.10 WILMETTE · · · .. Wilmette and Park avenues Wilmette Herman W. :Meyer, M. A'. pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 LIFE May 13, 1927 Do You Know How to. choose a doctor f How to stand to prevent foot trouble ? How "Old Sol" can bring you health this · summer? How to teach the baby safety tricks ? How to protect a men tal patient from his relatives, lodge brethren, etc. ? How 4 'bting afraid" rna y damage a child's mind ? How to make a good septic tank for farm or summer home ? . Ho\\.. to make a fair test for drunkenness ? How to measure the number of yards of skin on the human body? public examination of those who a1·e presenting themselves for contlrmatlon will take place. The following are to be ~:eceived into communicant membership by t·ne rite of confirmation: Leonard Wolff, Wilbur Schmeisser, Claude Maine, ~enlees Virginia Maine, Roscoe Baker, Eugene 9':30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible Prochnow, Virginia Lehle, Gertrude Herclassel!l bon, Ida Knox, KatherinP Hens, Dorothy 9 :45 A. M. First service and sermon Kunzer, Jennie Dyer, l\1. Hopp, \Villiam 11 :00 A. M . Second service and examina- Marquardt, Arthur · Ellers, Annette tion of catechumens. dacker, Marjorie Ha('kt-r, Ernestin..-. B£:'hr. KeetlagK ens, Martha Wilen. Monday and Friday at 4: Children's classes The quarterly met·ting· of the ~orth Monday and Friday at 7:15: Evening Shore Zone of the \\"alther league will classes meet at St. Mark's Lutheran church, Tuesday at 'l :30: Boy Scouts Libertyville, Ill., next Sunday. 'The sesMonday at 7:30 : The girls' chorus sions are to begin at 3 :30 o'clock. Pro· ' fessor M. Graebner of Concordia college On Sunday morning next at 11 o'clock, is the speaker of t·he day. An offering St John ,S L·61heran j the ICharities. will be taken for the benefit of Lutheran All the members of St. John's are expected to attend. . The Junior Walther ·league societies of the Northern Illinois District will mt·t-t on Sunday afternoon and evening at St. .James' Lutheran ch urch, Garfield and Fremont streets, Chicago. A verv fine prog-ram has been worked out by tht· executive committee, and every Junior should attt:>nd. .A light supper will bf· ~en·ed b<'tWt·n the afternoon and ewnin .... sessions. '"' T·lH' Ladit-l:i' Aid and Mission soeii't ,. Is giving· a nart:r on ·wt-dnesday aft.,rnoon, Mar J 8, at 2 o'clock. Thf' admission fee is a doll or a toy. nam c· s will be playNl, and refreshments will b.sen·Pd. Everyonc· iR cordially ·inYit<·d to ('01l1l'. Tlw Junior society is making plans for its annual reception of the newly con .. firmed. This reception will take plac' at an £>arly dat·'. and in order to b(' ar-; grPat ., succN;s as it was last year, demands tlw coo )wration of en~ry mPmbf'r. Tlw annual meeting of tlw · NortlH' rn Distrkt of the Missouri S:rnocl of tlw Lutlu·ran ('burch will bf' hE'ld at tlw nt·w gymnasium of tlw Concordia 1'f'achl·rs' c·ollt!ge at niv'r Forest, Junt· 22 to 2R. St. John's will be reprt-sented hy t·~H" H...-.Y. Ht>rman ""· MP.:rer, its pastor, and Carl A. Fick. Jay d(·lt·~at· · . Aug·ust Butzow is the alternah'. llltnoi~ First Scandinavian Ev. I f· ·l!-t R86 Elm strPt!t. 'Winnt>tka Pastor A. R Rohrbach Spruce strPPt Tdephon·· 27!=11 TbiDIS Hours ol WorMhlp Bard to Clean That is ba·r d to clean in the · ordinary tub- his underwear, hosiery-all his laundry. we~n wash and iron it all to a king' s taste. Sunday: Sunday :-ehool .. . ......... ~ :30 :t. m . Swedish ~·wrvirt· . . .......... 11 a. m . English st' n'iN· ............ 7 :45 p. m. Sub;t'et : "Pr .. jurliN· and Its ('urt·" Wednesday: Swedi!ih s··n·i('·· ......... . ... . S p . m . Saturday: ('onfirnuttion «'lass .. . .. . .... 10 n. m . 1\1'\'t·r "Thosf> ~·ho lovf> ont· another in r:od St·t· ont' anoth~>r for the last tim··." A phone call- Wilmette 606- brings our driver! You can get the facts about these and a great many other vital and interesting health subjects in the ,......................... M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation Mrs. Stanley Olmsted and childn·n of Danville, Ttl., are spending the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. ~waim of 701 Laurel avenue. May issue of HolDe Laundry A. F. DENZIN, Prop. · 525 Main Street Phone Wilmette 606 HYGEIA The Health Magazine of the 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 AMERICAN MEDICAL · ASSOCIATION -----------------------··· HYGEIA speaks with authority ·o n health problems. It taps the great storehouse of medical knowledge. It brings to you in plain, everyday language those facts about diet, exercise, recreation, disease prevention, etc., . which affect your own health and that of your family and community. If you prize your health you will prize Bone,. Spice Cake A wonderful blend of honey and spices serves to make this a most delightful bit of eating. The final touch is added by a maple fruit icing. On Sale Saturday . Fresb Strawberry Pies Every Day Strawberry Melbas A brand new one. Just about the t~stiest dessert you can imagine. A hght fluffy pastry, crisp, filled with fresh strawberries-Serve it with cream, whipped cria.mt or ice cream. Don't miss this. HYGEIA. ON SALE TODAY At All News Stands TWO STORES 25c 1129 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 1504 Howard Street, Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638