Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE ·LIFE April 29. 1927 St.John's Wilmette Baptist Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll We. Deliver · Wilmette and Park avE-nues, Wilmette The morning worship on Sunday begins Herman W. Meyer, 1\f. A. pastor at 11 o'clock. Mr. Stifter will preach and 406 Prairie Avenue Telephone 1396 the choir, under the direction of Mme. Scott, will sing. The Ordinance of the Church telephone 3111 Lord·s Supper and the giving of the SERVIf'Jo~S Right Hand of fellowship will enrich the 9 :ao A. M. Sunday school and Bible service. classes 9 :45 A. l\1. First service and sermon The Sunday school · is completely gnd11 :00 A. 'M. Second service and sermon ed and meE-ts at 9 :30 in all departme nt~. 1\Ionday and Friday at 4: Clas!:les for <'hildren :Monday and' Friday at 7:15: Adult confirmands 'l'uesday at 7 :30: Boy Scouts Thursday at 2: Ladi f's' Aid and 1\lissionary Thursday at 7 :45: St·nior V\ralther league , .: Friday at i :45: Junior Waltht·r League The services next Sunday morning will be in <"harge of the Rev. Erwin Umback, the Hospice and Junior Secretary of the Walther league, who will also deliver the sermon. Pastor Herman Meyer will deliver the sermon at the dedication of th e new organ at St. Paul's church, ~ilt-:-; Cf'nter. :ll E ·~ 'fl :X H s .....J~.BJ.MO....-.w 15 57 SHERMAN A VENUE Evanston The High school B. Y. P. U. Will m .:·Pt at 5 :ao and will have as their guest antl speaker of the evening, Rev. E. A. Rohrbach of Winnt;>tka. 'l'he first of a series of evening senict·s will be held in this church on Sunday evening at 7 :30. More detailed notict' of this is given elsewhere in thi~ issue of V\,ILMJo~TTF; LIFE. The Camp Firf' Girls will meet on Monday at 3 :30 P. l\T. will be held on \Vedm·sday evening at 8 o'<'lock. lt will bf' led by William :\T. ·~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 'l'he mid-w<>ek meeting of the churf'h MOTORS SERVICE Incol"poraeed · EVER.VTHING ./(j,.tfl~ Burns. The:;f' me(·tings ha Vf' in re<'t- llt weeks becomE> a :;ource of g-reat hE>lp anfl inspiration to many. AUTOMOBILE SPRING IMSPECTIOM Body and Running Gear l. Tighten all body bolts. The annual HWt> ting ~inetef'n young neople will this year present themselvE>s for confirmation after society will be lwld on having· <.·ompleted the course of religious The Boy SC'OUt:-< will edueation prescribed by the <·hurch. The t>xamlnation of <>atechumens will take 1\'J. Thursday. place on Sunday, l\Iay 15, during the 11 The choir will tnPt>t o'clock service. The confirmation service will bl' on Sunday, 1\lay 22, at 11 o'clock. Thursday f'\'E>nin~r at 8 of thf' Woman·~ twxt Thursday . lllf't>t at 7 :::lfl P . fm· ,.,.h.,arsa l on o'cloC'k. NEVER. CLOSED 2. Tighten n1otor anchor bolts. 3. Tighten spring clips. 'rhe ,\.ilm'tte Bat'ti-.:t church i~ l·H':ll· ·ol Tlw next meeting of tlw Senior Waltht·r league should bring out every mt-m- " t the corner of "~llnwtte anrl Fnr .. :-:1 ber, since we are to ha.ve tht> Young Peo- ~ven u l"~. The pastor. R .. v. Fr<lnri:;; ( ·,.. n ple's sncit>ty of 'frinity Lutheran <'hurch, St.ifler. ma:v be RP'n ~· his :o:;tnrt:v in th· · ~h ur<"ll during- tht- morninJ:n'~ of the w·>··k nll:'twot·, af' our guests. excent Monday. and at oth('r tim('-s b~· Pnmarations are also under way · for Hpnointtnent.. The chnrC'h offici" is ' lP » J the annual entertainment of the newly 'hilv from !I tn 12 ani! 1 to :l. rlosinl!' ··n ('Onfirm('d by the members of the Junior ~ ... t,irday at 12. C'hurf'h tE"lephone, Wll. leaguf'. This Is always an affair of some 2235. importancf', and this year will be no except ion to th(' rule. There will be a Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Robinson and 1'"'n1nwt and entertainme nt. Several well known HJ)f'akers will also address the their daughters, Bertice and Lucile, art:'. moving into their residence at 125 .JuniorH. ~[r. and Mrs. Albert Verhalen, 310 sons, who moved to Wilmette from Third street, had as their ~uests last Pi~tsburg in Febr . uary, have been occt~ Third street this week. The Robin- week-end Mr. and Mrs. Btlly Haum pymg the Charles Sanford Clarke rl'~l of Racine, Wis. 1 dencc at 526 Washington avcnu<'. 4. Free up, grease, and tighten spring shackles. 0'1 The Largest Motor Repair Shop in Wilmette 5. Tighten holts fibre universals. 6. Crease wheels and tighten axle nuts. 7. Tighten and adjust steering gear. This will take up most of the wear caused by our rough streets . .. At a cost of from $3 to $4·50. · ~lt MAIN · Wilmette STREET SEND. FLOWERS! Mothers' Day, May 8 J.C.Sfown ---------------------Established. 1854 Charming Flowers make an ideal remembrance for Mother. In them. she can read the esteem and love you hold for her. C·. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Years 612 Davis St. Phone University 449 Wilmtttt Oftict Phont Wilmtttt 3 3 54 CHICAGO ""o E. Erit St. Phont Superior 7709-7710 ~~~~~·~··~·~e+~0~**~**~6~**~6~ee~q~+~U~6~~~~~~~~~============================:d

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