Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 51

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February 11 .. ' 25, 1927 , FOR SALE-HOUSES . I.. ; WILMETTE · LIFE F()R SALE-USED CARS . . VILLAGE OF W1L.M.E'l"fE 51 J ,. ... , 1926 Pontiac Coach ..............·... $650 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK 1926 Chevrolet Coach .........·...... $450 COUNTY, ILLINOIS 1926 Nash Adv. Roadster .......... $~75 1926 Nash Victoria .................. $1200 . ., GENERAL NUMBER 54,977 1925 Hupmobile Sedan 4 cyl. ...... $650 Indoor Ball 1924 Dodge Sedan ,. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $425 ..Notice February 17 Many other cars te choose from. $50 & up. St. Joseph, 2 (23) Terminal A. c. (3) Dabe-Nevitt Motor Sales Notice of procledings to ascertain the E. Phillip 911 ' Linden Ave. Tel. WinnetkLi. 296 R. Blasdell just compensation to l.Je made for private J. Schiller Hubbard Woods, Ill. W. Winberg 46LTN22-ltc property to be taken or damaged for R. Meier E. Brammer opening and extending Main Street from L. Weiss E. Hardt side. Modern house. 3lh years old. H. 1924 STUDEBAKER SPEC . TOURING, the North line of Elmwood Avenue to A. Hoffman L. Goss, 3 W. heat. $15,000. Must see to appreexcellent cond. £asy terms. $375.00. the east line of Fifteenth Street; in the V. Deinlein Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, ciate. Tel. Winn. 882. 31L'l'N22~tfc Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave., J. Hoffman and for a s}Jec ial assf'ssment to raise the R. Winn. 4GLT~22-tfc Klinge cost of said improvement. 'Cmpire-J. Borre 32 FOR SALE-VACAN'l' I~ THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK 48 ANTIQUES COUNTY, ILLINOIS Y. P. c. · 0) St. Joseph, 1 (12) GENER:AL NUMBER 54,!!77 SMALL 3 DR. WAL. CHESTS, $10 TO STATE OF ILLINOIS l ss E. Hoffman J. Schaefgen $25. Grandfather clock ; love seats ; COUNTY OF' COOK } l\1. Brown Here is an opportunity that cannot be N. Spier chafrs, $2 and up ; spool, post and day · Village of Wilmette vs. James Edwin J. Borre B. Evans overlooked by any person interested In beds. Mirrors, candlesticks, lal\lps, Dempsey, Mary Josephine Dempsey, his J. Hoffman H. Chester North Shore real estate. rugs, rockers, cradles, settees, stools, wife, Village of Wilmette, a Municipal E. Miller P. Hoffman melodeon, tables, paisley shawls, quilts, corporation, George Essentrot, Elizabeth E. Hartman C. Brown I am offering a wonderful buy in my coverlets, old laces, pewter, china, old C. Schildgen lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park subEssentrot, his wife, Theodore · R. 'Vhitt, B. Thalman, 4 chintzes and tapestries. M. Thalman division Deerfield,· Illinois one of the Lecta Margaret Whitt, his wife , Henry A. Phillips W. Thalman North Shore's Choicest locations. MRS. L. E. DICKE J. Koll, Emma Koll, his wife, Standard B. Werner 808 Washington St. Trust and Savings Bank, an Illinois cor- H. Oaks Umpire-H. Harleff 11,2 Blk. E. Ridge-1 Blk. S. Main Both storm and sanitary sewers are In poration, as trustee, known as Trust No. and paid for, water in to the curb line, 48LTN22-ltc 838, General Outdoor Advertising · Co., Congregationa steel re-enforced concrete streets will be Inc., a corporation, And All Whom It. K. of C. finished by spring, ground · is high a.nd ANTIQUE FURNITURE LEAVING May Concern. Won by forfeit town. Bedroom set, sofa, bookcase, dry, not a low marshy spot near thii In the matter of the petition of the Methodist chairs, etc. Cheap. 815 Oakwood Ave. Village of Wilmette for the asC"ertain- Howard P. 'f. A. ?roperty. Call Sat. and Sun. only. 48LTN22-ltc ment of the just compensation to be made Won by forfeit It you are interested in this proposition, for private property to be taken or dam$2,000 will tak~ it, one half down and bat- COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE FURNI- aged for opening and extending :\lain Quo ita ance on Qasy terms. ture at reduced prices. 808 Oak St., Street from the North line of Elmwood February 18 _ V\'lnn. 145. 48LTN22-ltc Avenue to the east line of Fifteenth Terminal A . c., 1 I. o. 0. F. 1 Owner employed in Wilmette and must Street in the Village of Wilmette, Cook Score: Score: FOR SALE-HSEHD. GOOJJS make his home in that vlllage. Address 48 1st game 21 County,· Illinois, and for a special assess1st game 17· Wilmette Life B-186. 32LTN22-tfp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ment to raise the cost of said improve2nd game 21 2nd game 20 metlt. E. Polly E. Brammer FOR SALE NICE BUILDING LOT, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: D. Lindbloom H. Whitehouse FURNITURE, only 1-2 block from Sheridan Rd. in 4 ROOM SUITES OF The said Court by order duly entered, each worth $3,000, will take $550 com- having directed that notice be given to North Evanston. Only $5,000. See Terminal A. C., 2 plete or will separate ; 3-piece silk mo- the said defendants and to All Whom It K. of C., 2 Score: hair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut ·dining May Concern by publication as by law Score: 1st game 21 1st game 16 set; 4-plece walnut bedroom set ; two required in WILMETTE LIFE, a secular End of "L" 2nd game 21 2nd game 12 9x12 Wilton rugs; library ta.ble; floor newspa~er of general circulation, printed Ph. Wit. 698 407 Linden Ave. E. Wellman and table lamps ;_ 5-piece breakfast set, and published in the Village of Wilmette, J. Schopen 32L22-ltc R. Blas«;}ell and sll\'erware. Will take $550.00 for County of Cook and State of Illinois, T. Schopen all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd. notice is hereby gi\'en to ALL 'VHOM 1'1' B. Bohannon FOR SALE - N. E. CORNER RIDGE Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will ar- MAY CONCERN that the Village of WilAve., and Hill Rd . overlookin~ beautiSt. Joseph, 2 range for delivery. 49LTN20-4tp mette heretofore tiled its petition in the I. 0. 0. F., 2 ful Indian Hill. 110x132 ft. Wm. Top_ Score: pte, Tel. Winnetka 280. 32LTN22-ltp County Court of Cook County, Il:inois Score: 1st game 12 1st game 21 FOR SALE BROWN, MAHOGANY praying for the ascertainment of the just 2nd game 21 2nd .game 14 dining room set in very good cond. compensation to be made for private FOR SALE - 2 CHOICE LOTS, 55x165. 3rd game 21 3rd game 18 East side, Winn. Near schools & trans. Oblong table with rounded corners, buf- property to be taken or damaged for R. Steffens Phone Winn. 851. 32LTN22-ltp fet, 6 chairs. Good bargain. Phone opening a1~d extending Main Street from Art Hills P. Wagner Winn. 260. 49LTN22-ltc the noi'th line of Elmwood Avenue to the east line of Pifteenth Street in the ViiREAL ESTATE American Legion FOR SALE BROWN MAHOGANY !age of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, Methodist Score: Adam style dining room set. One table, and for a special assessment to raise · the Score: 1st game 10 1st game 22 . six chairs, o.ne arm-chair, upholstered cost of said improvement; that commisIll 2nd game 21 2nd game 13 in blue horsehair. Phone Winn. 1508 . sioners were duly appointed by said Court 3rd game 13 3rd game 21 We have ::;ome very attractive listings . 49LT~22-ltp to investigate and report the just comHarvey Hopp \hat cannot be duplicated in towns south p ensation te be made for private property B. E. Stalling of Glencoe, for prices far in excess of $15.00 LOUD SPEAKER, $4.00. SIX to be taken or damaged for said im- L. F. Todd . ·what they are asking here. ' Walnut dining chairs with blue seats, 1 provement and also what real estate will No fear of betng crowded out by large oak dining table, 54 inch top, 1 mahog- be benefited by such improvement and K. of C., 2 I. 0. 0. F., 3 apartments. A highly restricted business any Victrola. Wit. 1482. the amount of such benefits to each Score: Score: 1st game 21 zone that cannot creep into our home 49LTN22-ltc parcel of land benefited thereby am~ tJ:at 1st game 18 2nd game 21 sections. Two large schools and a third - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - said Commissioners duly made a ..specml 2nd game 18 Bill Blanksheim promised this year. ·BEAUTIFUL INLAID CIRCASSIAN assesl;lment to ra1se the cost of said~)m- J . .Schopen Walnut Billiard table, including cue t d d 1 filed their report in 1111 0. I rack to match; cues, counter ~nd rub- f~~v~.ffi~~ o~nthe ~ferk of said Court on I. 0. 0. F., 2 Presbyttrian, 2 332 Park Avenue, Glencoe berized cover. Worth $500. Sell for $160. the 21st day of February, A. D. 1927; Score: Score: Phones Glencoe 702-3 .. Tel. Wil. 2351. 49LTN22-ltc the total estimated cost of said improve1st ga.me 21 1st game 11 2nd ~-arne 11 34LTN22-Itc ment being Twenty-eight thousand six 2nd game 21 3rd game 21 FOR SALE - BEDROOM FURNITURE hundred and eleven and 85/100 ($28,611.85) 3rd game 7 FOR SALE OR RENT-7 ROOM HSE.; from model house in Kentlworth. New, Dollars. R. Dusham A. Hills 3 baths and lavatory. Double garage. reasonable. Phone Kenil. 1399. Thereupon a summons issued out of S. Jo.hnsoR T. Thursby Sale price $30,000. Rent $250. 49LTN22-ltc said Court ag~inst the said defendants above named and All Whom It May ConMRS. GOODING DIES 8 room house; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths and FOR SALE OXE KRELL AUTO . cern returnable at the County Court lavatory. Italian Architecture. Sale grahd player piano, 1 mahogany dining House in the City . of Chicago, in said Funeral services for Mrs. Emily price $27,500. RE>nt $225. Jackson Ave., table, extension 4 leaves. Tel. · Winn. County on the 4th day of April, A. D. Glencoe. Tel. Highland Park 2411. 2051. 49LTN22-ltc 1927, ·as is bY. law required, which pro- Gooding, who passed away Wednesday at he.r home at .1008 Oakwood 34LTN21-4tp , ceeding is still pending. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - : - - : - : : : FOR SALE- ENAl\l~L ~ED AND BOX Now, unless you the said defendants avenue will be held thts afternoon at FOR SALE - A 1' 1!124 PRICE, LOT 96X spring, $15. Tel. Wmn. 2036. . designated as All Whom It l\Iay Conce~n 145 on Ridge Road, between Chestnut 49LT22-ltc shall be and awear before the .sa1.d 2 :30 o'~lock from the First Congregaand Kenilworth Avenue, (new streets) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - County .Court or-Cook County, Illmo1~ tional church, the Rev. Stephen A. se·e my sign. $200 a foot or make offer. FLAT SILVERWARE. COMPLETE at the County Court House in the City Lloyd officiating. Burial will be at c. R. Norman, \\-~ilmette 500. 34L22-ltc set. Theo. Haviland Limoge china. Call' of Chicago for the said County on or Kenil. 598. 49LTN22-ltc b,f.fore the 4th day of April, A. D. 19?7, Rosehill. Mrs. Gooding is survived by and object ...to the report_ of the Commis- her husband, S. E. Gooding, a sister, WTD. TO RE~T-APAR'l'l\lEN'l'S 36 50 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHD. GOOJJS sioners aforesaid, the same, and the mat- Mrs. H. M. Dibble of Wilmette, and WTD. TO RE:\T - SUITE OF ROOMS, WANTED 'l'O BUY- SECOND HAND tPrs and thing-s therein charged and a brother, George A. Mitchell of Chi.:. stated will be taken as confessed and a unfurnished preferred. Phone Wil. furniture and other household roods. judgment entered in accordance with the cago. R47- R hefort>, noon Sunday. !{6L22-1tc Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- ~aid report and the prayer of said petiniture Store, 1 004-G · Emerson St., Ev- tion. WTD. TO RE:ST-JIOl'SES ss anston. Ill. Phone Univ. 189. The following is a description of the TAKEN BY DEATH 50LTN22-tfc lots, blocks, tracts, piece or parcels of WANT TO RENT SMALL HOUSE OR Funeral servtces for Ethel Mizner, land sought to bt> . taken or damaged for apartn'lent, by young couple in 'Yil- i)J FOR SALE-)IISCELLANEOUS the proposed impro\'ement aforesaid: 204 Ninth street, who passed away mette or Winnetk:t, available sometime - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. All of lots seventeen (17) and nine- February 9, were held f.rom the Scott in May. Phone Wit. 3336. teen (19) and that part of each of ~8LTN22-ltp lots one (1 ), two (2), three (3), four chapel, Evanston, February 14. Burial (4), t;\·e (5), six (6), seven ('i), eig·ht was at Graceland. (8), nine (!l), ten (10). eleven (11) and eighteen (18), lying easterly 'M a 1i ne sixty ( liO) feet south west of southeast quarter of Section twentyand pnrallt'l with the southwest line eight ( 28) Township forty-two ( 42) of the ri~· ht of way oF the Chit'ag-o North, Range thirteen . (13), East of HANDSOMJ;J DROP LIGHT, OBLONG 39 W 'l'll. 'J'O JtE5T-'FllltN. llOUtS.ES and North Westprn Railway, all In the Third Principal Meridian, all sha}Je tor billiard room, $10. Tt·l. \Vii. block one (I) of E. T. Paul's Seeond situated in the Village of Wilmette, 2351. 51LT~22_1tc WTJ>. TO RENT- FURNISHED HOUSE, addition to 'Vilnwtt<>, heing a suhCook County and State of Illinois. $150 to $175 from :\fay 1st to Oct. 1st. diYi::;ion of thl' t·ast J:·:.04 acres of the Dated at the City of Chicago, Cook Winn. 174. 39LTN22-ltc BABY BUGGY, ROCKING ('HAIR South hall' of the fractional south- County and State of Illinois, this 21st day small chiffonier. In good condition. 'l'el. Past CJUarter west of the railroad of of February, A. D. 1~27. Glencoe 1035. 51LTN22-ltc St>t'tion twpnty-eig·ht (28), township ROBEH.T l\l. SWEITZER, 46 FOR SALE-USED CARS forty-two (42j i'\orth, Range thirteen Clerk of the County Court of Cook (IS) East or the Third Princit.Jal County, Illinois. FOR SALE - OAKLAND SEDAN, 1923 »2 W1'D. 1'0 DUY-l\liSCELLANEOlfS ~[eridian, excepting the south 6.34 CHARLES H. JACKSO~, model, very cheap. Excellent condition, Attorney for the Village of chains; al~o newly painted, driYen ~2,000 miles. Must WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c 2. T_;Ot forty-three ( 43) of Kenilworth Wilmette. Call 700 l ... ayrel Ave., or phone per lb. 1222 Central Avenue., Wilmette. s<'ll. Park Addition to Wilmette, in the L22-4tc Wit. 14~5. 46LTN22-ltc 52LTN22-tft) FOR SALE _ NEW 6 ROOM STUCCO ; lot 50 x 175 near schools and transportation. $1S,OOO. Wil. ·1582. 31L22-ltc -----------------FOR SALE 1719 ELMWOOD AVE., Wilmette, 8 room frame; hot water ht. ·, terms. Owner Phone Wll. 2399. ' 31LTN22-tfc _F_O_R_S_A_L_E_ _I_N_D-IA_N __ H_I_L_L_._E_A_S_T Recreation Bureau J SAY Bargain for Young Couple Paul Schroeder & Co. Buy Glencoe This year· I w a1ter P · S ·th & C ----------------:=- -------- RADIO

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