Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Feb 1927, p. 38

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WILMETTE LIFE February 18, 1927 Assistant ~-~ SINGERS GIVE PROGRAM Iowan Named Area Scout Executive OF SURPASSING BEAUTY Bertra~ C. 1 Recreation League Events IB. Thallman A Pl ·n· ,· .ll IPS English Group Win~ Audience Immediately With Remarkable Versatility and Charm by G. W. The Engt'ish Singers have come and gone·, but they have left us the memory of "a thing of beauty" which "is a joy forever." Their concert last Monday ni~ht was the fourth in the cxceiJent senes of Artist-Recitals offered by the \Vinnetka Music club at New Trier auditorium. Their performance made this recital rank near the top in the list of fine concerts given at New Trier the past three winters. The program contained so much that was lovely that it would be difficult to discuss it in detail. In performance the English Singers merit the highest praise. There are few if any singers who will surpass them for intel1igence, simple feeling, and sterling musicianship. They achieve a balance of parts almost akin to a fine string quartet, and certain· chords gave the sound of ~ome wonderful organ. Too much praise cannot be given to their enunciation. \Vhat joy to hear the lyrical I Draper, formerly of 1 . Marshalltown, Ia., a ten-year Boy Th b' t ga e scheduled last week e Jgges ·m Scout veteran, an E · ag1 ~ S cout a!l d . a in the volley ball league was between the graduate of the Nattonal trammg th~ American Legion, 1 team and tlw for scout executives, has heen secured no.Isy St. Joseph, 2. ~ho are Tinh seAcond -~~~ · t t· f th tlurd places, respect1ve y. . e . men · as an asststant scou exec~t tve , o . e Legion, 1 won both games m spite of th North Shore Area counctl. He wtll great racket with which the St. Joseph, 2 handle the records and other work of. were trying to win, but they were too the office in ~ddition to a part of the dead on their feet. None of the tea~ns . . were up to snuff and one game was mfield work and orgamzat10n of new definitely postponed bE'cause only on troops, it is explained. Terr:ninal A. C. man and no American Legwn, 2 men showPd up. In basketball the clos st game was between the Terminal A. C., 1 and the trea.tment of the singing sounds and Methodist. The score was a good indicathe clarity of consonan~s · apd syllables! tion of fight the teams put up. The was 17 to 15 in fa\'or of the T<·rThe interpretation ranged from the score minal A. C. R Wellman cousin of D. exquisite beauty of Gibbons' "Silver Cicero Stone, playing standing g-uard for Swan" to the humor of the "Was- tlw Terminal A. C. took the ball the full sail" song; while the marvelous con- length of the floor and sunk the winning basket in the last few· minutes of play. trapuntal development in other num- This left th e Terminal A. C., 1 in first bers was brought out with such fine- place with 1,000 percent. The Pn:sbyness that one was reminded of some terians who won from the Terminal A. 2 are in second place with 929 pc-rsplendid Bach concerto. Not only is C., C'ent. The Methodist, In spite of tht>ir the art of these singers unique, its losing, ~c·e m to b. e on the road to finisheffect is most fortunately carried out ing- in one of the first three places. Tlw St ..Joseph, 1 kept th eir plac(' at by the grouping on the stage, by the the lwacl of the indoor league standing unconventional hospitality suggested with l ,000 percent by the forfeit th e by the sextet seated about the table ::\J thodist conceded thE>m . Tlw K. of <:. and also by the beautiful costumes of and the St. Jose11h, 2 had quit(' a scra11, the K. of C. losing-. This put the St. the women members of the group. .Tns<' Ph, 2 in second plaet· with standing of These charming artists already pos- 83!L 'rh(' standing of the teams and l a~t sess many ardent admirers and to w<·ek's results follows: this rapidly growing number must be Leagu~ Standing added ·our north shore audience. I 1 M. Reid . F Guthridge E~ McDow E. M·ller Reff'rcr-D. c. Stone s<'orPkt·PJWr-11. ?IIarquardt . Terminal A. C. No game Presbyterian Score: lst game 15 2nd game 15 C. 1\I. Burlinganw E. Hill L. Koenen American Legion, 2 Howard P. T. A. Score: Jst game 5 2nd gam G A. C. Struebing C. Cote E. From ;\J. Lynch n. 1\fclntyre F. J. naughman Ht·ft'l'I·P-Tl. C'. Stone Gym, F ebruary 9) 1\' rminal A.('., 1 (17) ?\f('thodi:;t (15) H. Johnson . . . . H. F . . . C. \V. Varn ey R. Blasdell ...... L . F. . . . . R. Martin L. Goss ........ G....... F. C. Varney M. Powers . . . . . R. G. . . . . L . F. Todd E. \Yellman ... . L. G . ...... A. H oop(' r H e fi·n·~'-H . Harloff Presbyterian (41) TTf· rminal A . C .. 2 (2 t>rminal A . C., 2 ( 2il) F. . ..... E. Hardt R Hill . . . . . . . . R. F. . ... E. nramnwr P. Yancl r rXorth .. L . ...... H. ~Pi<lf>nf'C'k H . \Vt>ld ........ C'. r: . .... 1\J. PctE>rson L. Ko ('nf'n ...... H. G. . ...... G. Engle \V. Anderson .... L. F. . . . . 13 . .Johnson Ht ·ft·n·l·-1J. Harloff (~tolp Basketball ~t. High Grade Upholstering and Cabinet Work of the finest workmanship We speci3lize in Antique Furniture, repairs and re-finishing. Hair Mattresses and Springs made to order. Choice Antiques for Sale Drapery 8o8 Oak St. ~ Upholstery Phone Fabrics. Winn . 145 ------------·--------------------- Yollt>y Ball ( Ft'l>rua ry 12 ) TNlm \Von Presbytf>rian ........ l 1 A nH ri C'a n Lt'g·ion, 1 .. 12 ~t . .Jm;f' J)h , 2 ... ..... R ~t. .To~·' J1h, Lo~t 1 2 !i f) (Howanl Cym , Ft·hruary !'I) .Tos,·ph, 2 (12) St. Johns (~!\) R St('fff'ns . . . . R F. . . . . H. 'Wilson \V. rttf'nrt> utlwr .. L. F. . . . . . . R. \Yo Iff J. Hoffman ..... C ........... L. C:nlit:;r. A . p,·t E-rs . . . . . . H . C:. . . . . . . H. \Yolff E. Phillip~ ...... L. r:. 1; . :'IT··t·ganthah·r Hdt ·rrt·--\\·. H0itz ~t . l fl1::i H. G. Lind"'all Howard P. T . A. . ... 7 naptist 0.. .... 0...... :; T('rminal A. C'. . ..... :; ·Anwrican Lq:("i11n, 2 .. 1 C'ong-re>g-a,tionnl ...... 1 ........ 12 ' ~tatl' nank .. 0. 0000. 10 Prf'~bytrria,n l ......·. R ii71 .Tos0ph , 1 (~ ·I) ~tat· nank (4~) fi ,) ~ 7 1~ () .T. Doig ......... R F. . . . . . . .T. RPinc·rt ...... H. .F. . . . . . . H . .).fol<lPn hnu Pr .. L . F . . . .. ... A . \Yallnwit:;r. .... L . F . . . . . B . r:. HuC'lc ...... .. f' .. ......... R . H offman .. .... L. J!o ·fo· J't ·l' 7G 10f\O T<'rminnl ~t. na!';krthall A. C' . ...... 1 ~ F.. ~t'hilf1g-0n .... R . r. . ...... (;. Tlig-lwn X . '\Ti!I Pr ........ T! . C ... .... R ~kf.lton R . Rnth Rnhinson · H. Rn nrl ~mit!J r:. ~ E~trs A. Rnncl 1:. .TO!';f' l1h , 1 ........ ~ :\T,,th oc]i!';t . . . . . . . . . . . , ~t. JO~t>ph, ~ ...... , . (i ~I. John ~ 1 1 E. )Ii!lt ·r ........ L . c;. . . . . . . \\'. ~. n. l!o ·il Z Lust ,.r, MUST BE SOLD ........... :-; 'l't·rminal A. C'., ~ .... ·1 K. (lf r . . .......... . o Tntl nr·r l:all ~t . ~t. Indoor Ball n····hru :t ry 1 ()) Tf··ward P. T. :\ . (12) T· ·nnin:tl .\ . (' . (-:) 000 10()(1 E . Fr· ·mrn .. C:. '\T('T\'ro · .\ . r·. ~into·hing :'IT. I ,\'Jwli P . \\'. Tfttll i~ To:. llramtn· ·r 1:. l:ln ~r lt · ll Nearly new 6-room English brick. Owner gone West and willing to take $3,000 loss; hot water ABC oil heat; 2-car . $1 7.soo garage; fine lot; only Charming 7-room northeast Colonial; 2 baths; toilet -lavatory I st; Vapor oil heat; 2 car garage; beautifully wooqed lot . . . . . . . . . . . . $22.ooo Attractive 8-room Spanish brick; 2 baths: hot water heat; vaulted ceiling in living room; 2 car brick gar. . $26,ooo 6-room Spanish brick: 2 baths; hot water oil heat; garage attached: Frigidaire; lot 200 feet deep in charming neighborhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... $26.ooo Almost new A tnerica n brick Colonial; 5 bedrooms: 3 baths: sun room: hot water heat; toilet and lavatory 1st; 2 car brick garage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... $36,ooo Brand new English brick-stucco; 5 bedrooms; 3 b.aths: heated sun .porch; hot water heat; 2 car garage attached: immense wonderfully wooded lot .......... .. $39,000 Riparian rights, 1 1-room home; lot 90x450 to bluff: 3 baths; six years old ...................... $82,500 .TOSt·p h, 1 ....... , 1 :~ .1 !ISI'))h, ~ . ·. . . . , 1 () Y. 1'. f' .............. t; (;. p,'. t ITS011 ;, 'i ! K. of r . . ........... ~~ 'l'· ·nnina I ."\ . C'. . ..... li :\Tf'tho<li st ........... :: TTo\\':l rd P . T . A . . . .. 7 ('ong-rt'g-ational ....... 1 10 Volley Ball (F't·hrunry 7) "r· r· . Xnrdlwrg\Yinlwr~ ~ ~t, TT . ~· · itl··n··('k 1=-:. TT:1 nlt ,.\ mf'riC'a n L0g- ion St. .T os,·ph, SC'ore: ~C'ore: 1st gamP Jr. 1st gam0 10 2nd g-am(' 1:i 2nd g-anw ·I .T. <:. Anckr~on .T. Hoffman ~. P('tt>rson A . Hoffman H . Tt>llschow F.:. Phillips P . Keir Y. DPiniPin n. Bassler N. Miller .T ·. Orr R. Steffens Referee -G. \V. Gath('rcoal St. Joseph, 1 Score: lst gam~> 5 2nd game 7 J. Schaefgen J. Borre J. Hoffman Baptist Score: 1st game Hi 2nd game ~- 5 E. Carlson G. Williams A. Youngberg l ·m pin ·-.J. P. Calcl\\'f'll .Tose>ph , 2 Phillip~ (1~) L . «iorlfl E. R l\feier V. Dc·inlPin T.. \Vc·i~s A. Hoffman .T. Hoffman R. ~tf'ffens R. Klinge n. P. K . M C' . ( 1 ) .T . Stc·ff··ns :\Tnlinqui~t ~<'hop 0 n \V . ShiniPr .T. Eng-I('S T.. ~tf'inr·r J . D('Hayt> H. Hoffman P . \Vag-n E-r J. Schillf'r l'mpire-.J . P. f'aldwdt St. Jospph, 1 \Von by forfeit Y . P. C'. ~'on Methodist Congregational by forfeit Dr. Lloyd Will Analyze Stolp Children Raising Makeup of Religious Man Money for School Radio In announcing his subject for next Sunday mor'ning, Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd said to his congregation last Sunday: '~} ones, Smith and Robinson were discussing religion. Jones goes to church every Sunday and is active in the affa1rs of his denomination. Smith never attends church and Robinson goes occasionally, believes in church. · but does not belong. All three are good men and rather above the average in business morality. Is Jones more religious than the other two?" In other words "What is a Religous Man?" will be the sermon subject next Sunday. The service at the Congregational church is at 11 o'clock. Children of the Byron Stolp school are all working hard to raise money for . a school radio, and much originality and interest is b eing shown in preparing and putting on stunts for that purpose. Two puppet shows have been given by pupils of the school and a candy sale has been held. Proceeds from a show entitled "The Ghost Tr_ a in," given by Theo Robertson and Jerry Wilson, amounted to about $12, over 100 children viewing the performance. A second show was given by Jack Durham and Bob Kurtland Wednesday afternoon, the amount of the proceeds from which will be announced later. Owners, Agents BE IN SEN REALTY Exclusive Agents co. 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winnetka 254

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