Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1927, p. 56

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WILMETT .E LIFE -.Miss Florence Woodard of" Owosso, Mich., who is the niece of Mr. and at Home in Gross Point Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, Funeral services for Jacob Weinz of Kenilworth, and Miss Queen RobinGross Point, who died on April (,, were s~n and Miss Katherine \N'oodard, aJso of Owosso, spent last \Veek-end held Friday, April 8, from St. Josepl1's church and burial was at Niles Center v_isiti~g Miss Bethany Crowe. ' in St. Peter's cemetery. Mr. Weinz is survi,·ed hy three daughters and qnc son. all of Gross ,M A 8 8 E U 8 E Point. They arc · Mrs. Emma Hens, Graduate ot Stockholm Sweden Mrs. Susan Thalmann, ~- t rs. Barbara 1Uassage, ~peclal Treatments Jor Heils, and Peter \Veinz. l'olds, Headache, Constipation. Mr. \\' cinz had made his home in Six Years' Experience ln . a Swedish Hospital. Gross Point for the past twenty years Telephone Wlnn. HSI with his daughter, ~1rs. Emma Hens. He "·as horn in Germany in 1843, and came to this cmmtn· in lH70. \\'hen he was 27 nars old. He was a member of the Catholic Ordl'r of Foresters of Niles Center. April 15, 1~27 Jacob Weinz Passes Away HOSPITAL IS· ' PRAISED \Joyce Kilmer PlayerS to Present "Conquered" Here Evanaton lnatitution'a Work in MendWednesday, May 11, the Joyce Kitmer Players, Chicago's foremost Cathotic dramatic guild, will occupy the stage at the Evanston Country cluh for one special performance of "Conquered," a new play in four acts hy William Roede·r. The play concerns itself with modern American societv life, filled with romance, bigotry ancl intrigue. It is the storv of Warren Trude, a confirmed atheist whose little son is hopelessly crippled for life: of Mary Rielly, his nurse, whose principles arc st,r onger than her loves: of Mrs. VanEllsworth, society woman with a tarnished past and a beaten path to the divorce courts behind her; Grant Conley, a negative character of the "flaming youth" type: and Dora, the maid . . The production is being sponsored bY St. Nicholas parish. Evanston and. St. Joseph's parish, \:Vilmette. Tickets can he purchased in advanl'e at the rectory of either parish. ing Disabled by Occupational Treatment Ia Paid High Compliment The opinion that if the Evanston hospital we.re doing no other onr thing than aiding the physically handicapped through its department of occupational th"erapy it would he more than justifying its existence, was car . ricd away from the annual lunch('on of the h~spital auxiliary held Monda\· at the Evanston hotel. · The mothe.r of a little patient in th e department, Elizabeth Kimbalt of Lakf' Forest, described the manner in \\'hich the child and others aided lH" ·thl' departnicnt, had had new life and light brought to them by means of it, and fascinated her hearers with her im prcs~ions of its far-reaching scope and th(' importanCl' it plays in rehabilita tion - economically, as an impetus to Sl·n-ic(' and an ag<.' nt of good chc(·r. Kcwer thing~ of interest among hn ~ pital activitit's wt:rc given attention lH· spl'akers intrndurerl hy Mrs. James :\ . Patten. presid<.·nt of the auxilian·. wh n pn·sirll'd at the business mcctit~g fol lowing tlw lunclrl':->11. The con\'trting of a cottage on the grounds into an t·xcellcntly-cquipped chemical lahora torY and lihran· for u se in the edura · tio;1al . work of nurses and doctor::. was one of the item s discussed . ~fiss Thon1p ~ t~n of the staff outlith·d this pr :->ject. ~fr!' . \Villiams, tltc librarian. brought a plea for gifts {1i books or money to buy hook '> ior 1h~· hospital library \\·hich the J u 11 i or Lea g 11 c directs. and fo r vohtntl'e ;· \H)rkers for FridaY afterno ::m o tHT a month hetween 2 a·nd ..J to aid with the hook dist·rihution "Be . t Sellers," 111Y!' tl'ry and detectin: stories, chil<lrc:n\ ho oks, romances arc especially cit sired. It \\· a~ antH·llnce<l that June "·ill iw tiH: au:xilian' s htncfi t m onth at Thrift hou se and . member s were urgc<l tn c:1ntrihute article s for sa le at that time. Thn· ma\· he left at an,· time· at the h cn.tH' o.f ~[rs. Patten -,vhc·rc they will he taken rare of until June , it ,,~as at1nouncecl. GURLI LAGERGREN R ead the W antAdS Re-Elect ORNER People~s Party DELICIOUS DINNERS! You've wondered sometimes where you'd go to get your · dinner. Don't wonder any more· . You can get a delicious .dinner at the Wilmette Cafe. Vote the Ticket Straight! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ·-- -·- · C. 1-i'. Bollcnson oi 311 Fourth stn: t'l. who has been in London for the · past two months. is at present tr:weling thr0ugh England . II t· l'X pl'rh to stop in Holland, Dc11111a rk. ( ~t·rma ny, :\llcl Pari~ heforc rtturning to \\'ilnu: tte in june. He is looking after his firm's intensts ahr:->ad. ~·llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll lllllll"lll lll lllllllllllllllll'~ -- - - - - - - -- i - First Chur~L~!rr~~~~~t, Scientist !:~= Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M . -· \i\lednesday Testin1onial Meeting-S P.M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. The April 17, 1927 Subject: uDoctrine of Atonement" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, barrowed or purchased. Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall -· Meals that satisfy The Public ia cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Reading Roem :;llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll llllll lllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,": SPECIMEN BALLOT ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION, APRIL 19, 1927 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS To determine the question as to whether a tax shall be authorized for a municipal band. BE REFRESHED It is the art of modern barhl'ring- to make a man feel as re freshed as he looks! We have every device at hand to turn a man out of the chair feeling fit for a feast, whether he is going out or going home. We practice a higher standard of service here. But our prices never hint it! ShaD a tax not e~ceeding two (2) mills be levied each year on all tax- YES able property in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of ~roviding "Shorty and Belrose" a fund for the maintenance or employment of a municipal band for musical purposes? Saaitar,. Bal'ber Shop 1128 Central Avenue Phone Wil. 3 786 Wilmette · + · · · · · · r'

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