Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 39

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27 February 25, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 39 Camp Fire Sparks Bv ESTELLE FARLEY · nxte k e. il- rrc c t. he or n. aal . · Ill of ee . e~ 11 to n- ~7 h(' k .l' a- J() l- r- 1 ~l' d; I, 1 1 1r d ,. · - Camp .F ire girls of Chicago and the suburban districts are working hard on the program for the Birthday' celebration to be held March 18 at Orche stra hall. 'The program this year ha s been divided into three parts, a chorus of 300 voices, a pageant, and the Council Fire. For the chorus and the Council Fire each· Camp Fire group is asked · to s~nd two representatives, but as the pageant is to be the contribution of the girls in the North Suburban dis trict the Camp Fire girls from Evan ston, 'wilmette and Kenilworth are asked to concentrate upon that. The pageant to be given is one that has been written especially for the occa sion. 1'he name of thi s is '"Th e Rainbow King," and there arc part s in it for every girl in the North Suburban Ji strict. The cast includes only se ven. hut the large singing and dan cin g choruse s are flexible as to number. Over· a hundred girl s will he needed t o make the groupings look \\·ell on th e Orchestra hall stage. Mis s Beatrice Odic of th e D a il y ~ew s will he the coach for th e cast , and Mi ss Evelyn Brown of Evan ston will train the girls in the dan ces. Two preliminary rehearsals have be en held , I hut the parts for the ca st and ch ortt 'e:-; . are merely tentative. A routin e of re- 1 hearsals h as not yet been a rran gr d. hut the time s will probably b e ~r o n - ! da y and Thursday afternoo ns . · Lotrulo Camp Fire of K enih,·m th has invited another girl int o memb er - I ship. Thi s is Julia Kan e of K e nil - i w orth. The girl s in thi ~ g r oup arc ; working to become Fircmak crs before i Tnn e. Thcv took some of th e writt en 1 ·test s la s t Wedne sday at th e Ke nil \\'mth Communit y cent er , und er th e eli rection of the g uardian. Mi ss Fn·lyn ! Brown . Mis s Cath erin e Moor e of \\' ilmdt c has taken over Mr s. Re id' s Camp Fir e g roup, To sholoki. and will be th e a ctive g- uardian. 'Mrs. R eid is ·guardian o f a nother group, Aihi . of which ~r artha Snringcr is the active le ader. Three Kenilworth Camp Fire . com- ~ bined energie s to put over a ha k cry and food sale Saturdav. F ehruan· 19. a t the Kenilworth Communitv -r<:nte r. Many of the girl s wo n H om e craft honors for making the bre ad, c a ke ~ . candy and cookies sold. Othc·rs \\·on honors by designing and making th e posters which advertised the sale. A total of $27.89 was taken in. This \ money was divided among the g-roups according to the number of members. The Camp Fire girls wish to thank many kind friends in Kenilworth who donated fqod, and also, the merchant s of Wilmette and Kenilworth who donated string, boxes and paper bags. Frihalo Camp Fire of Kenilworth has elected ~ ~.~fficers for the second term oi 192<m. These girls will hold office until .Tune. Josephine Farley. president; Maurene Jones, vice-presi dent: Marian Bent. secretary: :\farjorie Thorsen, treasurer; Joan Shortridg-e, head recorder: Ruth Johnston. shuttle: Ruth Man- Harrison and Helen Ruth Bosley, . social committcr. At t h<' last meeting-, Friday, Feb ruary 19, the girls dyed silk scarfs. Plans were made for a Firemakers' dinner to he held March 25. There will he a North Suburban Guardi;llls' meeting on Monday. February 28 . at 7 :45 in ti.e First Baptist church, Evanston. Plans will he discussed for making the District's pageant a success. There will be a meeting of the Loom staff on Saturday morn1n!!, March 5, at headquarters, ~t 10:30. All the groups must send their reporters, Shuttles, .t o this meeting. The Loom is the monthly magazine published hv the Chicago Camp Fire girls. This 1 1 April issue to be discussed will carry HEAR BISHOP · MARCH 6 the write-up of Camp Fire's fifteenth Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, whose birthday celebration of March 17. home is in Wilmette, will preach the sermon at the morning services of the ~1r. and Mrs. Lysle Smith of Ev- Wilmette Parish Methodist church anston announce the birth of a daugh- Sunday, March 6. The service will ter, Ellen Graves, on February 10, be featured by the reception of new :1 t the Evan ston hospital. Mrs Smith, members. · who has been quite ill, is slowly improving at th e ho ~ pital. Mrs. Merle B. Snyder of 215 Wood-obine avenue entertained guests at ~Ir . and ~[rs . Charles A. Lundberg I luncheon and bridge last Wednesday. of 1538 \\ alnut street, have purcha sed -oth e house at 1010 Elmwood avenue ~Ir s . Frank \V. Church of 610 Maple that formerly belon ged to Edward avenue left Thursday of last week for Kracke . several weeks in Davenport, Fla. ---- Northbrook to Be Scene of Building Activity O scar F. Miller, building inspector of Northbrook and also a building contractor, is erecting a two-story stucco residence on the south side of Shermer avenue, tast of Waukegan road, i!l Northbrook, for August Burmeister. Mr. Miller is also building a residence for himself opposite the new Burmeister home. Mr. Miller's residence will be of stone veneer. The.r e is - to be a large amount of building in Northbrook this season, it is said. Finer DoDGE BROTHERS MOTORCAR 'New inBea_uty, Comf!¥1 andPer[onnance -Still more1Jependahle Now ready for your inspection and personal test- a finer Dodge Brothers Motor Car than ever before, due to many new and vitally important improvements. So important, in fact, that only a personal inspection will give you an adequate idea of what further engineering advances and greater production have accomplished in extra values. Read this partial list of the latest improvements and then investigate: A New Clutch-Simple, Prompt, Sure and · Softer Pedal Action Ec.!'.;ier Gear Shifting New Body Lines-as smart and grqceful as any on the boulevards New Color Combinations of Striking Beauty Still Sturdier Bodies Seats Re-designed for greatt:r comfort New Silent-Type Muffler Improved Universal Joint, Propeller Shaft, Differential and Axle Shaft-creating greater sturdiness and resistance to wear And Many Other Smart New Refinements of Detail. · Sllen~ 1 1 :. 1 Remember, too, that all these are in addition to many important improvements recently .announced,- including the fivebearing crank shaft and the two-unit starting, lighting and ignition system that inspired owners to new expressions of enthusiasn1 and satisfaction. Look at these big roomy cars and you will realize that it is not possible to invest more wisely in dependable transportation C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis Street Phones: University 224, Wilmette 224 uBuy Your Car in EcJanaton" , We Also Sell Dependable Used Cars ' ... . .. ·.

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