Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE February 25, 192i 1 J NEWEST IB3COXC»OC§ AN[J) IB3COXQ)K ~lEVllEW§ DID YOU KNOWThat Bernard Shaw tried to accept the honor attached to the Nobel prize without the accompanying gift of money? \Wnllmm®tttt® ILn@Ir ~Iry New Books Frauct·- Crim e of Sylve str e Bonnard Calc- Birth O' Brien- Be st Sho rt Storie s of 1926 \\"alpole-Goldcn Scar e crow \\'die- Orphan Angel A. L. A.-Library Extension l'ttnliffe - \\' riting- o f T oday Die bon --:- ~1 ent a l t c:.h ior the C la s~ r onm Cahot - Ad\'l·ntur es in the Bord c rJa ncl ,,f Ethi cs l'rnn :-Condu ct of Lif e FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Telephones University 1024 Wilmette 3 700 · Rogers Park 1122 BOOKS Nelson the Man By A. Corbett-Smith Littlt, Brown ~ Co. $2.50 Eight Years with Wilson's Cabinet David F. Houston : z. Volumes Doubleday Page ~ Co. S 1 o.oo Selected Literary and Political Papers and Addresses of Woodrow Wilson 3 Volumes Grosset ~ Dunlap $2..00 I The Passing Show Henry Russell Little, Brown 8 Co. S::z..oo Palmerston Philip Guedalla G. P. Pulnam s ~ons $;.oo They Knew the W ashingtons Letters from a French Soldier with · Latayeue .wd hom h1s family in Virginia. Tranalated by Princess Radziwill Bobbs-Merrill ........... S3.oo Causes and Their Champions M. A. DeWolfe Howe Little, Brown 8 Co. $4.00 Washington Lucy Foster Madison Penn Publishing Company $3.50 Pound Papers Full stocks of the standard Eaton, Crane ~ Pike papers. Deckle Vellum, Sse lb. Envelopes, 4 oc package. · Tweed, 7 sc package. lb. Envelopes, ::z.sc Highland Linen, 7 sc lb. Flat or Folded Sheets, Envelopes : z. sc and 45c. Kara Linen, soc lb. Envelopes, ::z.sc. Louisine, 4 sc lb. Envelopes, ::z.oc. Lord'1-Fint Floor Ja~t ~n·ide the West Davia Street Door. "Napoleon. th(' ).lctn (ll De~tin y "! In the title of Emil Lud \\'ig's tnoving That Floyd Dell is a poet as well '"ork there i .~ a hint n i hi s point of as a novelist but refuses to all o w vin,·. It i :-~ a!- a man of des tiny, a his poems to be published? man moved on\\'ard h~· a fat e big-ger That " Resurrection" by Tolstoy th an him self that the a uth or ha s seen will be shown in the movies with Xapolcon. ont (If th e 111 os t ~ tup e ndo u s J oad-Thra :-~ ym ac hu . Rod La Rocque as one of the leadKer serling ing characters? - - T ran·l Diar~ · ti t a Phil o:- ··phl r of all the characttrs o f hi ~t m~·. Th en :n ay t1<1t he a great deal o f ~lod e rn Crime G. K. Chesterton has written a book tH.·\\· makrial in th<' hook tll'\\' sources Martin - ).feanittg o i a J,iheral Edu r;~t i\ 1 ' ' which will be exceedingly heartening ma,· not h;l\··r htL'n di scoHred . but re i a fine and unifying vi sion. Burke- Condu ct Curri culum to the American nation. It is called the"The Outline of Sanity" and is a vi- Napoleon ,,.e see ahray ~ a :-~ a man of ~1arkc b o f th e Cnit ccl Stat es r er. yet nne whose ~1 alory- Homa nce o f Kin g Arthur cious ('one need hardy use the word unlielievable po\· when one is S,Peaking of Chesterton) power seems to go for\\'ard of it s own I Da \'en port - Sa lvaging o i Am erica n Girl h< ,r) attack on governmental control in var- volition, a s a mighty machin e start ed iou s forms, one of which we have in motion and running until its fuel is Ramus-Out,,·itting ).Iiddle :\gc heard of before in the Eighteenth con sumed. Having to go because it Tca sdalc- .An\\Tring Yoi ce was set in motion by this exterior I J ohn son Amendmen~. power. Napoleon often spoke of hi s - ~1 ockrn I.~tl'r at ur t..· inr O ral i "luck. oft~n in moments when good for krprl'tatiun An interesting experiment is being tun e seemed to· ru sh toward him, \\'ould ; .:\n,·ton tried by one of the publisher s, in the exclaim, ").fy star." - Atn eniti o 11 i B<,n k Coli ·rtil.l... bringing out this spring of " Mirrors But wh en t11is exterior fo rce had \\.alpolc- Rl' a din g of the Year," a book with articles by fini shed with him , how quickly it hurl- Ccrhattlt- Fiig ht oi llll' Fi rec r l':-t Yarious people on various subj ects <.:el him a\Ya\' . Left him th ere in the De Prorok which th ey happen to know more or courtyard of F ont ainebleu bidding his - Di g~in g i ~)r l. " 't .\ ir ica n 1 ~ ·· fi .. le ss about. For in stance Loui s Brom- soldier s far ewell. \Va s there eY er an\' - J kr geshctm cr field ha s written "Expatriate, Vintage thin g more tremendou sly dramati c th a n - ~an ~!· i ~ t oba l dt· Ia .1!al, ;tl'.< t 1927"- a subject with which he should that ? "Soldiers of my old guard , I Carlanci - Hoy Ltll.: <· n th l'. P.ra trt L' be acquainted since he is one-in take ka,·e of you ." The man " ·ho hacl f{ ya ll - Italy unde r ).l lh"c.! tn t which he tell s the why and wherefore made a hid for \\'Oriel. dominion and I LAUREL BRANCH of the American abroad. nearly gain ed it, saying farewell to l1i s Adults in . trum cnt of that trial, his men wh n :\th l' rt un- Th l' Con qu eror had ·iollO\\Tcl and loved him through it· Byrnc - ~l ts~c r ~);n co P ~,J~~ all. \Yho call ed him th eir "petit ca - ; ~1 it clleli- J lu glt \\'yn tll· poral" and st 8od blubbering like chi! - :-:.te,r;ut in dren a:; hi s carri age droYe away. - Ll't tl'l':-> u i a \\.IJ!ll an ll otnt..·. . tt "'~t :· The author ha s not been blind tll Children's Books ~ apnleon 's mi stake : th ey, too , " ·crt..· .-\lt:-.hd cr -Tn· ~.· : ~i .-\_pp :)tn; ttlt 'x By Horace Annesley Vachell pa r t of th e net des tiny wa s weaving. Bryant A daughter of the distinguished planning finall~· to draw it d0\\'11 abou t I - l'hildrc: n', Book '1i l \· k hr,ll\ d English family of d'Aguilar is hi s head. Th e book is a drama tic ' Tower :; wooed and won by a rough. and spl endid picture of ·the man who se liie : l'llllitt :-i - Bn~· ~ c icnti :->t ready California business man. could ncYcr he conceivL'd had lw not · Frl'ntz- l "nclc Zl'h and Jfj .., Fri l' nd-.. Her reactions to that new world li\·ed it . l'arri ck- Pictmc F(l lk T aJv.., and to the War make the theme Clttm·ns - Tt>tll :-:. ~l\\ Yl' r .\1 Jr(,a c) of this very distinctive novel. Cardincr- Fathcr s (~ n nt· :\ -\\·hali ng ·· lfl ·.L .\ "- ·.\ rmirH· yrm Tl·mpsld . Ha~k l' ll - Katrinka Frederick A. Stokes $2.00 Flashing and furious, all the romance Patrh- Fi r ~t Lc:o~ :-O tl:' in .:\atttrl' ~tu cl ~ and color of Hawaii ha s been poured l'rrkins- Pttt~itan T\\'in:intn thi · s noYcl, '"'-Iula." Armine \' On Schultz- Ri:-ing \\. oli " Emil Ludwig's masterful Letnpskl, her of the \ r· · l 1 ·1~·n . self a product . . tillar- Cur 1 ,. ·Lf r atn·< Biography r ~ land s ha s hvecl the scrn cs of wh1ch \\.l ·t · ') t J' rtt · lt · 11 em an - 1 1 a una t..' :. · ttl shl' tell s. Because of th1 s she throws \\' B , 1 K ' . . . \'man- emu atH u:-tttll her sell completely mto her narrat!Ye __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ :·:-- \·. . a tiel gives to it a color and swiftne ss. bled, entertained, race<! their 11, 1 The Man of Destiny But because of this ab sorption, too, the and loved women and life. Translated by \\·ork is kept on the level of good story Into this intoxicating a tmospherl' telling and does not reach to the level comes Halaclane, an English engineer , Eden and Cedar Paul of good art. But this does not prevent slightly middle aged, slightly disillusionecl. But when on the night of his its being an absorbing tale. A thrilling story of one of the "Hula" is the daughter of the Calarrival he is suddenly confronted by most unbelievable characters in houns. a brave .. reckless, horse-loving Hula, amazingly beautiful, who has history. family \\'ho have lived a sort of en- lived a wild outdoor life; brought up by Boni & Liveright chanted - existence on their estate on a cowboy,. it is not hard to conjecture $3.00 the island of Matti. They have gam- that he will lose his heart. But mam· . - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - cbn1plications beset their path. Ther~ ~------------------------m======== ===== ========= --- --==- are terribly exciting moments, rivalries and fights, a race in which Hula rides the Calhoun thoroughbred to a thrilling victory against an intriguer who loves her but has plotted to get her unscrupulously. Truly, \vhether you have ever seen a race or not you will find and Rental Library yourself rising with a crowd in an imaginary grandstand and shouting "Hula." And then at last the passing of the old day, the coming in of comme~cialism as it must come into every Eden. But Hula is strong enough to 1150 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 2566 resist the forces, not to pass with the rest. I 1 That after written and Dreiser found publisher who " Sister Carrie' ' was printed Theodore it diHicul t to lind a u.·ould issue it? "~APou.;ox Till· : :\1.\:\ or·· · r·r·; ~·:'l'fNY' ' - !;~mil Luuwig . 1 ·------------------------A WOMAN EXILE 1 1 I 1 J------------------------·-------------------------· NAPOLEON 1 BALLARD'S BOOK SHOP VILLAGE THEATRE BLDG. = = = = : = =. -·ESTHF.R Gocw

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