12 WILMETTE 1 LIFE April 22. 1927 40,000,000 People I to Tour Country on Vacation This Year · 'SEA SYMPHONY' FEATURE OF FESTIVAL PROGRAM Described as Outstanding .Novelty Event of North Shore Musical Festival 7 Ways You Can Use Our Savings Department Save to Travel. You can open a Save-To-Travel Account any time, either by mail or in person. We will help you all we can, reminding you each month to make a deposit. Save for Insurance. Life Insurance is now recognized as a necessity. Open an Insurance Account and let us pay your premiums out of the funds you deposit for. that purpose. Save for Taxes. Those old tax days come around too often. Real estate, personal property, income or inheritance taxes, all are equally hard to pay. Let a savings account help Save for Necessities. A new home, a washing machine, clothes and that educational fund for the boy or girl. Save for Luxuries. Often you see in the retail stores a gift that would make someone happy. Set aside a fund for that purpose. . Save for Emergencies. Those unforeseen expenses which come in the life of everyone. Sa \'e for them. you. First National Bank ·············· of Wilmette The magnitude of the motor tourist movement in the United States and the record figures it is expected to reach in 1927 are shown in a report received by the Chicago Motor club from the Ameican Automobile associatio.n which estimates that: Forty million people will spend their vacations on the open road this year. This great migration of nearly a third of the nation seeking health and happiness will move ·in 10,000,000 motor cars. Approximately $3,300,000,000 will he spent during this great flow and counte.r -flow of humanity. The figures represent an estimate that the 1927 touring season will show an increase of ten per cent over last vear. This estimate is based on reports from touring bureaus of the 862 American Automobile association affiliated clubs throughout the nation. The report of the Ame.r ican Automobile association to the Chicago Motor club says: "Of the ten million automobiles that will go touring this season, a third will carry camping equipment and be used for outings of a month's aver age. T,,·o-thirds of the caravan will remain en tour about ten days hut will depend on hotels for accommodations. It was calculated that the camping brigade would spend about $1.000,000,000 or $10 per day per car, and that the parties frequenting hotels will spend three time as much per day, which would bring their total to approximately $2,200,000,000. These figures are regarded .as conservative, and the total 1 expenditure may run as high as three and a half billions." r ~ AUCTION Tuesday, April 26th, I I A. M. at 763 Michigan Ave., Wilmette IS ROOMS OF FURNITURE Automobile - Grand-Piano - Hall Charms- Clock- Oriental RugsBric-a-brac -Rugs - Carpets Drapes-8 Bedroom Sets to be Those who arc keeping close watch over the affairs of the North Shore Music Festival are greatly pleased regarding the attitude of the member:> of the big chorus toward the "Sea Symphony," the notable novelty of the coming series of concerts, that is to be heard on the evening of May 26. The first half of this prog.ram will 1Jc devoted to works of Beethoven 111 commemoration of the centennary of the death of the composer. The "Sea Symphony" has made a profound impression in Englathl, where it has been heard for a number of years. It has been pronounced one of the greatest compositions that has been produced in recent years. It is by R. Vaughan \Villiams, an Engli-;h composer. One reason why it ha., never before been heard in the Unitrd States is that there are in this country so few large choruses which arc capable of presenting such a large work in a satisfactory manner. More attention is paid to choral singing in England and there arc a number of choruses there which arc able to present such a work. Its reception on the part of the members of the North Shore Chorus indicates that it will enjoy simi)ar popularity in this country after it becomes known. The soloists of the evening ,..,·ill be Florence Austral and Horace Stevens. · The symphony is written for choru.:, full orchestra and two soloists, sop.rano and baritone. The chorus ha s a great deal of singing to do and the:-e arc great variety and contrast in the effects that a.re ca lied for, w 11 ich ra ng c 0~0 o~~ from pianis simo to fortissimo. 'fhl'fe are also a number of pas sages for tiH: orchestra that are oi nnttsnal bcattt\·. ~fany telling effects are produced, ;ts the composer has succeeded in producing i)assagcs that arc both poetic ai1rl Mrs. Ethel Bohanon forceful. It is C\'idcnt that an unusual treat is in store for the patrons of the of the series of concnts wht:n this fine \\'Ork is given it;; fir:--t prcsl'ntaBohanon Employment t ion. 0 The words are taken irom the rugAgency ged. rythmic pol'ms of \Yalt \\'hit man, which tell of thC' ~l'a. T.he syJllphony is in four lllO\'l'llll' llb, car·h wishes to announce the rc- 0 l>as<"d on ·a separate poem. ANNOUNCEMENT U o o moval of her office to larger ~ 4th St. One · O block north of "L." 52) D =tuarters at I o In addition to her regular 0 business she will sell Flowers and operate a branch office 0~ for Cleaning ~ Pressing. 0 SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION HOME SOLD-LEAVING THE CITY Open for Inspection n II D TRAIN LIFE SAVERS Last year the Chicagl) Chapter t)i the Reel Cross trained, exainitH:d. and pa~scd 3,122 senior liic . avers and 4,113 juniors, a twenty per cent increase over the number for the prcYious year, and a l'nitcd States recurd for the most extensive work done 111 life sav ing. Mr. and M:rs. William l~.. Rog,·rs announce the birth of a son, vVilliam Boice Rogers, April 10, at St. PetersWILMETTE I I 70 burg, 'Fla. Mrs. Rogers was formerly OJ::ZOC 'OJ::ZOJ=:==::rco Miss Marian Boice of Wilmette. TELEPHONE D MONDAY, APRIL 25th Let Us RENEW Your Old Hat 75 c· Fleckles Auction House PUBLIC AUCTIONEERS Lakeview 226o Another season's wear can be had from that last year's hat of yours. Our method of cleaning. CLEANS, and . RENEWS the hat so that you can't tell it from a new one. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE-U-WAIT Wilmette Shoe Shining Parlor No. I ELECTRIC PLACE, juat around the cornet from State Bank