Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 44

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WILMETTE TREES VS. GOLD A debate on the subject, "Resolved that trees are more valuable to the world than gold," was held in the auditorium of the Byron Stolp school Wednesday morning, April 27. The · affirmative was taken by Henry Foster, Gordon Cutler, and Daisy Barrett, and the negative was argued by Bill Hastings, James Lauridson, and Jane ludwig. LIFE April 29, 1927 Aeolian Trio Playa at University Guild Session Opening with a ! Beethoven number, members of the Aeolian trio-Mrs. Harold Knapp, harpist, Miss Miriam Snyder, 'cellist, and Luigi Pupillo, violinist, will supply musical entertainment at the final meeting of the season of the Evanston University guild. This will be held Monday afternoon at Harris halt. The business session will include the election of officers Auxiliary Notes Mrs. Froehde and Mrs. Van Deursen head of the committees in charge of arrangements for the spring party the Auxiliary will giye Wednesday evening, May 4, at the Wilmette Woman's club. Mrs. DaileY is in charge of the cake and candy ~sale. Guests may dance or play for one of the numerous prizes offered for bridge, 500, or bunco. Legion News Wilmette Troop No. 1, of the Boy Scouts is being reorganized with Wit~ mette Post as sponsor, and Stephen Brownlee as Scoutmaster. This is the original Scout troop in this section of the country aud great effort is ·being made to put it on its feet again. It meets on Saturday evening in the Bvron Stolp school. · Wilmette post is taking part in the "Old Iron sides" campaign by sending a contribution of five cents per memhcr . All posts in Iltinoi.c;; arc being asked to send this amount-fiYc cents for each of 60,000 members. A committee i:-; working on plan~ for recruiting applicants for the C. M. T . C. this summer. Any boys intere sted should get in touch with Che ster Ambler at the offices of \Vrun:1'1'F. Ln·t:. Plam are under way for the usual observance of Memorial Day, Mondav Ma~, 30. There wilt be a parade througl; the Yillage followed hv brief exercises on the Lake front. · Swedish Massage Reduelng - Up·Bulldlng Phone Winnetka !799 for appointment. Carrie Nichols Clllrk 9U Provident Ave. Winnetka H Porches, Sun Parlors, Garages, Roofs, Storm Sa&hes, Screen, Porch Enclosures 110 lith St., Wilmette Ph. wu. ltll ELMER D. BECKER. Vic~-PrP.s[dent LTliAN, RICHIE & COMPANY Competent Insurance Service on all classes of protection. 17& W · .Jaeksoa Blvd., Chicago, 111. TELEPHONE: WABASH 1008 This is the season for automobtle Insurance. Why not talk with me rer;ardfng your coverage? q~d~Contractor :n!i~~e~n~ EINAR . N The Mav meeting will he held at the Mrs. and Mrs. Vance F. Foster, formerly of 1526 Highland avenue, have home of Mrs. Tohn Boddie, 1627 Fore st taken an apartment at the North Ev- avenue, Tuesday nenin g, 1\Ia~· 3. This meetihg inaugurates a month of special anston Manor. activitv, preparing; for Poppy Day, May 27. I " CARRIE S. ROBERTS I Pianist-Teacher - . Private Lessons-.l!:nsemiUe ReeltalB - Coaching ti leun Dillard Gunn School of !111sle Chicago Tel. Wlnn. 1!!8 Telephone Wilmette IU7 I Any ·woman should he prouder to v;ear an Auxiliary pin today than she was ten years ago to wear a service oin. Thi s pin shows YOU are one who has not forgotten. - DR. FRANK B. ERWIN Specializing In the treatment or your best friends tbe "Dog and Cat" All calls receive my personal attention JtOO Bid e An. Wllmt~tte. 111. VETERINARIAN A Unit Activities Cup is to he awarded to the Unit shmYing the best a.ll-around activity pr.o grani for the year. The activities of the organization cover a wide field, including rehabilitation. membership, music, Poppy day, child welfare, Americanism, as well as th(' social life. '"ith its allied acti,·itirs. Garde11 Club Notes ~~-) Jfealth and nerqq for YOung and Old is no better, surer way to build and maintain sturdy T health than to· drink fresh milk. HE. RE Wilmette 55 Doctors advise· a quart a day They say milk is especially effe, tive in building resistance to dis· ease. If you want good milk-milk that is always fresh, rich and pure, drink Bowman's Milk. It is the finest health drink of all. By M. A. E. On Wednesda,·. May 4, Shakespeare's 'fiH:re art' many thing!'> to look forcomedy, "As You Like It," wilt be ward to during the month of ,Ma,·. rev~ved a.t the Goodman theater with First of interest to \Vihnette is tl~c Wh1tford Kane as Touchstone and Miss flm\'t·r and plant sa le which is to be Ale~a1~dra Carlisle. a s Rosalind, who I held ~la. y 21, on the grounds just cast ~re JOilltly respons1hlc for the direct- of the Chicago. ~~ ilwattkee, and Korth m~. The incid~ntal music has heen Shore Electric station at \Vilm ctte wntten hy Hamilton Forrest and Miss avenue. A detailed account will be Doro~hy James. Friday matinees wilt given in the next issue of \VII,MWrn: he g1ven. · L1 n:. · Before the close of the season "A Another l'\'cnt of interest is the Lak e Midsummer Night's Dream" will be Forest Garden Club show, which is to played. It will he the revival of one be held on the grounds of Mrs. Rocke of last season's most beautiful and feller McCormick' s estate in Lak e popular productions. Forest Saturday~ ~lay 2H, and SundaY, May 29. Mrs. 0. V. Ruler of 237 Laurel ave Then too, the Fruit, Flower, and nue has as her guests her mother, M·rs. Plant guild is to start distribution oi F. W. Markham. and her sister. Miss flowers to different charitable instituHelen Markham, of St. Louis, Mo. tion s ~lay 24. \\T ilmettc is to take -0charge of the Tuesdays during the Dr. Cia M. Bagdadi of 207 Third season. Plca~e plant an extra row of ·s treet left at thr first of the week to flowers in your gardens so that you ~ttend the Bahai convention in Mon- may han· a part in this ~r<·a t work. treal. La st Friday st\Tral oi our garden cluh members \\'Orked hard and ·liligently to imprO\'e o ur ,,·ild fl < mer gar · WITHOUT den \\'hich i:-. sit ttakd dose to the "L" COMMISSION terminal. On Desirable Homes nnd Apartment Dulldfngs On ).lay 6. thr \Vihnette Ganlcn John Hancock Mutual Life lnaur· cluh is to makr a Yisit to the \\'auance Company kegan flat s (the Illinois Dunes), unckr A. D. LANGWOR'fJIY, J.. oan Agent the leadership of ~1 i ' S J anc \\' einland. ll! W. A1lams St., Chicago Whitford Kane Appears in Shakespearean Comedy · LOANS Start drinking Bowman's Milk today. You'll like it with every meal. Telephone our nearest distributing station or order from · one of our courteous milkmen. Hindu Lecturer Gives Reading at N. K. E. C. Real Estate LOANS Consult us about the financing of your contemplated building program. 1 Mill\. ,-, p [- DAIR.Y COMPAN' SMl-UtE 1564 Sherman A venue . Evanston - Ch~ndra Sena Gooneratm', the well k11own Hindu ll·cturcr, was the assem I>Jy speaker at the National Kindergarten and Elementary college Thurs day. The program for the afternoon included readings from Rabindranath Tagore, poet, philosopher, social r~ former, educator and internationalist. Mrs. Fred A. Cuscaden, Mrs. William Sutherland, Mrs. N. Landon Ho\'t and Mrs. P. vV. Bradstreet of tl;e governing board of the college, acted as hostesses at the tea which was served in the Alumnae club room at the close of the lecture. YEARS THE- ~TANDARD OF QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. Sanford S. Holden of 527 Warwick road, Kenilworth, and their four children, Barbara, Helen, Buddy, a11d Jack, arrived last Saturday ·from a nu;mth's stay at the Edgewater Gulf hotel at Bilox~. Miss.

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