Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1927, p. 5

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May ?J, 1927 WILMET,TE LIFE s School Children Write Invite Veterans Call Special Vote of All Wars to on Park District Essays on Memorial Day T R [ I ~lore than two hundred children of · M emorial ·S ervtce ax ate ncrease the Seventh and eighth grades Of the I \ Vilmettc Post of the American Le-I gion is co-operating in preparation . · for a community Memonal servtce to he held at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning, ~fay 29, . at 11 n'cl()ck. Members of the Iegton knT hren im·itcd to attcnd t 1 H' serv · in·s in a group. llL' The 11 emorial Suncla ,. addrc:o;s is to gi\'cll by Dr. Geo~ge P. ~Jagill. tninister of the Presbyterian church, who ha-. chosen for his theme, "The Challt·ngc of Our Heritage." There \\'ill he a program of music appropriate to t hl' occasion . ~IH: cial invitation to atkn<l thi:- :-it·rYin: is extended to the G. A. R .. \\'ontd.n's Relit£ Corps, Spanish American \\'ar n·terans, National Guard ancl Hoy ~r o uh . The public is invited t1) join in tl1 !s . pecial service in tribute to tho~t· who ~acrincecl their lives in the o;en·icc ! l! tl11.:ir rnuntr)·. ·· Hearings on Alley Paving Projects .Set for June 7 :\ public hearing upon the proposed paving of the first alley south of Highland avenue between Sixteenth and ~1?\'Cnteenth qrcets \\'ill be held heior-e the Board of Local Improvements on June 7. it was announced at the mt:eting oi the hoard on May 17. The hearing on the petition for the p;t ,·ing (,j tl11.· first alley west of Seventrcnth ~trect betv;een \\' ilmette and Lake aYenucs was al~o :-et for .June 7 h,· the hc·arrl. TilE SFNSJII~E :->.1101' " l'r ····i· ·ll S :1 rtidt ·s < ·nnH · in small p;H·k~ ~ · · >- . " -Tht Sunshin" Shltp is litth'. but; t ht · · form~:r quartt>rs of th f> \Y~:stf'rn 1'nion . th· ·l'· · is a littlt> shop that iR fuiJilling· it:-: name in evt:r~· sensr of thL· 1\'0!'Cl ·: A special election will be held, Mon- \Yilmet~e schools . contrib~ted essay~ day, June 6. for t11e purpo:-;e of voting con~ernmg th~ fittmg subject of Me. . . . . 1110nal Da\· 111 the annual contests Wisconsin Califnia 0~1 a . proposttlon authonzmg the Wtl- :-;ponsored in· the \Vilmette Optimist's mette Park board to increase the tax club. · Mionesola Pacic rate from two an d two-t h'tr d s nu'11 s to The three hest essa,·s were to ha,·e · four mills and the rate o f t h e b on d e d been selected this week and will be ·11 s. indebtedness from three to fi ve mt read as a part of the \Vilmette MeBlackHiso=: Zioa .... WJOIIiq The increase in funds is required by 111orial day program next Monday O OTHER railroad offers such a di· the Park board in order to enable it 1110rning. The prize \\·inners in the versity of scenic playcrounds aa ia to properly care inr the public parb' conte:-;t will also rccein.~ their a\\·ards found along the Chicago & North Western Railway. Lofty mountains, gay in the village. at that time. beaches, dude ranches, National Parka, A similar vote has been taken in The hoard of judge:-; appointed by deep, cool forests, quiet lakes, aparldin1 streama-somethine to everyone's likmanv of the park districts in the coun- lohn Da\'ie:-;. president of the \Yilmette ing, whether it be the short jaunt over ty ~here the proposition has been Optimist\; club, to select the three best a week-end or the tour to occupy the '1 H 'f K' whole summer. Ask about our escorted meeting with approval, and the officers t·.;...;ay:-; were ·" rs. ayes ·' c mney, all·expense tours. of the vVilmette Park hoard are urg- nnrly elected pre~ident oi the \Viiing that the coming election in Wit- llll'tte \\'oman's club, Dr. \\'. \V. HawLow Summer Fares mette ma\· meet with similar fayorable kin:-;, commander of the \Yilmette Post action. (li the American Legion, and E. \V. Excellent tram service daily from Chi\\.l.'hl·r. eclitor of the \\'n,\lETTE LtFE. cago to all these regions. Let our ex· perienced travel bureau help you in Mr$. George Lomax of 1141 Sheridan l planning your vacation itineraries. road, returned Sunday, 1[ay 22, from ~Ir. and Mrs. Charles N. Ramsey ! Kansas City. ~[o., where she was call- accompanied by their son, Charles, and : I Forilluetrated foldera and information about train ·ervice. fare· . etc., apply to ed on account of the death of her daughter, Jane, both of :\1iami have 1 J. N. FAUCETT, Ticket Age.nt mother. :\frs. 1[. L. Sullivan. 1fr~. recenth· returned from Davtona 1 Chicago & North Western Ry. Lomax' ~istl'r . .\1 i:-;:- ~. E. Sullt\'cttl. i:-. Beach, -Fla., and have taken an apart- ! I Glencoe, Ill., Phone 4 7 ,·isiting hn in \\'ilmcttc at the present ment at the Linden Crest for the sumU87G time. mer. -~.--·-.-...- - - - - - - - - - - - - VACATION' HEADQUARTERS ~ -~ Colorat:O~::=-· ..=a, =· N 1 'l ++YY +++++ yy yy ·· ····· yy ····· ·· YYYYYYV y' Swi~ging Into SummerOutdoor furniture for the lawn and the porch claim much attention at present ... The weather makes for restful hours in the open . . . See our display. 1h : :\I;.- ! 1 li<l Yc\U know that lwr·· in \\'innf'lka, i" lllll:-:t + lit ·!'· · \ : ith sunshinP on all sidrs it Is a plt-<~sant 1llac in whkh to shop and th· ·ll t··o-a womans' t·xchang-e dt.·IHtrtmPnt i>- run. whit ·h is hf'lping- a larg-f' number Jf \\'lllllt · ll to Jll'O<"un· somt· of thl' tH'C(:S:-: an· lhings of lift> aud otlwrs whu are i ll c·;.tpadtatt ·cl to proCUI'<.' tht· lwlp 11t.'Pdf'd; " " ~· ou =--· ··· tlw nanw has n t wu-I'old II I· ·;t 1li II).!". 4 Passenger Swing To. help you enjoy cool breezes beneath the trees. this sturdily made lawn swing with plenty of room for four persons. Porch and Lawn Chairs From folding camp stools to highly decorative folding armchairs. The one pictured here has a wood frame and striped or plain canvas seat and back. .\II thing-s handlt·d at·p eith···· hand-made t I 4 + uniqu<'. Hook d rug·s, eandlesi·r· ·ads, hath mats and 110\'l'lties of 1)Jo· lliOtllltnin whiU ·s ar<' carried: fancy ha ndk< ·rdlids of the finest needlework JII'·H'Ul'ahho; quilts, ctuilt··d pillows, hand J· nitt.-d g-olf sr·vi·s made of th(· fitwst of " ' ""'· h~· an old Sc·otch ~raudmother: inf:lnt:-: ' dn·~!'t' S, hooti£·s, bomwts, catTia~e .,.,·pt·s. ancl many otlwr novPILil'S for· ha.hy :.:. iff~ "~"' ' irr stock, also bridge prizes. Tltvn tno wlwn r "Job" that you Jul.\·(' '" d" =--· · · · 111~ to hv a hug-hNtr, think of the 1itt J, . slwp as t lwy can lwlp you out. 'l'lw w.. nH·n <·n thPir books are only thP ven· ! w~t ill their \'Hrious lim·s nnd ('all l<nit :1 sw('at.·r fm· you perfectly, c rochet a l't ·ntl ·r-plr·ec, make a beautiful infant's or ·hiltl's dt·,·ss, quilt a quilt or makt· pill"ws. hook a rug, ('mbro idl·r monogTams 1111 litu·ns, lwm litH' ns, make layetlt's, cur;ti us, ehais~· loung-e co\· ers, paint dresses, or pidun·s, or shad~:s, trays, boxes oi' , Y··H rurnitun· to ord('r, and in fact do :l!most anything- nvl'd('d to hf' done hy h:tnfl a nfl do it perft·('tly. .\s a ft·w ··xampl<'s; a g-randmother ··ig ht ~· .Yt·a rs of age dresses dolls beautifully, a young French g·irl makes cut" ·orl' handk(·rehiefs or does monog-ramming-, a fariiWl"s wife is helping- on tlw farn1 by making the rc·al old fashioned ltttnl\··<1 rug-s and pit'C{'d. quilts, a young ho\' in a sanitarium nw.kt's yarn hooked t·ug·~. t \\'(r old ladiPs in thf'ir HC\'entles tuilt, anntht·r womafl is helping send her two boys to :-;<'hool throug-h lwr knitting-, ·t ~·uung g-irl is h elping to pay ht-r way t hmug·h art :-;ehool hy painting mono~rams r,n washable g-lo\·e~ and thus the :-;t ut·ies g-o. Last hut not lt'ast by any mt-anl:l, three wonwn hPrt' in town "who just love to cook," take orders for a.ny sort of a fancy ,·ookh·, cake, pie, or sandwich, t'ither in largl· or small quanti tits on ont> day not Ice and at most reasonabh~ priceH. Tlw Sunshine Shop can bring· you sunshine too if you will gin~ tht>m a chance and we are sure you will be a steady customer ! Adv. "' \'t'l'\' wi· ·l Couch Hammock Bird Houses Bird Baths Steel hanger with chainsmade in khaki duck with a tufted pad and seat. The chains are adjustable so the desired height can be obtained. JO·llN MILLEN HA~DW ARE 1219 Wilmette Avenue Phones 3060.. 3061 ··································~~~l

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