Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1927, p. 15

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April 22, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 15 First Baptist At th t=> morning service Sunday at 11 o'clock, Mr. Stifler will speak on "My Gos1w1. of a Dec;ade." It is the Sunday on . whtch he beg-ms his e leventh year as pastor of tht> ch ur<-h. ThE> choir will bt> und e r the dir(lction of Mme. G ild(lroy Scott. .Tiw Sunday ~<·hool <'on eves at 9:30 w1th g-rad··d in!-ltruction for all age~ . Adult cla.·st·s for both m en and womt>n . Tht" sixth and clm.,ing Vesp('r concert for tlw s r;u;o n will b l:' given at 4 o'clock. Portt·r \Varring-ton H e aps, Organist of th e First <-:ong-rt>gational churc.h will presidP at the consolt> and ).Jr. and Mrs. Harold T. Ham;on of ~Yam;ton will sing. Tlw <'ompl!·tt· program is givt·n (·h;ewhf're in this is!';u(', Tlw S ... ninr n. Y. P. l'. will discuss tlw tJwnw "Pr\·paring for ' )fy Life \Vork" Snnrtnr ··n·ning at :i ::~o. John Om;p's g-ronn 1\'a<.ls. This <'h m·~·h <'O-ollt·rn t<·s with thr SunEW:ning· cluh whi<'h pr f'sf' nts this Wl ·!'k at tlw CongTt·g·atinnal <'hUr<'h, Dr. <:h·nn Frank. pr··sicknt of th!· l ' ni\' t> rsity of \Vis<'onsin. and Wt·ll known author t·ll Ut'a tor a ·rHl ora tor. ' day .St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park aYenues, Wilme tte Herman V\l. Meyer 1\1. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue, . Telephone 1396 Churc h telephone 3111 Sf'rvlrf's 9 :30 a. m. Sunday sc hoo l and Bible c lasses !l :4!1 a. n..1. First sen·ice and sermon 11 :00 a .. m. Second st=:n·icf' and sermon :\fnnday and 4: Children's classes ~[ond"Y and Friday at 7 :15: J<jwning classes '\f ro , II Y at 7 ::\(): f;irls' ChOl'US Tu('sday at 7 :30: Hoy 8<'outs On Sunday afternoon next. April 24. at 3 o'clock the ne wly ereGte cl gymnasium at the RiYer For('st Teaeher's college will b~:· formally dedicated by a special s1·n·i<'t> to whkh th f' J1Ublie is inYitf'd . This eolleg-t· is maintaint'd · by the Lut1wran ('hureh for th(· l·dncation of the t ea!'h <" rs for its parish s<'hools. Its ~>n rollnwnt at prese nt is about 400 . The school is situated at tht> corner of H :ulE' m a n·nu(· and Augusta houl t> vard . 'l'ht· pastor of :;:;;t, .John's will att1·nd a ('llnft·n·nct> from Tw·sclay to Thursrlay of tlw <'oming wN·k and will not he at honw during tht' day . ~hould it b e· tll'<'t·ssary to han· his st'rviees please lt>an· w,n·<.l at tlw var ·onap:t:'. Tlw Boy ~cout TrOOl) at St. John's had its first m et·ti ng 'l'ut'sday t- \·ening·. Elt·\·"n Wt>l' t' tlwre to start with. It will nwl't lP!·ain on Tut·sday t'n·ning nC'xt at 7 ::HJ. (;f:'org~c· t'ranwr will art as assistant s<'out mastt·r. )Jt·(·till!lS l~riclay at MOTORS SERVICE Incorpol"otetl EVEilVTHING . JO,.me AUTOMOBILE : SPRING IMSPECTIOM GAS SYST.E M 1. Clean Vacuun1 'fank Screen. NEVE It CLOSED 2. Clean Carburetor Screen. 3. Blow out all gas lines \vith cotnpressecl air. 4. Inspect "fank for dirt, \Vater, and loose baffle plates. The ('nnm Firl' l:irls will mt·l'! in th1· c·hut'l'h on :\londay at :~ ::w p . m . Tht · :\fid-wPt·k nwPt ing will ht· !wid on \\·~·ch11-sday at S o'C'I(Ick in f'hi ldrf' n's hall. This mc·ding· has bt>t·n att~nded in tht· past six Wt 'l·ks by an a\·t·rag·l' of GO JH·oplt ·. It is an htJUI' of ~on~ and prayf'r, !1-st irtHilt.\' ;ntd discuss ion and all tlw frit·JHb .,f tht· c·hur('h art· t·onli alh· inYitt·d. . . r I Linc·oln Trr"'Jl X1o. s, Hcoy ~c"uts, will nw;·t in t h·· c·hur<'h at 7: ~ ~~ Thursday ,.,·, ·nin g. Tilt · l'll11ir will m· · ·~ t f~tr r..Jwarsal tJll Thurscl<ty at ~ p . m. This ehurrh will ag-ain t:ntt>r a tt:'am in th(· playground leagut>, and two tE'ams in the horst:'shoE> lt>agut:'. A ll thosf' who intt·nd to play with tht> ha..._,..ball tNtm will plt·as<· notif~· Ht·rb l:' rt Flint. This a pplil's only to n·g·ular members of St. , .John's. Thos t> wishing· to play On tlH~ This t·n·ning- nt ~ ;,'4']o('k in tlw cltUl'!'ll hiJna·l"hCif· tt·ams mar ('onft>r )\'ith H e nry aud:torium. th~> llramatic c·lub of tlw :.\lt·i~·r lloff . F . . \ . S. fl;', .Jhow shi p and St·r\'il'l') will pn · ~·'l·nt "Hut h 1lw Loyal." Elaborate \1r. and ~frs . Clarence ~f. Puhhn·1n ""(·ni~· df· · ~·ts. brilliant pag·t·antry ancl appn o pri :tt· · nmsif' t'romist' a, bea utiful returned to their home at 623 \Vashprr·chwtiun . ::--:,, :ulmissicn1 ft·t ·. FI'"P it1gton avenue }.fonday aiter a trip will Mf<·ring-. YI·U an· inYitl'd. abroad. After cruising the !\[ ecliter \\' ilrnt ·ltt· Haptist f·hur<'h is 1ol';ttt·cl at tlw ('lll'llt·r uf \\. ilnwltt· a nd Fm···st :1 \·t· nut ·s. Th1· pastor, RP\·. Franc is ( 'arr ~~ ifl··r. ma~· bl' ~wt>n at his study in tht· C'hur<'h during tlw mornings of th" wt ·1·k ~'XI't·Jlt :.\londay, an<l at otht-r timl'f.; by a pJ Hointrnl'l1t. TIH· I'IHtr<'h 1.tfi<' is opt·n cl:tily lrnm !l to 12 ::tnrl 1 to 5, ~·losin·· ~ · >tunh\' at 1~. ('llUl'f'h t lep!Hln P, \\'il. :?2~i>. Th· · The Largest Motor Repair Shop 5. 'fake carburetor apart ... Inspect and Cle~n. 6. ~A.cljust · carburetor for \varnl weather. . m 7. Clean out vacuun1 tank and inspect for leaky Hoat. This will insure the car against trouble from the gas system at a cost of from $2 .00 to $3.00. Wilmette ram·an, they sto pped in Pari . . They also spcnt some time in England. r························- M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation Therl' ~·n· 2~.120.000 laying lllinPi" farm~. hl'll:i on I I +. 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 ·a······················· J.C.Slown Efficiency in many daily tasks is largely measured by correct vision. Pineapple Butter Biscuits A new one. ~re nder .' fluffy, rich in flavor, h ~a vy Sponge Cakes Delicious, perfect cakes tn vanous shapes- · some plain. some iced . La~er Cakes ~ I I but neither too or too sweet. It's one of those just right products that folks expect Remember . .. Your eyes are from the Dutch Oven. starting this Frid Jy. On sale every day your breadwinners~ it is wise to take care of them. On Saturday we will have THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF THESE GOOD CAKES IN OUR HISTORY. Come in and see these big values at soc and $ 1.00. Flo·ence N. Wood O. D. 709 MAIN STREET TWO STORES 1129 Central Avenuet Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 1504 Howard Street, Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638 ·· ~ · · ~ .·~h~~e. ~it~ .2~~: ·····J

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