I 2 WILMETrE LIFE 1 April 8. 1927 Neighbors---Why all the smoke about modern business management and plan. ning future Wilmette? Read the platfonn of the People's Party. There is intent and purpose outlined therein and we think good common sense. Quibbling o v e r minutae creates a lot of smoke and cove~ up. But why be bljnded. Read the facts. They are most simple. ~' PLA· T FORM of the People's Party FLATS We are i~ favor of keeping the Village of Wilmette a community of homes · and to that end favor the enforcement of the letter and spirit of the preaent building and zoning ordinancea. Public Utilitiea The franchis.c of the Public Service Company of ,1\;orthern Illinois will expire in 1928. In the negotiations for the new franchise we favor the securing of the lowest possible rates for gas and electricity without impairing the quality of the same or the service in connection therewith . The Chicago, North Shore &. Milwaukee railroad has heen operating- its trains through Wilmette without a franchi se for several year~. Thi s condition ~ honhl he remedied at once, the Village being entitled to the protection of a franrhisc, and the company re quired to pay th e Village reasonable rompl'n-.ation for the usc of its streets in the interim. Grade Separation \\\: fa,·or the co-operation of this \ illage ,,·ii.h pther · Villages along the Chicago & North \\Tes tern railway in the prt:-t·nt negotiations with that line for the ele,·ation of their track-; through the \'illag<·. Streets We favor the recon st ruction of certain of our st rc<.:t s a11d the pa vtng oi others as rapidly as the intere sts of abutting property ownt·rs rc(lttir c. Garbage Disposal An interesting letter from President Orner is being mailed this week to every home in Wilmette. It' s full of facts and covers vital issues. If you don ' t receive it let us know. " di sposal plant and suggest in the interests of ecotl(l J Jl~· the iflea of a plant in common with one or two of our adjacent Village:-;. Playground and Recreation Board 'N e favor the securing of a suitable site and the t· rcd ion nf a garb aKe YAle favor the continuation of the Playground and l~cacatinn program 111 effect for several years past. We fayor the acq uisition and development <)i playgrounds for the children to the extent of the funds aYaihhlc fur that purpose and the extension of the Hecreat ion program in kl'eping wit 11 puhlir d\· mands and interest disp layed. Wilmette Plan Commission-Regional Planning Association ELECTION DAY - TUESDAY, APRIL 19 RE--ELECT PRESIDENT ORNER But also remember to \\'e fa,·or the further co-operation of the \ ·itlagc .-\d111ini:-trati"n · in tilt' plans of the two bodies mentioned except in:-uiar <t:-. any imllll'diatc \\'urk or dcvelot)mcnt alon g the se line s shall come without the imnH:diate and proper deye lopment of newly annexed territory and . in the placing of adclitiot.Ja! tax burdens upon those affected. It is underst ood, hown·c r. that in the dcn~lop ~ mcnt of this new territory that the Village Admini:-tration will hear in mind the n·rommcndation and plans of both these ronunis:-ion~ m:td(· tint' far, more particu larly the early completion of the 1Iain . treet project. Administration We do not favor the carrying out of suggestions for the creation of another Village office, that of Village Manager, with the view of em ploying a technically trained manager (presumably a non-resident) to superintend or supersede the heads of the present departments of the Village government. We bElieve that this procedure materially increases the coat of Village administrative expense without correaf)9nding benefit. We further believe that our present form of management ia in every way an efficient and economical type of Village government. Economy Elect a Board That Will Support Him There is only one way to do it: VOTE the PEOPLE'S PARTY TICKET STRAIGHT Candidates of the PEOPLE'S PARTY For Village President Re-elect EARL E. ORNER For Village Treasurer Re-elect HARRY W. MILLER For Village Trustees Elect ERNEST C. CAZEL Re-elect PAUL A. HOFFMAN Elect HANS VON REINSPERG The present plan of Villag-e dcYelopment and reconstruction \\'ill, of necessity, place a burden of special asses sment and taxation on the property owner and. in view of this condition, we feel that the expenses necessary in the conduct of the Village administration should be kept at a mininKim in all departments so far as is compatible with efficient administration. Futher. that ~ll plans and ideas without the meaning of this immediate development and 1mprovement and the taxation necessary in connection therewith be con sid ered only at such a time as this program i,s well completerl. Thi s in order t<? make all additional taxation purely by reason of thi s de\'elopment and a chrect benefit to those assuming the same. PEOPLE'S PARTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE John B. Boddie, Chairman CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE A. F. Hooper, Chairman David Nelson, Chairman ..!~OVERTISING COMMITTEE Charles D. Heller, Chairman R. C. Wessel, Vice-Chairman The People'a Party Candidate· are pledeed to eeonomy and a com· mon aense buaine11 adminiatration, and no compromiae on Rata.