Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 11

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April 2!J, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 11 St. Augustine's Sunday, May 1, wlll be the Second Sunday after Easter. This will be the day set apart by tlw Universal church to honor the memory of St. Philip and St. James. There wlll be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church schools at fl :45, and Holy Communion with address at 11 n'doc>k. Sunday, being the 1irst Sumlay in the month, will be Corporate Communion Sunday for both th e boys' and the girls' ('ommtmion leagues. Inst('ad of the sermon last Sunday ther(' was an address by Mr. F'. A. Garlick, a Chicago business man who spoke on b('half of the work of the Gid<>ons, a Lt'ague of Christian <;ommercial Travelt>r~. Seek Out Rough Spots to Teat Out th~ Elcar Elcar dealers are reversing the u sual demonstrating methods by hunting for the worst streets they can find, instead of seeking smoot h ones, it is said. The ability of the Shock-less Chassis tn ride with astonishing- smoothness o~~r rut~ and ridges has become the basis of demonstrations, and other features of the car. important as th ey are are almost forgotten in the prospec't's amazement at the ridin~ qualities of the Shock-less Chassis. F. L. Fridman of \Vilmctte is the north shore oealer for the Elcar. I 4 Tlw next meeting of the \\·oman's A.sRoc·iatE>d guilds will be held on Friday, :\[ay 13, In the Club Houst'-th' second Friday in May. It will be an all day ~t>ssion with luncheon at noon. Today, Friday, and next Friday, May 6, there \\·ill be no meeting of the guilds. Th e wome n of the guilds attended an aftt·rnoon tea at the home of Mrs. E. l\1. Antr·im on Tue sday aft(:'rnoon of this w1·t-k in honor of 1\Ir).;. Richard \\·ilson, t lw !o;t-cretary of tho \\'ornt-n's Ass(lc>i~ t e d ~ uild~, who left yesterday with lwr fami~~ - for a visit to relatiws in England. X .:>x t SundRy afternoon St. .Aug-ustirw's d1Urch school Girls' choir will sing in th£·ir VPstments at a Joint Rally of North ShorP Episcopal church schools in Libt"rtrvillP at 4 P. M. ThHf' will also hP :~ tlf·lt·gation of chlldrE>n from both our t'hurc>h schools. On Wednesday at 1 o'clock thC' Rt>ctor c-onrtucted the funeral of :!\lrs. C. H. T.Nt<'h, 521 Elevf'nth strN·t. :\lrs. LE'ach, who was a member of St. Augm;tine's, di t- <1 sudd<'nly on Sunday. Th(' rf'ctor :U'companied thf> fum·ral party to Kenm;hn. hPr old homt·. for tlw committal :-.·· n ·ict · at the grav£> . ALPHA PHI Patronesses for the Alpha Phi benefit card party to ·be given at the Evans· ton CountrY club Saturday, May 7, include Mrs: Budd Clarke Corbus, Mrs. G. R. Sanders, Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding of \Vilmettc, Mr~. \Vatter Dill Scott, ?o.lrs. C. A. Hich. Mr s. R. C. \Vieholdt, Mrs. ]. L. Turnbull, Mrs. Royal ). Whitlock and Mrs. Allen Mills. the latter of Glencoe. Proceeds from the affair will be devoted to the house furnishing fund for the new sorority house on the campus. Mrs. Arthur 13owe i's chairman of arrangements. For Mothers' Day There is no more fitting remembrance for Mother than a basket of carefully selected fruit. There is no better place to be sure of the finest selection than the Wilmette Grocery and Market. Opposite Village Hall Wilmette Groeer~ 6 Market For Better T bings to Eat 1146 Central Avenue Six Phones: Wilmette 420-421-422-423-424-425 John T. Rosberg 830 Park Avenue TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1590 Four Ft~e Daily Delioeries TAILORING 1n All Its Branches For people who care. hcsh stock of Domestic and Imported Woolens on hand. 40 The eyes must be fitted perfectly to insure the pleased expression which denotes physical comfort. Remember ... Your eyes are your breadwinners, it is wise Yeacs Experience is mtJ best quarantee to talte care of them. No Overhead Expense. Operating a shop in my residence, cuts the overhead expense to the minimum .. which means a saving to vou of at least 3 o%. DAY DREAMS 709 MAIN STREET ,............................... .----------------···· Mothers' Day Is May Eighth I I...··.. ~~:·~~;~. :.o::_ ...... J 1 . I Remember on this day with flowers .. Blooms, plants, corsages, and cut :flowers at moderate prices. W~'ll Deliver Your Floral Day dreams may be pleasant but they soon fade and leave nothing behind. Why not make your dreams come true by making a deposit in this bank every pay day? Y,our account will be welcome and we will gladly co-operate with you in eve.ry way that may be belpful. .Message To Her PHONE WILMETTE 3300 Hubert Hoffman, Florist RIDGE ROAD-WILMETTE I First National Bank of Wilmette ~-----------------············-·····················-~

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