Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 48

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WIL ME T.T E LIFE April 29, 1927 A number of important sales of tesidential property have been completed by the E. ' E. Stults Realty company recently. Prominent among them was the sale of the L. ·K. Gibson property on Forest avenue in Wilmette to J oseph A. Pirau Jr. Mr. Pirau plans to erect a home. Two homes are to be Colonial home on the site at once. H. K. Snider of the Stults firm acted as broker. Thomas · E. Halldorson has purchased a lot on Central avenue, Wilmette, from Arthur Ziff on which he plans to erect a home. Two homes are to be built by Olaf Jacobson on the 80-foot lot he purcha31Cd on Ewing avenue, south of Grant street in Evanston from John G. Johnson. Charles H. Hanson recently purchased a home from Henry F. Lesem at 2511 Hartzell street. He will take possession at once. J. E. West has rented a six room brick Colonial house at 1624 Chancellor street from Bro. Peterson. Robert Christiansen purchased a Jot with 50 foot frontage on Sheridan road just south of L'ake avenue in Wilmette, from Miss A. H. Miller. M. S. McDaniel purchased from W. A. Marriott a 40-foot lot on Ewing avenue south of Grant street. All the aho,·c cleats were handled by F. C. Betts of the E. E. Stults company. E. E. Stults Co. Handles Quinlan and Tyson . Important Realty Sales Announce Transfers BUILD MANY HOMES A long North Shore Quinlan & 'fvson, Inc., north shore realty brokers,- announce the closing of the following sales : R. B. Korrady sold to Vincent Marzano the 7-room f.rame ho1:1se on a lot 50x150 at 527 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. Carl Gurshin of the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., represented the sellers and 0. H. Armstrong of the Evanston office reprr.sen ted the buyers. Charlotte M., Miriam, and Thomas M. Heermans sold to Frank A. Bernstorff the 10-room frame house on a lot 50xl90 at 1216 Judson avenue, Evanston Mr. Bernstorff is <> ,~, oresso" at North\\·esrern umversity. Pier~e G. Beach of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., represented both parties. Horace R. Hobart sold to Isaac J. and Mary McElwee the two houses at the northwest corne.r of Hamilton street and Hinman avenue, Evanston, one of 9. rooms at 1202 Hinman avenue and the other of 8 rooms at 511 Hamil-· ton street. The property is a Northwestern university leasehold. D. H. Boone of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., was the only hroker. Permit Recorda at Wilmette V~llage Hall Show Building at Tnn Speed for Early Spring Montba. Buildir.~ vermits issued .n Wilmette during the month of April approached very nearly the $200,000 mark, with fourteen of the twenty-nine being f,)r residences aggregating a cost r,f $141,300. Three ·were for husint.·s~ properties representing a total cost in uew buildings of $35,900. Six of the permits were for remodc·l ing johs, the cost of which is $4.75t)' and six \rerc for garages, costing$2.350. Permits for residences during the last half of the month were issued to George Niestadt, for a residence and garage at 805 Greenleaf avenue, cos~ ing $18,000: to Herman Sund, owtH'land builder of a two-story frame residence at 122 Central Park aYcmw, costing $8,500: to Hugh Savage, inr a two-storv brick veneer rcsidenrl' and garage at 1535 Elmwood avcnttl'. costing $13,000 and of which Pct<·r McDonald is the builder: to E. C. Lewi~. for two residences on Sheridan road both of which are to h<' built by Barton & Peterson, of 1735 \Vilso:t avenue, Chicago. The permit for each was $12,000. They are to he t\\·n stories and of brick. One is locatl.'cl at 842 and the other at 846 Sheridan road. A. F. 'McCanney has taken out a permit for a two-story brick and shingle residence at 150 Prairie avenue·, costing $10,000 and of which Ja me:-; Crabb is the builder. The real estate office now nearly completed in Pine Crest· on Ridge ayenue was authorized during the month by a permit issued to N. Buck ami company. The cost was $700. A permit \Yas also issued to the K :tti~nal Tea company for a store costin;~ $7,000. on Main street, between Central and \Vilmette avenues. It is al. o well und~.:n,· ay. The two-ston' business and apartment block on Schiller ayenue west oi Ridge. for \\'hich a permit was issu t: d this lllontlt to Leo Braun and company, is also · under construction. The permit specifics a building costing $28,000, to be used as a bowling alley and restaurant, \\·ith an apartment nn the second floor . BUYS WILMETTE HOME \V. G. Stacey and company, n:.:>rth shore real estate brokers, re.port the sale through their Wilmette office of the Eric Norberg residence at 1001 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, to Frank M. Swirles of Chicago. Mr. Swirles is expected to take occupancy on or about ~fay 1. BUYS EVANSTON PROPERTY Charles Hasterlick of Chicago has sold to James Foley the property located at 717-19 Main street, Evanston. This consists of a brick building containing two stores and two apartments . on the second floor. The lot is 42x100. Ha.rper Payne represented the I Mr. and ~~ rs. Roland Millen formerly buyers and Hokanson & Jenks, Inc., of 115 Ninth street are now living at the seller. No price was disclosed. the North Evanston ~lanor . I BUILDING THE DRIVEWAY The driveway is a very import~ ant feature for the man that loves his car as well as his home .. The proper drive put in originally, the less repairs there ever need be; and for the drive that needs repair, the. sooner taken care of the less damage can be done. Hill and Stone Report Sale of Home Property The seven room hrick residence .1 t 1740 Washington avenue, has hccn purchased by George McCurdy of Chicago, from the former owner, \Villiant B. Marxsen. The George Gifford home at 211 Fifth street has been purchased by William P. \Visehart of Evanston ior permanent residence. L. N. Place of Hill and Stone was the broker in hoth transactions. · This House Built By Bengston at g86 Vernon Al)e,, Glencoe. " Builder of Unique Homes" Garages Constructed There is a knack in not only building the attractive, practical garage, but also in doing so to utilize the space least needed for other purposes. In Remodeling the Home or in Building a New Home To Order Bear this in mind. The job is just as sure as the accomplishments of the man who undertakes the job. · A builder of new homes knows best how to treat an old house; how to remodel it into something larger or to renovate it as it is. Get my estimate on whatever you are planning. Previous work is my best guarantee. WEST HOME SOLD E. Hazlett of the Hill and Sloue Realty company, represented hoth parties in a transaction involving tlw sale of the residence at 1027 Central avenue to Martha B. Yarian. The property was formerly owned hy Thomas West. Helen ~r arcl of Evanston has purchased t11e William B. Page residence at 919 Chestnut street for rcsidenthl purposes. C. I. Pennoyer of Hill anti Stone represented both parties. Screens Made to Order Have this important part of the house~ bold equipment taken care of now. .. All Cement Work Estimates entail no obligation. Barry Ben aston 975 Oak Street WINNETKA Phone Winn. 2103 Slf21MONEY Have funds to loan on choice 1mprov~d North Shore Suburban resIdence property at 5%% Interest. See u~ on renewals. E. G. Pauling A: Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 1251

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