~oiling , <' !\"arramnr··. ,. HiC'Iw rd. rg· Hoa.g-lun<l , rgr:roth, Ig- oo 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4. {) 0 h ~ liD. ····· ···· ···· ·· ·····. ·. ··. ······ ···· ····· ··· ···.····.··IEII . 0 0 :t . · · · · · E"anston Shop open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ewnings ~ - -=- '· ~ . · · · · · · · · · · :-:~·,n · !,~· quarto · r~ : 17 2 11 -~· :!II 24 ::,; 1 .· 12 17 l'mpin · - OslH·UI'Itl·. \f r. and ::\f rs . Charles Ellis. \V;'tsh avrntte. ann()unce the birth of 5 7 5 1 a ·s on on Januar.v 30. --------· 0 0 n n 1 "lllil.llf,{ .m.mn )1.ill@J2j .\'1·w Tri1 ·r Oak l'arl;: I~, . f ,. r 1· 1· (Jtl ' lltt. Tint~ · )\l·t·flo · r - ~hltWI··Y . llenrg C.Lytton 8 Sons State and Jackson- Chicago Orrington and Church-Evanston Fire Chief Saves 9 Lives in Daring Single-Hand Rescue From !'Omewlwr<.> in 1he annal;; of hi..,ton· con1es the storv of l10w old :\e:-u hurncd R ome and ~at on thr roof (lf the cit~· h;1 stik playing tlw fiddle while t hC' flamt·s played "snap-the""hip" round the flag pole s. And from Chicago cnmc:- t h<' :-;tory of the \\.idow ()'Leary's l'O\\. " ·lw planted an inconsidcratt- tot· again-.t thr lady's best lamp ancl man;q:;o.:d to illuminate the better part oi tilt· city "·ithin a few hour:;' time . "All well and good." . ay thr bo~·s on.·r at the \Vilmette Villagr hall. "hut hi:-;tor\· doe:-;n 1t tell th about a single incident -where one man saved nine lives in one trip. Xo sir! That only happens once and it happened in \Vilmcttc la st Monday night." It seems that Fire Chief \Vatter Zibhlc is the man who holds the cover off of a box of well known soap powder, that being the only medal available at the time. Chief Zihble, responding to a P. D. Q. ala'rm from the vicinity of 819 Fifteenth street, discovered upon his arrival that Sir Thomas Tabby, O\\'ner of the nine lives, was lodged in the top of one of \Vilmette's good Elm tree s. 1\cccllcss to say, the Chief "shinnies·~ up a "mean" ladder and doesn't take his hat off to anvone whrn it comes to bringing home t h~ potential banjo st rings. ::\frs. Ha.rold B. Foster of 120 \Voocl hinr a\·cnttL' and ~frs. Joseph Henry Allt>n of Evan:-;ton, entertained at a hridgc luncheon on Thursday of la ~t week in honor of ::\Irs. Robert R. Caskey of Chattanooga, Tenn .. formerly of Evanston. The part~· \\'as held at the Georgian hotel. and t\n:ntv-four guests were invited. · -0~Irs. SILVER BLACK FOXES · In Our Evanston Shop Final Clearance of ... I · Fine Suits overcoats and ~rastically . · · · · · !I : Reduced for Immediate Disposal Registered proven breeders are paying big dividends to their owners. You can own a pair of these money makers on our special purchase plan. \Ve ranch for you and guarantee results. An investigation of our record in the Fox business will convince you that no better investment can be found. Mail coupon and full information will be sent to you. ·························· COUPON \Visconsin Canadian Silver Fox Co., Commercial Trust Bldg., Madison, \\'isconsin. Please send me, without obligation to me, full partiwlars about your special purchase plan. Choice sz7·SO Sold All Season up·to $50 EWSpringClothesarearrivingdaily. A quick and decisive cleanup ·of all remaining broken lines of Fall and Winter garments is essential. So we've cut to the bone-announcing a price for fine merchandise so ridiculously low that it is bound to interest every man or young man who respects the purchasing power of his dollar. This is the end-no more Suits or Overcoats will be addedno further cuts will be made. N · · · · · · · · t I l ! Charles JI. Eldred of Hibbard road, entertained at 1 u n c he on and Name ...... . bridge on Friday, February 11, in Address .. .. .................... . honor of 1\frs. Samuel S. Dingee of City 'Vausau, \Vis. · · No toll charge to phone our E"anston Shop-Call Winnetka 188 · · · · ·

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