Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 29

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February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE lieves that the Rible, word for word, is inspin~ d by God and therefore the sole authority and rule of faith and life of the Christian and the final court of appeals in all things pertaining to Christian Doctrine and of life. The Bible therefore must be accepted word for word without a nknta I reservation. · 29 vate teachings of Martin Luther but upon the Word of God as revealed 'in the 'Vilmette and Park A venues, Wilmette. Bible. Luther did not found or create a Herman W. Meyer, M. A., Pastor. new religion but restored to its purity 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Church Telephone 3111. Luther annunciated no new doctrine or teaching, but stressed the old Bible SEll\' JC}~S Truths, <>sptcially tht: supremacy and au9 :30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible thority of the Scriptures and justification classes. by faith. 9 :4!i a. m. First SE>rvice and sermon. 11 a. m. SE>cond service and sE>rmon, OrganJzntlon of the Luthemn t.;nnrcn "Telling It To Others." Isaiah 40,9. The Lutl1eran Church of' the Missouri Synod has a congregational form of gov)IEE'l'INl-S ernment. The congregation is supreme. Sunday, FE>bruary 20, at 3 :~0 and 7 :45, The congregation calls its pastor and North Shore zonP of the Walther grants him ptrmission tQ accept another league at Highland Park. call. These sovereign and free congregaMonday and l<'riday at 4: Childr<'n's tions have organized into a Synod subclasses. scribing to the unaltered confessions of :'\fonctay and Friday at 7 :l!i: Ev<'ning the Lutheran Church. Synod acts only in classes. an advisory capacity and none of its resThursday at 7 :4f.: Tl1e Bible Hour for olutions are binding upon the congregaAdults. tions without their consent. The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, ~Pxt Sunday aft<'rnoon and f'Vening the has a \.icmocratic form of government and North Shore Zone of the \ValthE>r ll'ague, has at no time bt.·t·n transplanted, supercomprising tlw S<·nior and Junior leagues dsed or <lirt·Ct l'd by a European Lutheran of the Lutheran chur(·hf>s of \Vaukegan. Church. LibPrty\·iliE', Highland Park, Glencoe, \Vihn(·ttE>, Evanston, Edgewatc·r, NilPs 'l'ht· Ulhlt uud the Lutheran t;hurch C'f·nt<'r and Morton r.rove will have its The Lutheran Church teaches and bequarterly meeting at the Y. W. C. A. houst' at Highland Park. Thf' afternoon mf'f'ting will begin promptly at 3 :30 . and will <'Onsist largt>ly of rf'ports of f'ommlttePs. SE>vE>ral important r('solutions will b<' prf'sE>ntNl, to bf' finally act('(] upon at tht> mt>Pting of thP Pntin· district on Saturday and Sunday, F('b. 27, at Lagrangf'. The <'\'Cning mf·f·ting should be nf particular intt>rt·st bf'caw:;e of an addrC>ss hy :\<fr. EugPn<> WcngPrt, rlistrict attornt·y of :'\rilwaukt·t> f'Ounty, who will tell how our nPighbor, :'\Iilwaukf't>, d('a)s with tht· crime situation . . EvPryone is invited. Don't ForgE-t that Riblt> hour next Thursday P\'t'ning. It will bP the last befon· lt·nt. Thf'SP mN-'tings will bf' omitted ·during ]Pnt, but will be rf'sumt>d Thursday, April 28. The suh.le<'t for this coming Thur:-;day is "The Prophc·ts of the Captivity." "~t(' arf' ho]ling- for a larg" nwPting. Th(· Sunday sf'lwol t<'af'lwrs and offiN·rs will mf'E't immf'diatf·ly aftt·r, at !l o'f'lof'k. S<'\'Pral paJWrs will be r<'ad by th(· t··acht>rs of tht· Sunday school. For tbP ]WriOfl of tlw nf'xt four Wf'f'ks t!H· Yuung PPopiE"s sof'i<·tif'R of St . .John's an' going to put forth sp('(·ial effort:> in orcl t- r to plae(· a Luthf'ran rhur<'h ]lap<'r into t·vt>ry Lutlwran homt>. Tlwir t.'fforts will not stop d1<'rf', hoWE'\'Pr. A good deal of n·ading is d01w in our honws during tlw spa rP hours of thP day. Ancl it is saff' to say that a g-oocl df'al of rt·a<ling- matt£·r is CfmsumPd in tho~·"' monwntR whi0h df'als only with th· · matt·rial and Sf·cular sidf' of lift'. 'l'hat may bfl £·xJlf·rte<1 in homes which makf' no lH'c·tf'nSt' to lw anything out lllalPrial. But it is only natural to f'X(wct that a f'hristian hom(' should <'Ulti\·at(· tht· spiritual sid<' of lifP, not on Sunday onb·, but t'\'l'ry day of the W<'t·k. The young- ]H ·ople of tht.~ c·hurch will th!'rt>fo>rl' <tlso ha\·.. a numbf·r of finf' books nn Pxhibition at th<' f'hurch, books dt·aling with tll<' history of thE> f'hurf'l1, with thf' Biblical horoks, }ll'aYt·r bnoks, hymnals, and <lt·\·otiona I books. Among the: hooks <'xhihitt·<l will h<·: ])a]lmnnn's: T...utht·r·. anrl his: DattiP. of the Biblps; Hageman's, Sket<'ht·s from C'hurch History; 400 YPars, short skdt'lws from the Ht-formatinn Pt·riod ; Eb<'nt>zPr, a short History of tlw :\ri::;souri Synod and itx Pio.n('crs: Stark's Pray<·r Hook: The Family Altar; Daily Hn·:ul: an<l Prayt·rs for Little Onl's, and many otht·r books of similar char·af'tt·r. ThC' Young- P<·ople will take onlt·rs for any or all of these. 'fhe J,uthHnn C'hurt'h-Not J,uthN"S f'hurch St. John's Lutheran Mme. Edith Bideau Normelli Soprano ·Teacher of Voice with degrees of Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts, is receiving enrollments now for Spring Term. Make reservations now for Summer term. Studio Building 1718 Sherman Ave., Evanston TALK ON WASHINGTON Dr. Horace G. Smith, minister of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church, spoke before the Wilmette Optimist club Tuesday of this week at a Washington Birthday luncheon. His subject was, "The Master of Mount Vernon." Studio. Phone Greenleaf 3 52 3 Residtnce-Univ. 7278 We will do your washing as you would yourseH Have our services explained = - -----=-=== ===iJ WE DOCTORS will do your washing as you \Vould yourself. The wasbday help you need is here Prim Prest The finest of finished family services. Everything washed and daintily ironed, ready to put on or away. SAY, I I 1 Washers that cleanse your clothes without rubbing, pulling o r straining; w~ter, ! "Plenty of Milk" . Rough Dry Everything washed and dried; starch used where needed; all flat work ironed and folded. Only wearing apparel left for you to finish ar home. I When a person is feeling a I , Iitt le under tone. doctors always recommend plenty of milk. But they always insist that it must be perfect! y fresh and pure. Ours , is. al w,ays. 1 soft and velvety as an April shower; soap, , pure and \vhitethese are what we use. Then at a definite time each week we return your bu·ndle, everything d a i n t y and refreshing 1y clean. Ours ts the modern way. Wet Wash Soft water washing with your things returned damp, ready to be starched and ironed, or hung on the line. The Lutheran C'hurch is not built upon Martin Luther nor· any personal and pri------~·- Attractive Spring Models Hand-Woven Sport Clothes from $25 up You have over reo days between now and March 2 1 sr. after which prices on all garments will advance. Place orders before that time to secure present prices · . . Choose your materials and dare of delivery an.y time you desire. telephone call will bring Bill the Washington Laundry Man. -A Call in Bill the Washington Laundry Man Today. ====-=- - - = = = = = -. 1 Until March:1st. Baker Loom Craft Studio 1103 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3075 Washington 700·704 JY.h;'ff/oiJ SlrNI . -9k und~r . WILMETTE lWANS1rJN, ILL. .Pholl8 UNIVERSITY 5900

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