WILMETTE LIFE April 15, 1927 Fountain Square - Evanston You'll Want This Las How .Beautifully W Shadow-Clocking distinguishes an exquisite Gordon Hose of cobwebby chiffon. Sandustt Dune, French Nude. $3. Big creamy baroque pearls in a sixty inch strandt the beads separated and held by knots. $5. Round pearl be,ads if you prefer. Ear-buttons to match, $2. A New Terri Vanity is shaped like a tiny fiat book. · Blackt gray, green and red. Sport Coats are of imported mix tures and plaids, and the perennially ~ favored Shagmoors. $29.50 to $85. An unsually interesting variety of patterns. Dress · Coats in chiefly, with fur co monkey, squirrel, lion. $45. Bca every one: Fron1 the Children 's Shop Girls fron1 8 to . 16 will fi11d lovely crepe de chine frocks ·at $12 .95. $14.9.5 and $17.95· $2.50. Caron's delightful Narcisse Noir Perfume, $3 and $4.50. One and two-piece styles. in the sport type and those for afternoon wear. Coats for sport and dress wear for girls from 6 to I 4. include plaids and plain · Large single pique gardenias are the last word! 95c. Lord's- First Floor colors, mixtures and models. $9.50 $25. to regulation navy lE,\V IIATS Jar The woman of more conservative tastes will appreciate the Holland Hats (exclusive with us in Evanston). Distinctive and smart without being in the least extreme. $ 16.5 o to S2s. For younger people, close-fitting felts, high-crowned .and daringly tailored-chiefly light and bright colors. Also Panamas, crochet straws, belting ribbon. $6. so to $16. Lord's-Second Floor