Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Feb 1927, p. 4

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February 25, 1927 4 WILMETTE LIFE be one of the l3:rgest of its ever held. The subJect to be cons1dered will be "Curriculum Construction." Local School Heads to Attend Dallas Meeting Superintendent J. R. Harper of the \Vilmette public schools will attend the meeting of the superintendents' section of the National Educational association, which will be held in Dallas, Texas, the latter part of next week. He wil1 be accompanied by Mrs. Harper and L. F. Todd, principal of the Ho\\'ard school. The meeting will be attended by over· 12,000 superintendents from all over the United States and is said to kin~ ILESTER GROOM TO GIVE VESPER CONCERT HERE BOTH TERMINAL TEAMS WIN The Terminal first basketball team continues its progress towards the championship goal, with a total of fifteen games won and no defeats, the latest victory being Wednesday evening, of this week, when they met the K. of C. team. On the same evening. the Terminal second team defeated the St. '] oseph's second team, in a closely contested game, the score being 35 to 30. Organist of Church of the .'\seension, Chicago, to Be at Bap· tist Church Sunday By Critic Among th~ other outstanding benefits which residents of the north shore mav share arc the monthly concerts giv~n by the \Vilmctte Bapt!~t. church, under the direction of \\ dham l I. Barne s. The ne\r Austin organ designed by Mr. Barne:-;, insta lied under his supervision and presided at hy _him for the past three years, is admittedly one of the most beautiful oi the ~mailer organs of Chicago. The fourth recital of this third sca.s::)ll will be given Sunday afkrnoon, Feb. 27, 'lt 4 o'clock. Tl}e recitalist will be Lester Groom, F. A. G. 0., organist and d1.o irmaster of the Church of the Ascension, Chicago, and organ in structor in the Calumet Conser\'atory of Music. Mr. Groom is one oi Chicago's great musician s. He has composed · for or- ·E at FISH Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll - · We Deliver 1557. SHERMAN AVENUE .... JIIJ fifj5JJJJIIJ.fj§j O....n.r«· Evanston I gan, pianq, voice and stringed instruments and is an authority on Blainso'ng. an ancient form of church music, and has produced. a set of G~eg orian chants for use 1t1 ~he Anglican Communion of the Cathohc church. Recognized aa Muter For nine or ten years he ha s triumphant\)· toured the land in recitals and is recognized today as one of the organ master:-; of the country. 1\fr. Groom is a reverent player \\·hose inti~nacy_ with his incredibly wide repertoire is evidence? hy the fact tl~~t he plays " ·ithout prmted not~s. \\ 11mettc is honored to havt th1s great artist of church 111u sic as a guest. Carleton Kaumeycr, who is to be the assisting soloist, is one of \Vilmette' s own hovs. Tn the estimation of Mr. Barnes ·he is one of the most ?leasing and t ruly musical of the younger violini st s of Chicago. 11 r. Kaumeyer is the possessor of the "La Scala" Guarnarius, one of the fe\,. reallv famon.; violin in the world. It \\·a:-. n~ade hy Joseph Gu"~rnarius in Crt>mona. Italy in 1727. The instru me-;1t \ras purchased by Mr. Kaumeycr in J<H2 from the "Hawley Co11ection" the death of ).fr. Hawley. ).1 r Kaumen:~r \~ill he accompanied on. . S~mda\· afternoon hy Mr. Barne:. The pr0gT-am fotlows: The Program on Such advice IS worth taking. You'll say so yourself when you've tried .the 1 l 1. tal Finat.--frorn IJ~· :l First g·t ·tlth· Sonata-Cuil- lll:l.ll t. ~ltt'O'I t·(\t-d .\ li\t·l~· tutlt', ,·an· ing- in intr·nsit:o-', is t)Willt' . ( )('('(l- ~illtlill ntutt··rittg·s of tlw fln;t tht ·l11t' ,.,., ntually lll·tn).:' it b:t('k to a rt·stat. ·llll'lll. and in its turn ttw g-··ntl·· nH·l"rl,· rdurns also, hut this tinw as in t ri.umph. (lot _. :\Tilrnt ·llt ll1tt1od 1 tof :\lusil'al .......... S('bulwrt 1h·· tnont··nt, a passing li\'t·lY, \'i\'al'ious. kll(J\\'S WHITE CASH MARKET SPECIALS FOR SAT., FEB. 26. For convenience trade at the White Cash Market nurest you. The same quality meats. Low prices. Courteous service. Ltn,.,.. I~. <:tl t (·'I 'ontinuallv . .\ lr. f:i·ttOill · :'\o ·gn o S]·iritual (~olHHl~· ]'\' t · dt· St"t') ..... ...... . \\'hit ;· lit :-'lutnl" r Srtll~ - :'\o . ~~ .. < :r. ·khallill""" . \ .· · ll"lltlil]. · \!aria . ..... SdlUilt'rt-\\.illwlmj .·. t,tl Th ·· first " \I r .. Ka ',lln··~· · · r ~ l'" "'at a Ill I· .............. Ladt s··t·tito!l atHl Jlt'Cl;tl solo, :tllfl Better Meats Boneless Rolled. RIB ROAST BEEF . . No Bone. No Waste, lb......... . Small Pig PORK ROAST, lb. Lower Prices , it>= r· ·r.··titi"tl in an11tht·r k· · ~· s· ·f'lll tc» t't~r··:·dtado\\' an uninl,.ro ·st in~ t· ···hni_ ·:t l ··'>t ·!'f ·is··. l:ut \\· h· ·ll tht · n· ·,·· ·lop :tt··llt 1, ·ci tt~. :tnrl th· · fir,..;t th· ·ttlt· is thr"wn frnnt l»tlt· part to :uwthl'l· \\'ilh diff, ·r· ·llt h :trnH·ni,·:-: anrl ,.Jimatit' o·ltord~. I 11· I Ill t ' l't·SI iII (Itt · f·(lriiJHlSiilot 35c 1 1 1i111: ill, l'· ·:ts ··s with o·:t dt m··asur, ·. ·Trll't':tlitt" ............ J>, · Lantal'l· · r .\ 'J'., ,.,·: tla is :t ,,· .. rl\ ,.,,ntaining- an :tln tntl an··· ·· r .,ui..td~· pl.t~·· ·(i nnt.·s. :ttt d tit· l·tt ···;ttitllo is a s h o rt \<lf'l'ala. This ts pla~·f ul. snapp~·. ;t!ld I'Urirt'ttsly 1 Ill t(} t ' )' 11 . 21 C I Fresh Dressed FRYING, ROASTING and STEWING CHICKENS Fresh Calves 19 I Fresh 39c HEARTS and BRAINS, lb. . . . . C CALVES LIVER, lb. Native Beef POT ROAST, lb .... ~ . .. .. .. .. . For A Good Old Fashioned Breakfast Try Our Home MADE 100% PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT, lb. 21 C I I :\Tr. I. I :t 1 t :ro111ll S11 ·ing- :-;ong ... ...... . Etl11 ·l Hurns tlol lt·) II i!!:.; .............. l't·t ·il l~urit · ig'lt y, . I Hdo · Trt~Ul ·a clnur Snng' ..... . d . 30c S1 29 · Lean BOILING BEEF, lb. Swift's Premium Sliced BACON, 3 lbs. special at .........·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fresh Made · LAMB PATTIES, lb. . . . . . . . . Ph. Greenleaf 2850 Ph. Wilmette 27i9 · · ·. ·. · .. .............. \lb· ·rt Spaulding td · :-;p.tnish I JaiH't ·, Xo . .~. . ...... . · ............. Pablo <l·· (';tJ':tf.;:t\1' :\Jr. ,,:tlii1\ 1'\'(·J" t;tt :\limwt in(; .... : .... . Pa<kl't ' WHJ.d This ttu:tilll form of mu sk has ltt·t· n l·rilli:llltl~ · <lrt ·SSt· ll up in pianistic· :-;_ttl··ndtJr IJ~· th·· piani st-t·om JHISl·r. Tlw ll!'SI ltWicH.y, dl'!iC':t(t · and S\n·d, is t:' t\. t'll :t rousing· rt ·t'!· ptinn upon its r· ·:tflJH·:tt·a nt·f". Tho · t l'i o, in a mtnor· 1\o·~:- t:.; I!IU<"h llltlrt· st·t·ious, hut its St· nou sn· ·ss ('H nnot pn·vail, and IH ·~ !· th l' mittut'l th· ·nw again. 1h) I 1'1'1'<\la . .. ......... . ...... du Bois . ~ I'Oll\'t·rsatinnal lll'l'in<l hl'tW <'P il th<' ttrst and_ st·t·ond tht·llws. Thl' s1 c·ond llll'lody t~ g;,,ntl ... hut its triumphant l·t·c·s\· nta t ton (·tHis tlw work. w·· :\lr. <~room Swimming Classes Given f~r ~hildren of Township 33C I Home Made Swedish POTATO SAUSAGE, lb. . . . . . . 25 C 924 DAVIS STREET 1189 WILMETTE AVE. 111., - Ph. Greenleaf 2851 Ph. Wiln1ette 2538 Four Free Deliveries- 9 a. tn., 11 a. m., 2 p. m., 4 p. Four Free Deliveries Special Attention Given to Children and Phone Orders ~wunmmg classes, open to any chdd un.drr 16 years of age, livin~ in Ne·w 7ner t.owns1.1ip .are being hel.cl at the ~cw Tr!cr H1gh school every S;tturda~· 1110 rnmg. The classes are of an hours duration and over 53 people have learned to swim in the past thre.e ':eeks. it is said. The boys' sect1ot.1 ~~ held from 9 o'clock to 10: tl~e girls from 10 to 11 and the he~mners cla~s fro!ll 11 to 12. Anyone 111terested Ill bemg enrolled in the classes should communicate with Edgar B. Jackson at the New Trier High ~chool. A .small fee is charged to aid .m defraymg the expenses incurred 111 the courses.

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