Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 31

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February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 31 Varsity this weekend, the picture, II "Johnny Get Your Hair Cut," making a great hit with old and young. · , . ~hat is described as dthe most hu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ manly comic picture ' to have its in-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VILLAGE T~EATRE., . centive in the tragedy of war," "~e're fi "\i\Tinners of the \\ tl_den~~~ s, a l;t s- in the Navy Now," will open at the torical romance, . fcatun_ng ltm )..[ cCay Var sity Monday. \\' allace Beery and a1HI loan l r :.l\\'l orcl. \nil hl' :-.k.J\\' 11 at Ray m ond Hatton take the lead s. the Village theatre ).[onday and Tue s-~ Mae 1furray in "Altars of Desire," day, February. 21 a_nd 22. . ~ upportcd by a good cast, will ap-~ The story ts la1d agamst a bark- pear there when the bill changes ground of bat~le <?f t~prcmacy hc:t\\'c~n \Vednesday. Conway Tearle has the French and English ior the great wll- masculine lead and Robert Edeson is derne ss country of America in the mid- a member of the cast. dlc of the Eighteenth Century. One of the high spots .is the massac re of BradTHE NORSHORE NOW PLAYING dock's legions during the ill-fated Dolores Costello, radiant \Varner march on Fort Duquesne . Br0thers' star, has her most dramatic " Sp~rrows," }.fary Pickford's newe st role in "The Third Degree," directed by photoplay, qicls fair to duplicate 'rLittle ~l ichael Curtiz, and coming to the Annie's" succe=-s. It is brimful of com- ~or ~ hore theater next Sunclav. edy and human intere st that is bound Thi s adaptation of Charles Klein's tn His Latest and Greatest to please those who did not care for famc.>us melodrama tells of the strange "Our :M ary" in pretentious costume intermingling of t\\'o families-one listdramas. "Sparrows" is the story of a eel prominently in the social register baby farm, harboring nine wistful of ~ e w York and the other the almost scraps of humanity who at the mercy namele ss carnival folk. Young romance, of a flint v-hearted old villain and his my . terious murder, the carefree joys -ON THE STAGEhalf-crazed wife. The children range of the circus tent, blackmail and the in age from mere babies to "}.lama grilling of "the third degree" all figure ~1 o lllc," a girl c.i t\\'d\'(:, \\·ho:-l' heart prominently in Miss Costello's fifth yearn s over the unfortunate little screen appearance since her memorwaifs. A Company of Eight Grown Up Little Folks able debut in "The Sea Beast." It will be shown \Vedne sday, Thur sday, Friday and Saturday, in connecSONGS - DANCES - ACROBATICS TRANSFERRED TO EAST tion with "Alaskan Adventures," a Karl D. King, Jr., of 91-t Greenwood Pathe Review, news reel and comedy. anm1e kit la~t Saturday for H~tforcl, · · At the lvl ovies AT YOUR HOME THEATRES l JACKIE COOGAN WILLIAM MIDGETS "Johnny Get Your Hair Cut" l'c.>ntJ. ).f r. King has been in the Chicagn nffice of the Tra\'elcrs' insurance Tens~ drama.ttc tnctdent s, wtth an company and ha s b ee n transferred to unci erlymg stra111 of comedy and the 1 t h c home office, ,,·here he ,,·ill be for grapht.c. portrayal of de se r;. d~velop- :-;<:n ral month s. ment JOtn to make Henry Kmg s film "The \\'inning of Barbara \Vorth," DINNER FOR SCOUTS wh!ch · comes to the Granada theater Th(' men oi the Fir=-t Presbyterian next '"eek, one of the outstanding church arc giving a dinner to tl1e Boy photoplays of the year. ~cout troop oi the parish tonight in the Filmed on the arid Ulack Rock des~ :-.ucial room s of ·the church. The hc.>ur crt, the storv unfold s a ,.,.orld of en- i..; (, JO o'clock. tertaining- an·d educational features hefore Ronald Colman. as \Villard Holme s, IJ·egin s to feel sure that he ha s finaJly \\·on the fair Barbara, BALABAN ~ KATZ played by Vilma :Canky. THE ~R~~ADA . BUSTER BROWN COMEDY "BUSTER'S DARK MYSTERY" Varsity Concert Orchestra James Kozakt Director 4 Giant Geneva Organ Louis Lohmann At the Console Mon., Feb. 21. Wallace Beery~ Raymond Hatton ~ WE'RE IN THE NAVY NOWtt Wed., Feb. 23. Mae Murray "ALTARS OF DESIRE,, In order that our Patrons may see ALL OF THE BEST PICTURES in the beautiful NEW VARSITY THEATRE and not have to leave Evanston for the best Entertainment, we have arranged with the leading Producers for their feature productions each week. Complete Change of Program, Mon., Wed. ~ Fri. J ackic Cnogan \\'ith his new-cut hair . is attracting patronage at the ·:·c..._,C,.._Cl _ _ C,._..). . . . (t._.(l._,tl~(t._,Ct,_.(I~C1._, ! ··· THE VARSITY NORSHORE ll ow a rtl An. near Clark St. i 1 I I I I = Viii~~-~E'I~~~tre t:··niu;:·";~~IO~Vfl;;·,::.··· .,!!!!., ~IH'<'ial "·a~hin~ton's t 'ol. Pro~nt m ! ' : : I : I = : i - NOW PLAYINGThe Season's Laugh Hit "WE'RE IN THE NAVY NOW" WALLACE BEERY Extra Anraction "Alaskan Adventures" - STARTING SUNDAYAn absorbing drama of love and pathos. . I : I .J . I I j H . 1\o]JJ)PI, Your nome Theater )lnna~ln~ JHrcetor :: I : 1 Salnrday :\Tats., 2 anti t "'"" I I I 1 .\1(~,~~~- c~l'~~·~·~-sl-'~!'~ /~."2:! Hlrtlutay l~ ra wrortl ' I , : DOLORES COSTELLO In CLYDE ELLIOTT Presents 'fi 111 .\t ('(_ 'o,h Joan I 44 WINNERS OF THE I i WILDERNESS" I i Also i' Bohhl Yt·rnon In His I.atest i · 2 llt·t·l Come<ly I ' l,uth(' I "·t·tl., 'J'hurs., }'rl., Sat., I i . ...·. 11. :!3-2-t-2:i·26 1 ' -t nAY~ o ~I .. Y 1 .\ lt<·al Uoublt.' }'t·utnr<' l'rogram I I .Xt·ws - In I _ "The Third Degree" with Louise Dresser and Rockliffe Fellows -STAGE SHOW- THE MINTURN PLAYERS with Harry Minturn and Margery Williains in the Comedy Scream Professor Eugene Shenk Europe's Master Mind. "APPLESAUCE" Starting Mon., Feb. 21st Will Higgie and his Higgiejig Revue I I I I ~ 4 ALASKAN I I ADVENTURES" I World's l'amous ~ I With Art Young, ExJtlorer ~-ma:· usp~~OWS" .:\Jury I)lekfortl In Discovery Contest for Old and Young Our Discovery contests conducted every Saturday afternoon are open to applidnts of all ages. Cash prizes to the winners. "THE BAT" Another Great Mystery Play Evening at 8:15. Prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 Matinee. Tues., Thurs. ~ Sat. 25ct 50c PHONE UNIVERSITY 8500 Also Re,·tew News t:omedy 11)._._. _ __ , _... _ _

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