WILMETTE LIFE June 10, 1927 11- North Shore Public Invited to Ravinia Play Festival · ·. North Shore Drama In Ivy Chain Gto~p Groups Take Part in Play Festival .____ _ _ _ _ _ __. Bfl Jean Ten Broeck ·The last year or two has brought about quite a remarkable growth in the interest in amateur dramatics all along the north shore. Little groups of players suddenly have sprung into being and have contributed much to the life of our villages. As nations no longer can live entirely apart and center their own activities within themseh·es, so these little p 1a y c r groups arc gradually inten11ingling and interchanging their interests and their talents. This sea on is having its innovations. Recently a contest for amateur dramatic groups was held in Chicago for entrants from Chicago and its vicinity. Not long ago we saw an example of this neig_ h borly ·spirit at a meeting of the Threshold Players of Glencoe when the Ravinia Players, as their guests. \\'Crc invited to present their talent. The latest step in bringing together north shore talent and presenting it to the public, is the Plav Fe_s tival in Ravinia Saturday, June 1i. The north shore public, without admission fee, is invited to be the audience at an out-of-door set of productions hy local drama groups. The plays are to he put on in the woods o p p o =- it e the Ravinia Community House 011 Rogers \Villiam s aYcnue. Lionel Robertson is in charge of scenic effects and the entire production. Lights are to twinkle among the trees, the entire background is to be charming. The R;}Yinia group \Yill gi,·e the first act of Rostand's "Romance'rs." The Threshold Players of Glencoe will offer Ken n e t h Goodman's "Grec·n Scarf." The Town and Gown group will be represented b\· "As It \Vas in the Beginning" with. the same cast that ga,·e it in \Vilmcttc recently. The play is from the pen of ).f rs. J aines A. Burrill (li \\.ilmette. .Garden Talks By M. A. E. One of the most delightful afternoons the \Vilmette Garden club has had this year was held at the home of Mrs. S. A. Wheelock, 822 Central avenue Frida,· of last week. It was an old' fashiot~ed affair· where each mcmber had to be introduced to her host ess, so changed had she become since the last meeting of the club. It seem ed as if everyone's attic h ·been ranago. sacked to bring forth th . Mrs. \Villiam Eva of Evanston gave a most interesting and educational talk on "Colonial Gardens." She also. out ·of compliment to our old fashioned clay, wore a beautiful lace sha\Yl belonging to her grandmother. Mrs. Ben Gage, gO\Yned in a frock of vears ago, sang many appropriate songs. among them one entitled. "An Old Fa. hioned Garden." During the singing, Mi:-~s Faith Burge. granddaughter of Mrs. S. A. \\.he elock. in a dress belonging to her great grandmother. walked to and fro among th'~ guests in illustration of the songs. One of the features of the aftet·JJoon was the judging of Colonial nosegays and old fashioned flowers in old ias11ioned \'ascs. Ribbons "·ere a\\'arded as iollows. with ).frs. EYans anrl :\fi~~ Morgan, the judge~: Clas:; T Colonial nosegays-Tilth' rihhon, :\frs. \\·alter Gore ).fitrlwll; red ribbon, 1\frs. Charles D. E\\'er: yellm\· ribbon, 1frs. Donald :\f. Callie: honnrah le mention. :\frs. Albert E. Gebert. C'la . .;s TT, old f a~hinned fl (>\\·crs in ,-a~e;;-hluL' rihhnn, ~r rs. Char !c.;; D. E,rer: red ribbon and yellmr ribbon. :\frs. Charle.; X. lJurlhut. Old fas hiolh'd cup-C':--t kr;;. ca ra wa\· cookies. and sugar cookies. t"C\grth~r ,,·ith a <lcli. g htful cup of tL'a. cnclrd a most interesting afternoon. New Trier Alumni to Hold Reunion at High School June 16 New Trier alumni ,~~,· ill begin 1 heir annual meeting on Thursday, June }(,, with a bring-your-own picnic supper on the · quadrangle lav.·n. Tradition rules t·hat seniors. and they for only the last week of school. may share the pri,·ilege of using the quadranglr lawn. Bennett ~f cAilistar. one of the t\\'0 members in the first graduating clac; of the north shore school. is alumni president and will be in charge of the get-together \\·hich hegins at 7 :30 in thr auditorium. An excellent entertainment given eptirely by alumni will he put on in t\\'0 parts. The fi r~t i~ the showin g oi the movies of la c;t nar's quarto-centennial pageant: the ~econd is four individual numhrr~: (1) Carlton Kaumcycr and F.rnau Akch·. ,·iolin and piano: (2) Co"· Dalll:l'. Dori.; Frasrr and Lisbeth ~o:;s · (3) :\ song h~· 1f ardin \·anDemsen: ( .n Heading hy CenevieYc Klock. ()fficer.; for next Yl'ar arc Rar R()tl1. prt'sident, and Eli;abcth Bro\\:11. Yict· presiclrnt. All alumni arc cordial!.'· im·it\'d . . Photo by Wilhite Miss Virginia DeLay, daughter of Mr. and 11rs. Harold S. DeLay of 878 Oak st reet, \iVinnetka, has been chosen one of the junior ushers of Smith college \\'ho will carry the ivy chain as a part of the commencement exercises this J unc. /\. certain group of members of the junior class are chosen each Year tn earn· the ·t\\'o iv,· chains, through "·hich ·the seniors- march. These ushrrs arc elected on the grounds of brauty, popularit~·. and scrYicc: to the college. ).fiss DcJ,a,· al~o has received the honor of bei;1g· chnsen ;}~ a delegate frolll Smith c, lkgL' to attend the Sil,·cr Bay conferl'ncc, hl'ld annuatty at the closr L)f the ~chool ~· ear. Represcntati\'e~ iron1 tllam· colleges and uninrsitiL·s are SL'llt t;) Silnr l3ay to discus~ pre ;; cnt day prohklll:'. Winifred Bilsland Names June 29 as Wedding Day \ \ · l' d n r s da v. T un e 29, has 1>ee 11 r hu.: en In- :\fi'~s \V;inifrecl Bilslancl, rlaughf('r o-f :\fr. and ~frs. Benjamin F. Bil.land oi 1228 Ehm\·(Jod an·nuc, a;; tlw da~· oi hn marriage tt 1 Jugh \fackellar ·Rohin.;nll. ln ni :\fr.;. \Villian : Colin Rnhin..,<lll ot l'hicagn. The Hl'\. Leland JToh;1rt Danforth i~ to rl'a<l th e c, en·irc in thr Church of the 1Jnl y C'omiortl'r, Kenil\\'nrth, at R :.10 o'rlnck. anrl a" reception 'will fr~llnw inllll('rl ia tl' 1 ~· a it(' r at T 11 eli' an T-T i 11 rl u I>. 'llll' bridal ~lttendants \rill inclurk ).f r.;. 1!arn· Y. Donald~nn Of ari:-111 Ree~e or \ \.iln1ettl') a.;; mat 111 oi hnn!lr. ).fj..,.., \·ir[!'inia Crnft of '('hira, f..!:n a:- maid (,f hnnor. and Janr Rirl,e:\\':1\' ni Kl' llil\\'nrth. Laura Emih- ~ln~ ~oJ; 1,f lluhharrl \\·o,,cl--, l·:t'i:rahcth neckn ni :\T inneapoli". and Dt lt'Ot h\· Sharkrliord fli Fr.:tnkfort, K~· .. a-~ l)rirle.;;lll:t icl~. Paul I~nhilb·'ll \\·ill 't·rn· ~~.; lJj, hr()ther':-; h<' . t man. while the usher~ art' tn he 11 arn· \·. Donaldson, and \\·in.;tnn Tarhot.- Thomas Flack. Ki111hall Burr. and F<h\·in Shoup, of Chi - Win Honors at Flower Show To Visit in Wilmette The Kcnil\\'orth Gardt'n club. entertained the me111hers of the Barrington Carden cluh at lunchron in thr homr of ~frs. Ilugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, Tuesday. June 7. At the recent gankn show. giren on the estate oi :\f r~. Rockcfcllrr ~[ cCormick, in Lake Forest, the Barrington Garden rluh wa~ justly proucl to rereire two hluc ribbons for rarietirs of tulips gr0\\'11. The Kenil\\'orth club receiYed three distincti\'e honor::; at the sa·nw t1m\·e r exhibit. ~'fr ~ . Fore sman in the displa~· of attractive breakfast tray s, ).f rs James Prenti:;s in the artistic use of tlo"·ering shrubs, and 'M rs. Douglas Flood for the arrangement of flo\\'ers in a bronze urn. ~fr:'. P. :\. Fag_Q of Ln.; Angel<'.;, iormC'rh· of \\.illllC'ttl'. will :--J'l'llrl the week o.f June 13 \'i . . itin.Q· in \\'ilnwttt' lH' inrt' .L?:ni ng C' a:; t to at tv nd 1hr wedcling of her son. Kenneth. She will he the guest of :\frs. C. E. Fitch, 101~ Elnl\\·oncl a YC'nlll'. On \Vedne c;da,- a itcrno~)n, Tunc 13, :\Trs. Tnhn 1T. T(aufman, :\fis-:; Jane Doig, ~nd ~[rs . Fitrh \\·ill hotel open house at the Iat ter\ residencr ior :\frs. Fagg and hrr \Yilnlctt e fril'nd~. Marian Brown Weds at Horne of Her Brother The marriage of Miss 1\I aria n Bro"·n. daughter of Mr. and 1\rrs. Charlc~ A. Brown of Hinsdale and 202 East Delaware place, to Eliot Furness Porter. son of Mr. and l\Irs. James F. Portn of Hubbard \Voods, took place \\·cclnesclay, June 8, at the home of the bride's brother, ~[r. and :\frs. Kenneth Cotton Brown of 515 Ahbottsford road, Kenilworth . The ceremony ,,.a performed In· Dr. Horace Bridges oi Chicago, at 4 ·o'clock. Onlv members of the immediate families an~l reiatiH~ attended the wedding. ~fj,..: Barbara Cha1111int! nf B~"sfon. a classmate at Bnn :\Lnn. attruded the bride as maid of honor. while ~1 rs. Frederic Bowr~ of Chicago \\'as the matron of hCinor. Fairbanks Carpenter of Chicago :-en-eel as he~t man. After a honeymoon abroad duringthe summer. ~fr. Porter and his hride will re:-ide temporarily in B o s ton, while he completes his medical course at Harvar'd. Mrs. Porter, who has not finished her work at Bryn Mawr, will continue studying at Radcliffe in the fall. Sew for Flood Sufferers Among the first women of \Vilmdt c to ans\\'cr the Red Cro~s call for volunteers to sew for the flood refugee s was a group of members of St. J oseph'~ Aiel. St. Joseph' s Pari;-, h. EverY Thursday for a month, from 9 in the morning until 5 in thr afternoon, the women have been meeting at the home of Mrs. John Hoffman, 1922 \Vilmette avenue, and will continue to do so as long as the need lasts. nm\· D. B. E. Chapters Join for Annual Pound Day The Cam h r i cl g c and the L!<n-d George chapter=- are joining with the other chapters of the Daughters of the British Empire ior their annual Pound day Thursday, June Hi. 'J'hL' members will go bY hus to visit the Busine ss Old People's home at Riverside, each member taking a pound of something for the home. 1f rs. George A. Thurshy, 504 Park avenue, \Vilmettc. is in charge of arrangements for the Cambridge chapter. Anyone who is interested in the work. who is not a member of the organization, is invited to make the trip. The Play\\Titing class will conven.e · June 21, in the garden of Mrs. Harnson B. Riley's home, 1822 Sheridan road, Evanston. from 10 o'clock in the morning- until noo11. Theodore Hinckley of Chicago is to be in charge of ·the cLtss which meet each succes · sive Tuesday for five weeks in the Riley garden, to read. write, criticist·, and produce plays. Choose Circle Officers ~f rs. Smn ncr Mason was elected l'l'\\' chairman of the East End circle of the First Congregational church of \Vilmette at the meeting held Monday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Potter, 925 Chestnut avenue. The other officers for the ensuing year elected at the same time are: Mrs. Charles C. Cameron, vice chairman : Mrs. Leland V. Pierson, secretary, and 11 rs. Charles ]. Broughton, treasurer. Mrs. E. J. Mc1traith and Mrs. Marguerit.e Calkins Taylor were the assisting hostesses of the day. In Last Meeting The final meeting of the Senior New Trier Music club at which pa.r ents were guests, was held Thursday, June 9, at the home of Harriet Mons. 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. About 120 guests were present. Social events at the golf cluhs are getting under\\'ay. The \Vilmette Golf club commences its Saturday afternoon bridge games June 11. Refreshments will he served at the close of the game. The Tuesday bridge luncheons at Skokie started this week, and the Illinois Golf club opens its new home formally Saturdav Mrs. Lero\· A. Rand of 511 Park evening, June 11, "·ith dinner and avenue anno.un.ces the engagement of dance. her daughter, Beatrice Dorothy, to Clarence Paul Carlson, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. \\T. R. Mahan of 718 M.rs. Axel Carson of Evanston. The Elmwood avenue entertained forty wedding is to take place the latter guests at dinner and cards Saturdav part of June evening, June 4. · ,,.ill