Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE May 27, 1927 c\'cry man d esires to build for hilllsclf. the!'c d o llar ~ ha\·e brought a li ttle oi the ~pirit of home: the win". struggling tn keep tht: iamily t::>gt:tlH'r ha\'e been gi\'cn a lift: and the Legion. eYcn nwrt: far seeing, ha!' ).!athen·d to gether in com'f ortablc homr~. ~hil~lren "·hose fathers fell or are hospttallzt·rl. while the Auxiliary attl'mpts t·l gi,·,. them extra comfort!' and hit-. oi ,t.;lad · tH' s~ <111 Jwliday~ that a nlt 1 :l1c:· tnigl ~ . give. Thi:-; da,·, in ~h o rt. "ho111·r ... tht: 1k :t· l 1)\· serving the living." · " Oh you, who sleep in Flanders Fields Sleep sweet-to rise an ew: We caught the Torch you threu) And holding high , we keep the Faith With all who died. Legion A uxiliar~ Why we sell the POPPY DAY-MAY 27 Today thou sa nds of Americans will he bm;ing and wraring the POPP.\', "not i;tdifTcrently, but as an cmhJem of sacri fice ," and they will "·ear it again on ~on day in n.·tllL'Illhrancc nf all those who died in service of oar country. Brief History of the Poppy The "popp~· vision"- a reel tlo\\' cr worn to comn~t·ntoratl' those \\·ho min gled tiH:ir bluod with the soil whencl~ sprang :'O proiustly these fields ot poppies on the French hat tic: fields-was fir~t caught by a girl on the Y. ~1. C. A. qaff onrseas, ~Hs s ~1 ichacl. oi Athrns, Ca. From this inspirrd beginning, it was adopted hy coni t.:r cnces. sold hnt: in citit.:s for indi\'idual patriotic nerds, planted by cities in vast llH'Ill:)rial gardens, until in 10.20 it was adoptrd by tht: American Legion as it:-. official flower of m~.·ntory. The auxiliary adoptl'(l it in 1921 and pil'dgcd the JH·ofits ni the salt- 100 per cent tn \\·t:liarc work. In 1924 the organizatintl Wl'llt still iurthcr and agreed tn buy only those pnppic-.. made by t'X--,L·n ·icc llll'n and tlH·i:· families. What the Poppy Does La~t \'l'ar, over $151,000 \\· a~ paid 1.1 cx-scrvict: men. ~.:it her in hospitals 1 1r 'just out and unable to do liard work, for making thl'..,C flo\\t'fS; thi~ !llcan s that many llll'll haw, throu.t.;h poppy making, t'<lfllL'd 550 to $75 a month, their f1r~t actual earning since the war. For thuth<Ulds oi llll'l1, W ~ llllt' ll, and children the war is not yet nYcr; an. I it is for these e\·crY n ·nt- oi the lllOtH' \. is sp<'nt. To som-e oi the se clisablc;l n : tl ran~ - dl'privcd of the home which DUNLOP TIRE has been build· F ing the world'sDunlop supreme tire. Dunlops OR 39 YEARS .. we cherish, to~. the poppy red That grows on 'fields whet(' valor led : It seems to signal to the skies That blood of heroes neoer dies . But lends a luster to the red Of the flowers that bloom above the dead In Flanders Fields! "And now the Torch and Poppy red We wear in honor of our Dead. Fear not that ye haoe died for nauyht We 'ce learned the lesson that ye taught In Flanders Fields!" (Poem by Miss Michael. 1 wear longer because Dunlop knows how to build better at each vital point. Take the hidden carcass beneath the tread. Dunlop owns its own cotton mills for no other purpose than to spin the best long-fibre cotton into the famous cable· twist cord that goes into this carcass. The extra strength in these cords means an added factor of safety against constant · load and pounding of roads-longer life and greater mileage. . The extra "stretch" enables the carcass to give under severe blows, and to come back into its original position without internal injury. The Dunlop tread-the toughest rubber development known-wears slowly and smoothly, making sure that you get out of your Dunlops, all the extra mileage that added care and longer experience have built into them. We recommend that you l~uth Shellman, daughter r·t and · ~t rs. \\'. H. Shellman ·1i 727 Elmwood avenue, will return fr cJill Swarthmore college, ncar Phibdc :phia, the fir:-.t week in jum·. :-r ;. . .. Shellmn·n ts a member of the juni· ·r cia . . s. Mi ~.:. ~f r. -o~~ r-. . i~llht· rl Turn{' r i·i :\ll c~ ; tl . ich., llll!thcr oi ~f i:-;~ Dori- Turnn ·,: the \\' i!tndtc Public -.choob. h;t.., l·t·l ·' the gue~t uf ~~ r:' . Charlc . ; F . ~n t ith " r · f>31 l.akl' an:nue during tht· 11a-.t \\ tT ~\. She rt:turnl'cl home 'l'tH:s day. ~fay 24 ~I put Dunlops on your car. GREAT INVESTMENTS! Statistics tell us that the foundation of mosc fortun~s was made in real estate; therefore the wise home buyer must keep the investment feature always in mind. Buy J hom e or a homesite with a future like these: . To settle an estate we can deliver a 6 room residence with hot water heat: sun porch: on /:l acre of superb grounds for Grounds alone worth $1 3,000. 1 MARGERUMS TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing and Accessories $1 baths : Q.ooo. 621 Main Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3243 Homey 7 room residence; oil heat: delightful grounds J')Oxi6o: rock garden: garage; $2 J,ooo; terms. C.1sh will buy this for littlt' more than ~round value. House has been renting for $I 2 5· Room for two more homes. Interesting 9 room residence: 1 baths: delightful sun and sleeping porches; 2 car garage; 125X135 feet of beautifully wooded. shrubbed grounds in choicest East Winnetka; $3 r; .ooo. Grounds alone worth $25,ooo. You who appreciate uniqu e landscapin~ and distinctive charm should see this! Wonderful country home on 2% acres of choice East residence prop erty with over 6oo feet of charmingly wooded frontage; large garage with servants' quarters; house has 6 bedrooms and 3 baths on 2nd floor ; billiard and 2 sun rooms and toilet and lavatory on first: besides living room . dinin~ room and kitchen. Can be bought for ground value$so.ooo . Destined to be worth $1oo.ooo. every 2~ seconds someont buys a REINS EN REALTY 720 Elm St .. Winnetka co. Phone Winnetka 254

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