Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 28

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28 February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE DID YOU KNOWThat after a lapse of about twenty years Stephen Graham ts once more writing novels? That a new child novelist of promise, Peggy Temple, who ts 1 3 years old, has appeared in England? That the author of "Rivers to Cross." Roland Pertwee, played the roles of portrait painter and actor successfully before he became a writer? That ]rt.Jing Bachellor traveled to the Holy Land, accompanied by a professor of Greek and Hebrew to get material for the setting for his book which will be published this spring? ~<ewii~~~ CO)~ M~~ ~«»«»lk~ Benson. Stella Benson is an incomparable slender satirist. She works not with wide sweeps, but thin pen strokes, each of which tells. When you fini sh you have no striking impre ssion of the whole, merely the memory of the pleasu.re of the details. Clifford Cotton on the day after he and hi s bride, Daley, returned from their honeymoon, went out into the garden and had a strange experience which brought him back "a changeling," queer, half fairy, half child. His wife. the pretty - bewildered Anie.rican girl who left her simple home where every feeling, thought and opinion was labelled plainly, like a collar ad\"ertisement, to marry an Englishman and come with him to China where he was to he a miss ionar\", is lost in this sea of i;Hlistinctness. -Bravely she tries to hang on to the old standards hy asking- he.rse lf in any giYen situation "\Vhat would the Ridleys"-her be st friends 111 California-"sav about it ?" And al\\'ays they would sa\· the dull est · most commonp 1ace, most A 111 r r 1 can "COODBYE, STRANGER"- S t e 11 a Juvenile Books "Ea:,.;y" books for the firs t three grades in the Laure l Branch of the WHm<'tte FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Telephones Uni.versity 1024 Wilmette 3 700 Rogers Park 1122 BOOKS · Public Library: Hig·ham .......... 1\lothe r Goose ·:village Hlaisd<·ll . . . . Hoy Hlu · and His Fri e nds n1a isth·ll . . . . . . . Tpmmy Tinkt·r·s Honk Brown· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lon eso nwst D111l Huffing-ton ...... ... .. . .. . Circus n ad<·r Hurn(·tt ... ... T!:l<'l<t'tty-Paclu·tty House New-and interesting other reasons! George Washington for The Human Being and the Hero Rupert Hughes Morrow S4.oo Ida Tarbell's New Book Do\\'n in Connecticut, near her count n · home, Ida Tarbell recently made tl;e acquaintance of Henry Wing, who had been a trusted friend of President Lincoln. He told Miss Tarbell many of his ad Yen tures as a soldier in the Cnion armv and as cub reporter for the _- ew York Tribune, and in a little hook called "A Reporter for Lincoln" Miss Tarbell retells the mo\'ing story of \Ving' s \\'ork as unofficial ne\\'s carrier for the President, how he came and \nnt through the army line s, re g-a rc\Jc:;s of danger, and how the harassed president depended on him for an intimate acrount of \\'hat the men of the rank and file were feeling and thin ki11 ~. ~1 iss Tarbell says: "The st::H ,. t.rcatment has altered no fact, stretched no point, added no artificial e\·idenre to TTenr:-· \Ving's 0\Yn stirring arronnts of his experiences or of his clo-.r rei at inn s \Yith Abraham Liuroln." Main Street and Wall Street William Z. Ripley Little, Brown ~ Co The Quest of the Quaint Virginia Robie Little, Brown ~ Co. $).00 Cities of Sicily Edward Hutton Little, Brown ~ Co Balkan Sketches Artist's Wanderings m the Kingdom of the Serbs Lester G. Hornby Lirtle, Brown \1 Co. $ s.oo An 0. Henry Memorial Prize Stories .of 1926 Chosen by the Society of Arts and Sciences DoubJ~day Page ~ Co $2.00 The Quest for Winter Sunshine E. Phillips Oppenheim Little, Brown ~ Co. $).oo On Fell. 11 the hook in '"hirh a proiessor has made \Yall Street sit up and take nutirr wa~ i ~s necl. ").lain Street and \Yall Street" bY Professor \Villiam Z. Ripley is \\'rittc.n fo r the small in nstor and is an exnose of certain of the method s of big busines s. The House Beautiful Gardening Manual Fletcher Steele Atlantic Monthly Press ECHO $4.00 ANSWERS By Elswyth Thane author of " Riders of the Wind" Just InNew Pound Papers FuiJ stocks of the standard Eaton, Crane 8 Pike papers. Deckle V ell urn, 8 sc lb. Envelopes, soc package. Tweed, 75c package. lb. Envelopes. 25c Life offered to turn back the clock! Give him romance again! And .A nthony Stuart didn't know whether to say "yes" or "no." What would you do? Frederick A. Stokes Co. N.Y. ,=~~~=~~.=~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~=~~.~~~~~·~~ -~--~---~-·____ ------=--~ 1 .... . Alict·'s A<ln·ntun·s in \\·onderlanll <'hant ·t· ... . Lit1lt · Fnll<s of :\Tany Lands ('nx . . . . . . . . l'almt·r ('.,x gr·o"·ni f' Hook Curtis ...... LittlP :\lai(l of l~ttnk v r Hill Dil'tr. . . . ..... c;ood Tinlt·s un t II <· Farm c;rishina ............. . .... .. Pdt·r-Pt·a 1;rishinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIH·rty c;ro\"t'l' ........... .. . 1\:itiO'Ils anrl Cats t : 1·m·1 · 1· . · · . . . ~unhonnd llahit·s' Prin1t-r Growr .. ... . . ..... . .... . . OYt·rall Boys · Hnll .................. .Jan an<l n (·IJ£:l Kling·1·n;.:mith .......... ·... .Just Stnril · ~ Ldt·Ht· ........ ........ ............. . t'tl('k, tilt· ~J .. u;.:· · ;11tcl tho· Litth· Ht·tl H1·n Lindsay ............ . .. . .. .. Ttoy ~hop Lofting- .... , - (·~· ;~ g· ··~ of nod or noolitt 11.1 ~r~·y, · r ........ . .. c;anl.·n of HappitH ·!' ~ :'ll· · ~· \'r ........... Or<' hard a11d :\It·ailnw ::\Tor·r·· .. . .......... Pt · nni· · ~ :md Pla ns 01mst· ·ad .... X· ·d ;tnd Xan in Hnll :tnrl i od .. n ..... . I :.. hb~· of ('1o\·t·rfic ·ltl FanH l Orton ........ . . . ..... Litth· Ln!<t l'i ~ 9 , 1 )rton · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · l'ritH·o · <tlld l~rl\ · ··r of l'}oY· ·rti .. 1c1 1-'ann l'· ·rkins ................. . llutf'll T\\'ins thi~1g! ! l'· · rkin~ .......... llllt c· h T\\'in!' 1'rim· ·r \1 iss Bt·n:-:nn I' merrilcss in hn l "'·tl··l' . . . . . . . . . . .f· ·mima l'u<lc11P -rlur·k 'ct' f 1 t S 'I ~i1Y· ·;.: t· · r . . ....... . I l;tppy llc ·ur ~tt·ri· 9 .(tcl)l 1011 o c 1arac cr. o merc1 es s Sl·dntw 1 . .... ll:tppy Tal··;.: rnr Stor:-: Time 111 fact tha t \\'(' laugh at rather than ~nH · cll· · \· ....... . ........ Fir ~t H··ad··r s\·mpathizc with an\· e> f them, C'liffnrd ~no · dd· · i1 ........ l>r wa~. 111 ·· lndi;tn l:r.y "·ho ~Jl('lHls all hi-. .time trying t() imi - y,,ung· ........ T.itt·ran· J:, ·ad··r, J:()" l' 1 tate a hank president ancl stop he ing 1 New Books a fair~·. Dalt·:-· \\'ith he r :-·earning fnr 1 <'fl, ·;.:tttult ('onjur·· \\· .. m;tn :t ~ <tfl'. grto<l. cut and dric(l lift· and ; <'hri ~t i· · - :'llurrl· ·r t>f l~ .. t.:···r .\f'!u·.. yd lm·e for . the \"ictrola. <,CT T ' Jl,;.:to\·.. ,.,., 1\\·- - J ·:t . · n ~: tl nu ,_ 1,;, nrl .a"· n~,t·rn. l <::tuli;·r- <<qd :ti n Fr:ll' :t~~·· \\·hom C'liffnrd tl t(l ught \\'h< ' , anrl till' t 1. ll ·· nn· -~1··1wH·i:tl .\\\'artl l' ril'.·· :;t· ·ri · 9 clreacliul olrl ~ft > 111er Cotton " ·ho st· .. r 1!·~r. btarh ,,-;,., likC' the h; 1rJ.:i 11 t.:" nf a el m:-. \'.tn \\":t t··1""' \'t·tttlt in <'.,nfl io't I,, I .ir11:1 C1111' 1-:n· ·nl\·. I It· · ( '1 1il tl "fl<tk ~ llak !" hut who ,,·hen ht' r sn: 1 ' ' ~"'" lJi'r .\nthrt qHdo~ .' · rt·gai th hi :; manhO()(l and rca~t· s tn he .J"n· ·" J·.,,.,t ,·t';.: :tnd l'llhli··it\· a iain· -.ays. "But O- thl'rt' arv ~o \\' irltl··tll· ·r- 'l'r· ·· · \\'i tl 1 :1 J:(nl in rt l~t· t.:···rs -- l ...tto-r;.: til' ;1 ~· · lf -':\f:lllo- (l ipl" t·l:r t tnan,· llll'll, ancl-:-~o - few-fairics." ~t· · \\' ;t rt :\lr. :tnd :\lr~. ll:tdtl,··1' in I'. 11 1 -;, --- _ Fr:t1H't· I l;t \"id;.:IIJl St·h·t'lt·tl l'tot 'lll!' " ':'Til·: 111·:.\WI' OF' E:\fl·~nsox·~ · :\la;.:l'fit · 1r1 -- l: .. ynan1 . tht· Fox .l tll'I~X ..\L~" -- E<litt'(l hy L}i!-;s Pl'rry. : lfa1 1il·ttrton- 1:,,~· :.1 Hoa cl tr· l:t·l1l :t t ll'~' () · l · .· . . . .,, , 11:oi> S(· \· ..Jt - ~dt · t"t inns fl'l>lll t h· · ( '1 ·1'1"· ·"1" ·It Ill' s c lll'l eme>ttons on I tadmg I he di ·Jl('t· rtf 'l'lwoclort· Hoo ;.:t· \'t ·}t :tnll H· ·nr v Htart of Emerson's Journals" which f'ahnt Lotlg-P · Bliss Perry has edited, is regret that lng-··- Eng-land. one has not the entire ten Yolumes of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · the Journals before him. It is difficult, and antiquities and histo r.\'" ... from as alwaYS, to he cut off with fragment s. the Cambridge Junior. to "There a.re Howev~r. there is small likelihood that some men above grief and some ml'n eycn having ten volumes before us ,,.e helo\\" it." from a sea . oned thinker, ,,·oulcl get around to reading them so the man of originality who 1\'ent about it is better to he grateful for this gathering thoughts a s a collector of necessary and pleasing substitute. : herb:; "·ould garner herbs. · Suddrn lv It 1s really a fascinating experience aiter a profonnd statement, you wiit to watch through these fragments of come upon. "The qnly straight line in his journal the grmYth of Emerson's Kature that I remember is the spider mind. It 1s like walking through a s\\'inging down from a twig." As funnel. beginning at the small end and flriginal, as profound, and filled with advancing through an ever ,ridening a greater humilitv. Besides being great thinker Emhall. First there arc the YOUthful outhurst and resolutions, . u~h as "T here erson '"as a great ohsrrver of his make a resolution to make myself timrs. So in his journals we sec the acquainted \Yith the Greek lang~1age reflection of all that was pa~sing it1 Carroll .. .. ....... . ...... .. ... ...... .. . 'I 1 a Highland Linen. 75c Jb. Flat or Folded Sheets, Envelopes 2 sc and 45'· Kara Linen, soc lb. Envelopes, 25c. Louisine, 4 sc lb. Envelopes, 2oc. ! 1 1: BALLARD'S BO OK SHOP and Rental Library Lord's- First Floor Just Inside the West Davis Street Door. VILLAGE THEATRE BLDG. 1150 Wilmette Avenue I Phone Wilmette 2566 tllO'-Cagitation years, tl1e of the slavcry lik beginning e a first distant peal of thunder, the Brook Farm experitnent. the various interesting personalitics in or visiting Boston. Emerson gave to the world hrv great thoughts, the realization of tht we a It h man l1as with in himse If. and the beauty and wonder there is in the world around him. In his essavs we have the finished flower of - thest: thoughts, in his journals the roots anct ~rst green shoots . It is a broadening mtr.llectual and deepening spiritual expenence to read these extracts from his journals. -·ESTH~R : - - - - - - - - -· 'J ==- - =o=== ==:.= ===·= = = = = = = = = = = = = Gouw

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