Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1927, p. 29

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June 3, 1Yl7 ~ 111111111111111 11111111 1 11111111111~ WILMETTE LIFE 29 ~lltiiiiOIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllltllllj . ~ q ~ llllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lll l ll lll l.llll ll ll lilll l ll ll lllllllllllllllll l llllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ J ~ "Westmoreland ' " '" "' " '"J" '" " '" ~'~'~'!"~'"Goes " " "~~,~West" .~~"'" "' ~~!!,,,,,,,, ~ ,!~.~'~"'" " ' " ' " " " ' ! . , l ~ " ' " l for and Name Home Fine Course for Game on Glenview Rd. Club, Without .Bonded In .. debtedness, Boasts Demo .. era tic Spirit; Women .A.re Socially Active This is the first of a series of stories about the famous golf dubs of the north shore district. Visiting the var:ious clubs. the writer learned much of interest, which will make good reading for the players of the clubs and others interested in the sport. There is romance in golf. Read this series. By RAY C. PEARSON E fe,,· !l lllllth-. more than :-ixtt:Cn ~: ear :-; ago, ftitt~ en men accepted the zuh· ire uf Hora-ce Grcele,· and "went \\.\·-.t." They trekked the Glem·iew r11a(l until thL' Y reached a point three'l uartn=- cof a mile \\est of Ridge road. Tlw re they ~ topped, looked aJHI cnn-i< k rl'<l. Then they acted ancl \\'cst"i11·1relancl hecame one of the greatest ~u!i clubs of the north shore district: '!'here is an interesting little story n i ho\-.· the \V e:;t moreland Country club acquired its name. When the old F,,·anston Golf club, the first club of t hat name, wa~ forced to move from its original home in ~orth Evanston heL ':tuse oi the inevitable building dem;;nd. the members m<:t and decided to at once seek a new site for the club. .-\ committee of fifteen was appointed til find a new location. Very shortly this committee reported and the tenor nf its report was: "\V e'lt have to go \\rest to get more lan(L" S l )~( Westmorebnd's beautiful clubhouseMiss Mercedes Bush. club champion. A Club Springs Up That's how it happened that the fifte~n men "went \ Vest" and how out of the prairie land of 'Glenview r_?ad there grew a -country club a;-; hcauttft.~l. as staunch and permanent a~ an:v 111 the country. And when they ·sought a new name-they couldn't use Evanston because other members had handed together and decided to form a n_ew organization in Evanston perpetuatmg· the name-that first report of the committee of fifteen c0uldn't be .forgotten. TheY had to go west to get more land, and· they got it and so they usrd the " ·ords "west, more and land" and ··pushed" them together and Vv estmorelancl was created. In sixteen years Westmoreland has accom~ptished remarkable yrogress. The initial cost of membershtps was $175 hack in Jn1 y of 1911. And at that' time the new cluh solicited t"·enty-fi\·e special members who were to pay $1,000 tach. These member. hips were nonassessable and non-dues bearing and were redeemable after ten years at $800, the member retaining a regular membership in the dub. Hark back to those organization days. the days of $175 membership:;, Toda,- a membershit) cannot he JHtr~.·hased in \Vestmoreland and nnll'ss a fellow is lucky l'llOttgh to be inYitcd and that im·itation costs him $1.600. This is accounted ior lw the fact that membership is re~t rictrd to 350 member:'. Caddie house and golf shop. PHOTU BY L~HLI-! Good Fellowship Keynote ExclusiYc. nnt' might sa,·. hut I am informed b,· OllL' lli the club's execttt i\'('S that a ~t·a rl' h t h c lrn Qt h ancl breadth fli tht· cot1ntn· \Youlcln't rcn~at a goli org-anization it; ""hich the snirit of drmnrran- is more outstanclin~ . l.ood fellcl\\·sl1ip is the keynote. The members arl' l"\'alh- partner:- in the rluh. :'\..; rYidrnu that D:-~me Fnrt11nc hac; ,n,;kcl on \\.est moreland :ltHl that ho~1c;;t and aQ"!..!Tl'ssive efforts ha,·c hrrn rc'\Yarded it is pointed out that tnrl;n- thr cl11h i..; one of a few ,,·ithout Al . Lesperance. professional. Snln PJarJ Not Necessary a hondrd indchtcdne;;;;;; . The H'ars have hccn so prosncrous that alwavs the There is a slogan tktt '\'\·cry memtreasurY is preparrd for any cxpendi- and treasurer, informs me that $3,000 ber gc ; s a game." That means that is spent annually in improvements. tqre of moncv that maY he necessary. (Continued on page 34) A. C Collett. the as..;istant secretary Just at present a new asphalt road costing $1,500 is being constructed on the grounds. \Vestmoreland \\"as officially opened ior play in 1912, the year following 1fs org-anization. At that time the membership was more than three hundred and then~ \\·as a gradual increase until it final!\- was decided to restrict the ti:'t to 350 members. The "'ritcr has touched tightly on the spirit of \Ve stmorCtand, but there i::; much more that can he said. For iPst;)nct· lic;tcn to tl1i" little ston·. One of the old memhcrs who moved to another cih· came back after several rears ancl deci<l<'d to Yisit his old dub. llmim.!· thr Yrars he had been away flw natural .cl1ang-e in personnel had t :-~krn placr and he was a hit afraid tl1at he migl1t not he as \n·ll acnuainted: that he mi(!ht nnt receive the old timr "gl;-tr{ ll;-ttHl." \Yhrn hr annrarcd in the doorwa,· he was p-rahhed and "nmnn hanifled" tn wearin<'ss and <:;lannrcl h:-~nt :-~no oft<'n. He'll tcstif~· to tll!' wonderful snirit of the club.

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