Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 9

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~lay 27. 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 9 surprise following the regular routine of the meeting'. .E ve ry girl b l· sure to be Th e First · Presbyterian churo~1 is lo- present . 88G Elm street, ·winnetka cated at the corner where Ninth street A. E. Rohrbach rrosse:.; ( ;ree nlear avnuP. ~orth Shore Boy Range rs who ·!1ave paid tht'ir du ~s 943 Spruce st r eet Phone 27:.11 line express and Enl.nston cars stop at r eg ularly will have a special meeting Eighth street and 1\·nth stred, one block Fl'iday at a :30. "Eats" afttrward~. Saturday-Confirmation class, 10 A. l\I. from the church. HeY. and Mrs. Hubert Carleton of Sundny- Hunday school, !'I :30 A . U ·\·. < : corge P . :\la..g-ill, D.n., pas tm· Swedi~~l se n ·ict>, 11 .A . )[. 1103 Forest avenue, have hacl as their 1011 Lakt- avenue Young P eo pl f"s S(·n·iee, ii P. )I. guest a few day s during this past Hesid<'nce Phone Wil. 1898 English sE·rvi c(> , 7 :Hi P. )J. Pastor's s tudy, 'Vii. 1575 Suhjt-c·t- " Ont· )lan with c :ocl. " we ek, }.frs. Nickerson. who is traveling Presbyterian Church First Scandinavian Ev. )r Plain Facts About Health and Disease How can you correct nervous habits in a child? Where can you spend an inexpensive vacation outdoors? What is the health menace of the '·boyish form?" Why do you talk? What is the hygiene of dishwashing? Are you · afraid of your dentist? What can women do about cancer? How is a summer camp for boys conducted? What preventive measures lead to a flawless complexion? How can you "sugar-coat" calisthenics for the children? E\'ery Sunday morning o ur Sunday m eds at 9 ::JO o'clock. ClasseR for all ages of young p eoplt>. )lPn 's Bible dass and Wom e n·~ Bil.>IP <"lass at 10 ,,·clock . ~c hool irom California to her honH.' in Boston . _ 0 _ "O nt· 1nan with Uod is a majority thoug·h ti H· I't · lH · a thtou~nnd on tht· otht·l' sicl ..... Hugh !\. Saxou of 738 Eleventh ~ treet returned a week ago from Atlanta, Ga., wher e he at tended a bank - :\Iorning worship ~t 11 o'C'lot'k . ....... mon s ubjec t- "T·h e Challenge of Our 1 t' Sunday" vrogran1 Hial eritage. " Pn·liminary to tlw . f t>g" Uhir 1 ··hurch service there will b e the "pos ting \ of th e CQlors" by t·n e Anwrican L t>g·ion H nd th e Boy Scouts, the r ead ing of "the JH't·amble" by the L eg ion Com mandt· r and the "oath of a llegiance" by tht> Bo:'Scouts. Seats r ese r\'ed for c;. A. H.. Spanish-American Ye t e rans, Amerif'a n Legion and Boy Scouts. All loyal and patriotic citizens are urg-(·d to unitt> with us in this service. The following is t·~l e music'al JWO~Tam : Organ Pre lude, "lie mories" .. .. , ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ... .. , . . . . . J)ickinSL~n Anthem, "C:od of Our Fath e r~·· .. ... . .................. , . . . . . . . SC'hllf'Ckt ·r Antlwm, "Crossing ttw Bar" . '\\'oodwanl Organ Offertory, "Elegie" .... 1\Iassf' nd Solo, "Tiwrc Is No Death" ... . .. O'Han· Mr: 1\llll(>r Organ Postlude, "March nomaim·" .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ;ounud Junior church at 11 o\·loek. Lt ·:Hlt rFrank 1\IC'Cabe. Subject .:_");Jy Fa voritt · Ht-ro nnd " · hr?" Rpecia l musi e ),y Juni o r c h oir. C hri!-;tian En < h·avor at ::; ::W f·'l'lod; . Lt·a dt-r- Halph Morris. Topi('- "How IJ:t\' f' :\fis!-lions Helped C'hina ?" . _ !ntf·~nwdi:'lti· T . .. :.lfl o t'lock. ··~ren1orial ~~~l'- 1 cr.,' con \'ell tion. ~~r- ~-~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-~--~~~I - - -· --Illinois uses 2i,OOO,OOO board feet of lumber annually. Repairing I 1 1"'~'3 . rlub will mt ·l'l ;tl I . I We specialize in designing and the mak ing of platinum and gold jewelry. We are diamond setters, watch, clod_ (, and jewelry repairers, and dealers in pearls. diamonds, watches and jewelry. We also feature the Gorham Silverware ~·and all other reputable makes . Tht· Ht·b<·<·cn. Spokl' anrwum·t..·s a sp··ThurRday , .Tun..t. Full announcl·nwnt twxt Wt·t·k . T·'1is d:tt·· should bf' r f'se rv l'd. ~· ial <·nt<'rta inmt·nt for . \ !--hla nd an·nut·. 'l'lw Hiblt- ~tudy l'!a!<s will n11-l'! Ttlt·s- 1 day at 2:15 at th< · h<mk of )Jr~ . .1. K I <'alllpl>t·ll and :\Irs. H. "·· :.\fomly , 1~:: ;; I I 1 HYGEIA --The H~alth . Magazine-of the American Medical Association answers these questions and many others this month in a straightforward. readable, brilliant manne.r. Its writers will share with vou the discoveries of medical and scientific authorities on health. For health is not a matter of luck. It is dependent on care and knowledge. HYGEIA gives you this knowledge in convenient and fascinating form. Every issue is generously illustrated and contains a wealth of information on d i e t, exercise, household sanitation, disease prevention, first aid, beauty, infant care, recreation, and a fascinating department for children that makes health knowledge a life-long possess;on! For plain facts about health, get a copy of the June issue ... :tt ·i ::;o I\ : 1111 Th.t · Ht ·hl'!'<'a ~P<>kt· will m··d Tth' ~lh t~· ~ " "· ·nJng· a.<; usual at th t· dntr<·h. J)inn ·-r · <J'~·lo<'k. I:t ·g ulat· :\lid-wt·<:k Prayt ·r Sl'!'\'it·t · o'doC'k \\.l·<ln <·Hday t·\'t·ning·, . .r I · F11t' St·\·t·ral .~·< ·ars ou t· Sun<ht\' st·hton) 1 has won n·ry gl·nt·ral anti high Cfllll- I 11lt·tHlat ion fm· thl' ir ('S Jh·dal ly fin E' ('hi I- ' <~n · n·.s l>a~ prl·g' r~ml-i. Tlw )Jrt·parations ' "" our c h1ldn·n s Day program .JttJh· I:!, indif'att · that past r eco rds w'ill I H· 1 ··quallt ·d, if llP~t <' Xcelle d. I 1' DOMINIC PAGLIARULO 1I Jeweler ~ Optician 66 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 1 6 years in the same location. 1 o6 I tl 't')nck. Hoy S<"ottt m Pro ting :\[onday at I 1 ::: tt 1 11lt ·t· t .\ linrH ·haha troop of (;j,-J ~c·outs \\ill F r-id ay at :J ::~o. Th t· rt · will hl.' a 1 I' or Memorial Day The Dutch Oven will offer a large variety o; cakery goodies to tide you over the double holiday. Temptin1 Ass or tlften ts . J. f ·I CoHee Cakes Layer Cakes Pecan Rolls Honey Spice Cakes Delicious Cookies Apple Cake And lor That Outin1 Wienie Rolls Hamburger Rolls Sandwich Bread Raisin Bread Note- It is advisable to order early and reserve what you want. TWO STORES 1129 Central A venue, \ 1ilmette 1504 Howard Street, Chicago Phone ·wilmette 2 Phone Sheldrake 9638 wqr mutrQ ®urn On All News Stands 1 25c

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