36 WILMETTE LIFE April 15, 1927 · Same ·channels tn SocietyS Activities Still Continue Origin and Age of A~den Shore Camp Divulged in Resume BY JEAN TEN BROECK Welfare Auxiliary to Give Bridge Luncheon The annual bridge luncheon given hy the \Vilmette ] unior atlxilian· of the Infant \Velfare society will he· held on ~1onday, April 18. at 1 o'clock. at the home of Mrs . ~r. C. H echt. 10-L? Grcen"·ood aYenue. This i:-; to he the second larg-e party given hy th e auxiliary. and it i:-; hoped that there will he a " large attendance so that the me1nher ;:, can meet and get acquainted with their co-workers. J Mrs. Hecht, wlw ha:' heen soc ial chairman for the past t\\'o years, is chairman for the luncheon, and th e othrr members of the com mittee arc: ~1r:'. Paul L. Roche. \\'h o is president ni the organization of 100 memhers: ~frs. H . T. Smith. ).1 rs . :\lee ~fc('~d ltun, Mrs~ Donald Simmons, ).l rs. ] . \V. Shedden, Mrs. F. E. Parn·. Mr.-;. ] . E. Redman, 1frs. Harry Barnhill, ~1 rs. Earle D. Lyon, Mrs. C. T . Frykman. and ~f r s. S. P. Pcr.ry. The prizes for th e affair arc being donated 1)\· members of th e auxilian·. The com1;1it tee ha :-; asked that ,;11 reservations he in th e hands oi the hn-;tl':-;" tnclay. Engaged Disabled Veterans . Will Have Birthda·y Party on April 28 Ea~tl·r Sunday, · in r>a rt ~ignificant for it:-; joyous sacred mu~ic. its festive church sen-ices, its new spring fashions in c::>lorful parade. in concluding the :-omher days of Lent brings to a societ\· editor's desk a dirth of ne,,· new!' ·of widespread in t c r c st. The large affairs on the north shore during the next week or two are benefits, exhibits. and wrddings alrea<b' chronicled. The interest of north short· people in Arden · Shore never ceases, and from week to " ·cek new appeals and announcements find their W<l-" to the public. No\\· we haYe at hat~d a short notice of the origin of Arden Shore camp, no doubt unknown to many members of the association. as well as to the laity. Hem· man~· people realize that Arden · Sho re summer camp for mothers and children originated in Glencoe? Tt \\'as founded in 1901 In· Mrs. Leila ~fartin as the Stllllll1er camp for the less fortunate people from Gads Hill settlement in Chicago. The camp ·occupied the land loaned it on the property known as the Lichstein property just north of the Lake Shore Country cluh. \Vomen . and girls from Glencoe and other suhurhs gave their services to take care of the thirty members of the camp. In 1908 the camp moved up to its own protwrty north of Lake Bluff. Xnw Arden Shore accommodates five-hundred persons at a time and vacations are g-iven to twenty-three hundred mothers and children. durin g the hot summer months. It Las been estimated hr a reliable authority that Arden Shore does the large:-t percentage of free 'Charity work of any fresh ai.r camp near Chicago. Those who enjoy its privileges arc recommended by different social agencies, by the · hoard of education. and the Chicag-o hospitals. The mothers, tired and worn with many cares, grow young again with their games and merry parties, but they also learn how to take intelligent ca.rc of their babies. to keep their homes clean, and give their children well cooked and nourishing food. Departing Traveler to Be Given Bon Voyage Affairs ~r rs. Richard \Yilson, " ·ho is to sail iur Eurnpl' on April JO. j..; to lw the guest of honor at se ,·era l partie s befo re her departure. The wom en of the Associated guild~ of St. Au~us tinr's Episcopa l church \rtll entertain at a tea in her honor on April 2o. at the l10mc of ~Ir s. E. :M . Antrim. The hour ~ are from 3 to 6 o'clock. 1frs. Antrim \rtll he assisted bY ~1 rs. H uhert Carleton. '!\f r s. Robert Kenyon, ~fr :-;. I. K. Stover. Mrs. F. B. MacKinn on, and ~f rs. ~1. E. Robertson . All members of t hl' guild have hr en invited to attend . -:\f rs. T. K. Ston: r is entertaining- at a lunchron next \Yedncsdav for Mrs. \Vilson at her home. to44 Asl!land avenue. :Mrs. Foster Branson of 817 Central a\·enue is giving a s m a II luncheon and bridge next Thursdav, at which the honor guests will he Mr.s. \Vilson and M.rs. C. D. Langford of Blenheim. Ont., who is the ,guest of l~t~r sister, Mrs. David F. Hall. ~~ r~. Harry Hertr<~m \Vilsnn of ()11 l :'lttrd <lVl'l11lt' " ·itt t·ntertain ftlr ~fr s. \Yitson on April 25. ·b J Easter M On4 l ay N rg t s Time of Benefit Dance Tht' annual supper dance to he given by the St. Mary-of-the-Woods alumnae for the benefit of their endowment fund will take place MondaY evening, April 18. at the Opera club. Mrs. ] ohn K. Hughes of Evanston, president of the Chicago chapter, is in charge of arrangements. Among the patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. G. ]. Biehl, Mr. and Mrs. John Millen, Mr. and Mrs. F,rank ]. Scng, of \Vilmette. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Murphy bf Glencoe. Sell Benefit Tickets An energetic ticket committee is at work for the success of the Chicago \V ctlesley Colle1{c cluh benefit, a performance of "Trelawnv of the Wells." with John Drew, Mrs: Thomas \Vhif fen. and an all-star cast, \Vednesdav evening, April 20. The benefit is bein~ g-iven for the scholarship fund. Mrs. Bruer MacLeish, chairman, is holdingoffice hours daily for the sale of seats, from 11 to 1. 011 the ninth floor of Carson Pirie. Scott, and company. Announce Bakery Sale :\lt·mhers of the Order of Eastern Star " ·ill hold a hakerv sale at Van Deus~n·s Grocerv store-. 1154 Central aYcnue, Wilmette, Saturday, April 16. "If you are looking for a real treat, plan to visit this store ami select vour Easter bakery," the cotdmittee · announces. Tea Hostess Saturday Mothers' Group to Meet The association of Delta Gamma mothers will meet 'Thursday, April 21. at 11 o'clock in the morning with Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avcnur. Kenilworth. Luncheon will h<' scn·ed at 12 :30. Miss Adelaide Howard of E,·anston is giving a tea at the home of her aunt. Mrs. 'f. B. MacRae. 518 Linden avenue, \Vilmette, Saturday, April 16, in honor of Mrs. Lewis l.'. Hanke, who has just returned from Honolulu. Hospital Benefit Monday M.rs. Hanke ~·as Kate Gilbert of EvThe committee in charge of the anston. large luncheon and bridge to be given at thr Georgian hotel Easter Monday Wellesley Meeting Monday as a benefit for St. Francis hospital, The next meeting of the North recjuests that all reservations be made Shore Wetlesley circle "·ill take place n?t late: than Saturday, April 16, Tuesday. April 19, at the home of etther wtth Mrs. Frank Jones, \VilM r~ . H. B. Gardner, 1724 As bun· ave- mette 2844, or Mrs. Charles Bunte \Vilmette 1136. ' nue, f.,·anston, at 2:30 o'clock. - Thl· quarantine for ca tarrhal fc\'er . has hccn lifted at l '. S. ~ayal ho spital. Am erican Red Crns~. Great Lakes. and the \\" oman 's club committee for co-npl'fatio n \\·ith ex-scn·icl' men no"· can continu e with definite prepar ation ~ ior it s pnstponed hirthclay party for the elisa hi ·d \'l'tt:ra ns. Th e men "·hti~e birt belay s fall in April \\·ill be l."U::sts ni honor of the rollllllittec nn Thursday aftL'rnoon. .-\pril 2~. For t helll a table will he Sl'l. for them a large cakt· " ·ith c:11HIIe s \\'i ll be madl', and to L·ach a gift " ·ill h : gl\·en. Aitt·r thl'..,l' atkntions haYv hl'l' ll paid thl'lll , th e com n1itt ct' \\·ill gt\·c a gl neral party for all the mrn in t! lr' hospital. se n ·ing thcn1 \\'ith rotTe e. cakes and sa ndwich es. The party will Ct11lllllellrl' at 2 :.111 o'clock. and anvo1. 1e interested is co:·dialh· inYit cd -to particip ate in 1he plans and to accompany the cnmtnit t l' l' 0 11 its birthdav errand. The entire · ex-!'ien·icc group j.., in charg-l' of the affair. ~frs. \Villi s IT. :\[r. and ~lr :'. Alexander Block oi Hu tson. chairman, and ~fr s. A . :\'. \\'innetka are g-iving a reception at Clagett. ~f r s. Theodo rl' Bren· r. ~'fr:- . their homl', 5(>1 \Vill ow road, Sunday. P . Klim·. in honor of their dau ghter. Edn:L C. 'n.· E\\'er, ~fr s. R. E. · ~r rs. A. l . NYstrom. ~f r s. ~ril L n Rei(l. -:\lay, and her fianc e, M anucl 1.\[agnus, St)ll of ~lr. and Mr s. Han s 1tagnus oi ).f rs. C' .. E. .R enneckar. U r~ . \Villi am Hubbard \\'oods. The engagement of A, Richard son. ~f rs. J. A. P ancoa:-; t . Mi ss Block and Mr. ~fagnu· was an- ).fr ~. C. E. Tuck er . ~fr s. E. P. Fatch. a nd ~f rs. 11 . 0. \\.riss ha ar . AnY nounced last week. . tlH.' lnhn uf t hi ~ cnn 11nitt ec '"ill hL' gla ~l to mah· arrangements with t h n s r " ·i:-;hing- to go to \.rrat Lak es to he Committee Pleads for in automobiles. Apparel for War Vets taken Plans for the partv \\'Crc discusse(l An appea l comes from ~[ rs. Joscph at the home of ~frs. Theodore Bren·r. J oycc of Kenilworth, chairman of th e 725 \Va shingt on an'ntte, Monday . af!\eighhors' committee on friendlr co- ternoon at a meeting- during which th e operation with ex-sen-icc men. for do- co mmit tee SC \\-e(l inr the men at tl11· ~rr~. lto ~p ital. nation s of "·caring apparel. J oyc e announces: "At this hou seclea ning time you may have hats, shoes, Junior School Branch ~ hirts. or any wearing apparel it>r men \\·hich yntt \\'Ottld like to pas :; on . to Hold Rummage Sale Thl' ~orth End branch. Frit·JHb ,,i "There are about five hundred lll t' ll in the hn:-;pital at Grl·at Lakes. one- Chicago Junior school. i:\ preparin g- f,,r half oi \\·hom are without compensa- a rmnmage sale to he held ~faY 1. tions . They are grateful for gifts of Discarded clothing, shoe s. furniture u:· clothing. Visits of cheer are made anything contributed. will he grrat ly twice a month hv our members \\'ho ;wpn·ciatcd, the committee announces . "·ill he vt·ry glad -to take up your con- .t\ ,·ticks will hl· ca lied for ii the donor:; t rihut ion s." ro1nmunicatc with Mrs. ~fa helle A. Donors may telephone Mrs. Jon·t· ]Phnson, .ntmmage chairman. (}J(, Cor Kenilworth 2134. or Mrs. John HickS: nelia street, Chicago, phonr Ritter ~\\'eet 23oo. Kenil\\'orth 1401. Among the north shore mrtnhers c.f The Neighbors will give a card party thl' branch are ~f rs. G. R. r.. Fisher. some time next month to create a fund it)r the regular distribution of cigarets ~frs. A. C. Lundquist, Mrs. A. ]. Ny and candy, as well as other articles, to strom. ~f rs. ~1'. \V. Zahel, ~frs. Harolcl the patients at Great Lakes ho~pital. Molter, of \Vilmctte: Mrs . Edgar The exact day and place will he an- Foster Alden. Mrs. Elwood . \V. Ank rum, Mrs. Patricia Jennings, ),f r s. nounced later. George Karnes. Mrs. James J. Ken· nedy, of \Vinnetka: Mrs. D. A. Lav of Grace Thomas to wed Hubbard \V nods: ·Mrs . H. ~f arshall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S c h a e ff e r ~{rs. \.. Albin Kitson. ~~ rs. Perr\· . Thomas haYe issued invitations for the Ulrich. of Glencoe. marriage of their daughter, Martha ] ane, to Lincoln Rounds Goward, To Sell Food. Flowers Thursday, April 21, at 4 o'clock, at D~·"sl·rts, as well as other honH·madl· the Hotel Ambassador, New York will he special offerings at the foods. City. . Easter food and flower sale given hy The Thomas family moved east from Wilmette about eight years ago, after women of the Associated guilds of St. Augustine's church Saturday, April 16. a long residence here. Mrs. H uhc.rt Carleton is in charge nf the sale. The. Order a card party April 20, at Coxon, 1538 tb 5 o'clock. ~r iss .) .. of Eastern Star will gh·c on \Vednesday afternoon, the home of Mrs. Dais,Central avenue, from .2 -o- Kathn·n Parshall of 127 Woodbine avenue ·entertained at a hridgc party yesterday afternoon.