Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE I LEE SIMS February 18, 1927 CHARLIE GARLAND and Assisting Faculty Teacfiing Piano Syncopation, Saxophone, Banjo and · Ulcelele. GARLAND STUDIO tit~ Lyon & Ueo.ly JJidg. Phone Jlarrlson O!i3 t'erJaaps yo\l're dlscouragea-e,·en tlkeptlcnl of ner gettlag relief. But we urge you to try N ature·s :nvn rem· edy, )lountaln Vat· ley Water from Hot Springs, Ark. 'l'hls f a mou s mineral water seems to n'eutrallze the acids that may be en· dangerlng your ure. U will allay your Intense tllfrst; Its minerals also seem to have pOl\'f'r to rnnke the body cells use up some or the troublesome sugai. It Is prescribed as n u aM to relief by 1 e a (1 1 n g 11octors en~rywnere. u ur tlJes eon taln Jtu n · 1trNis of tesUmo· dlalleth~ Poor Diabetic sufl'erers who June nen· nial lettf'rs from today. elitctl b)' Its use. Our booklet tell you more. }>Jtone for n case '"HI PIIO~E rs ~hOt'(' WE DELIVER Mountain Valley .Water Co. Xol"l h 260:1 Broadway E\· :tn~ton, Hran<"h Gr<'(·nll·a( ·177'1 Th ·St' [)o ·a ltr:-. earry stoC'k and " ' ill d1li\'o ·r <lin'ct: 111. Tht' Kt·nil\\'ol'lh Jllnwi!'. ~lOl'l' Kt·ni!worth s'ervation car daily except Sunday, will make similar stops. · The Metropolitan Limited, southWhere, short of a mail house ,can be found such a variety of articles bound from }filw·aukee at 4 p. m., with for sale as are shown at Economy parlor-obscrvati.on car, will stop at RaShop, 1147 Greenleaf avenue? cine at 4 :34 p. m., Kenosha at 4 :45 Centralize High-Speed Operation p. m., Waukegan at 5 :01 p. m., and One can completely furnish a home, as well as clothe the memOver Skokie Valley Route; North Chicago Junction at 5:07 p. m., bers of the household, from our arriving in the Chicago Loop at 6 :03 Shortens Waukegan Run stock. p.m. An unusual offering are two Operation of all except t\\'O through The Illinois Limited, leaving Milsta.i ned glass windows. We have limited trains between Chicago and waukee terminal at 4 :45 p. m., will stop also, a porcelain bath tube, elecMilwaukee over the Skokie Valley at Zion at 5:40 p. m., \Vaukegan at tric light fixtures, parlor furniture, route, inauguration of a new fast service S :48 p. m., and North Chicago ] uncdining-room tables, gas stoves, between downtmvn \Vaukegan and the tion at 5:54p.m., reaching the Chicago cooking utensils, dishes, books, Chicago Loop over the Skokie Valley Loo·p at 6:50 p. m. . book cases, curtains and drapery route and addition of North Chicago, The new se.r vice between downtown material. Waukegan, Zion, Kenosha and Racine Waukegan and the Chicago Loop comWe have clothing, hats and shoes to stops made by certain limiteds are prises three fast trains daily. Two for men, women and children. outstanding service imp.rovements to southbound· trains, leaving Washington Some of these articles are new be effected by the Chicago, North and Genesee streets, Waukegan, at goods. We should like to have you Shore and Milwaukee railroad-the 6:40 a. m., and 4 :59 p. m., will make see them. North Shore Line-Sunday, February the run to Chicago over the Skokie Mrs. L R. Adkins, 20. Valley Route in one hour and 11 minchairman, Economy Shop com. These additions to the service were utes. One northbound train will leave Note: Economy Shop is conducted made known with announcement by Adams and Wabash station, Chicago, by the Woman's club of Wilmette. the North Shore line management at 6:53 a. m., reaching downtown WattProceeds go to charity. of the new operating schedule which kegan in one hour and 14 minutes. goes into effect at that time. These new Waukegan specials are .in Bath tubs are owned by 90 percent The new schedule of operation ove.r addition to · the regular North Shore of the families in Chicago, the highest the Skokie Vallev route centralizes all Line service of three trains every hour, proportion of any large . city in the high- peed oper-ation on this new day and evening, from \\'a uk egan to ·world. stretch of modern track. As a result the Chicago Loop-a Shore Line Limof the increased operating efficiency, ited every 30 minutes from downtown extension of . limited service has been \Yaukegan and a Skokie Valley Lim made possible as follows: ited everv hour fr::>m Edison Court The Northland Limited, with parlor- . tat ion. · -Sim ila.r serv ice is f urni !'> hed observation car daily, northbound from northward. Adams and \Vabash station, Chicago Another important addition to Xorth Loop, at 8 a. m ., 'vill st::>p at North Shore .Line s<:rdce undn the ne\\' Chicago Junction at 9 a.m., \Va nkegan srheclu le i .~ the inauguratinn c,f n·gular at 9 :OS a. m., Keno sha at 9 :20 a. 111., houri\· train sen·irt' hl't\H't·n Lakl: an~l Hacinc · at 9:32 a. n1., arri\'ing at Blut( Libc r.ty ,·ill e and ::\1 undvkin ~f!l\\'aukcc terminal at 10:07 a. m. daily, \\'ith trains operating half-hourTh e Inter tate Limited, n orthbound ly during the morning anrl c,·cning Week of Feb. 14th from ...-\clams and \Vaba h. Chicago, at rtl h pniclds dail~· cxct·pt ,'unclay~ . 5 p. 111.. \\·ith dining car daily, ,,·ill stop Tl1is 11<.'\\' train scn·ire rcplaC<'<; the Several Numbers of Luggage to at Xr1rth Chicago Juncti::>n at 6 p. 111 .. mntnr coache-; formerly opnat('d in be on Sale at Wholesale Prices \\ 'aukt·gan at 6:05 p. m., Zion at (j :13 c()njuncti()n \\'ith train · st:·\'it·l'. Regu p. m .. Kl'nosha at 6:22 p. m .. and Ra- Jar expn·:--., ..;('f\'iCl' ht:l\\'t't'll ::\funrkkin cine .at (j :3-t p. m., rcaciJi11g ::\fil\\'aukec ;J IHI thv Chicago Lt><lp on·r tl!L' ~k(lkie ttrnlinal at 7.09 p. 111. This same train, \ ·allt·,- route i.; Illain t;lim·d .under southhou.nd f~·o.l1! ::\fihYattkce at 7 :lS J slightly lll()dilit·d !'>Chcduk ni opl'Lttiun. :1. 111., \\'Ith dtnmg car and parlor -o b - 1 AN UNUSUAL STORE NORTH SHORE ROAD AUG~NTSSCHEDULE 68th Anniversary SALE ' ' "·oo(ll:tn d l:l'(ll't"l', Jfuhbnrd "'oods .' na Jl)l Hrut IH ' I'!'·, v~·imwtka, Illinois. lllillt'i !'. ~EW VORK · EST. 1859 CHICAGO Catholic Daughters Hold Patriotic Pro ~ram Monday 'The 111CtllhL·rs 11i '\ l'\\' lll:t 11 ( . <·til' I. Xumlwr .-1 1. of thl' l'ath!llir lh u~htr r .. of .\111nira . and their irit'Illl ... l'njoyt ·d a p;t\ riCitit· prn~ralll \I <1 11day l'\'t'lling . Fehruan 1-f. at St. \1 an· ........ rhnol. J.:,·_ an:-.ton. Thl' hall wa-; pn:ttily d~..·rr,ratcrl \\'ith thl' llilti()llal c(ll<lr-.,. 1\t·lrv-..hmt.:nt-.. \\'{'rL· suggcstin· oi \'akn ti iH:· . . cia,·. \Ir s. \\'illi a m Pollard. a ..... i-.. t~· ri ],,. \1 i:-.s J."Jorencr ( ·arrigan. ~an· a grrtuj, · oi S[)ll~!'> \\·hich \\'l'rl' p(lpular i.n j l.inc()l!l's tim_e. Prof. J:tine.., 1.. Lard ner ot the School (If Spet'ch. :\ortll j \\'C~tern uni,·cr~i ty, ga,·e the pr,pul:tr reading , '·'He J..:nL'\\' Lincoln.'"]>,· lela ::\J. 1 Tar hell. \1 iss Loui se Starkl'\_- al .. o (Ji Kortlnn~stern, deli g hted th~._· - ;ltHiitnc1..· / with a numher of lnillltli'Oth Scotch dialect selections. 1 SAFE- FOR ALL It used to be that the only fellow who could safely buy used cars was the expert who could tell what he was getting and the junk dealer who· didn't care. Personally, we have found it profitable to make the world safe for used car buyers-amateurs as well as expe~s. C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis St .. Evanston-Univ. 224 \V e If r.; o SelL De pendable Used Cars Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES Jes not so much !:he size or color of the EYES that makes them lh:autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiat~s from them. UT'fo less i<ept always clean a!l.d healthy, EYES lacic1this alluring lustrt. Miilions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par~ ticl~::s ::md keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna, Our i!!ustrated books on £-ye Caw· or ..E:-·e Beauty" are fREE on requat. 11 1 ;\! r. and .\1rs. II. L. Dt1 11Ch· ()i 1337 Elmwood a\·enttt', and tllvir ·dat1ghtn. Joan, were the week -en d g uc !'>b <1l ~f r. Bundy'. ;; father and mother. ::\l r. and ~1rs. Elias Bundy nf ::\[arion, Jnd. Jl E X'I'O It 'l'O l ' ltS ~TA~l>.\JtP STUDE:'\T ~Jif'l'iali7.illg· 011 ~tUdt·nt Tc,ur C . S (·f)Ulllrit·~ ~ li2:i (2 month ~) lla\'lng ~akt·ll 'J'()UI' C nty:->t·lf t\\'ic<', J ~,·a 1.1t to llllNt · ~t 111:'>' X1·rt h ~!wre frit.:nt1::> 111 Jts \\'Olld c·rful actv:tntag·<'s. ;-;ELl-:("!' - ::\Tn. B. J.'IL\~ K HJW\\"X Inquire n( . The Murine Company l)cpt. 3 3, Chicago ( 'hi<"ago <'umnwns !1:i::; 'V. Cra.nd . ..\w. or L. \' . .ll. K '1111 :i ~ .·\~hlantl ..:\ ve . Chicago A USE-D CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLe AS THE' DE-ALE-R WHO SE-LLS IT Ask Your Dealer for Eleanor Bird Seed A Song In Every Seed. It's better than what you think is best.

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