July 1, 1927 WILMETTE LIPE · 9 Ravinia ·opera ·Stars Will Serve as Cooks at Cradle Tea Room Mrs~ · Glen Buck, Mrs. William Baker and Mrs. Carleton Wilson of Evanston; Mrs. Horace Armstrong, Mrs. Buckingham Chandler, Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mrs. Edward Kohlsaat and daughters Cythia and Suzanne of WinRavinia opera stars have promised netka. to "come down and cook" for benefit of the Cradle when Evanston and I MOTOR TO MINNEAPOLIS North Shore society women have esMr. and Mrs. Fred 0 . Nelson, 1430 tablished the tea room for its financial Lake avenue, returned Wednesday from a motor trip to Minneapolis, aid at 612 Church street. Minn ., where Mr. Nelson attended the It has been definitely decided to sessions of the National Association of undertake this venture. Those who Master Plumbers. They enjoyed sevhave it in charge announc e thi s week eral days of fishing at Snell lake, \Vis., that it will l. ) e open fo r busine ss en route to Wilmette . Hot Days Cool wooded homesites are the happiest relief in weather that sizzles ..· And while you are e· n joying the suburbs, let your fri~nds in the city know of the many wonderful chances ·to buy .. Thursday, July 7. For the opening day dinner, all table reservations were enMrs. E1,_win Gilroy, 124 ~V~odbine gaged by the first of this week. , av~!lue, and her daughter, Cecil~\ a~e H 01 te F N h Sb sa1lmg for Europe july 8, to v1s1t m ·sea rom ort ore Scotland. They will vi sit Switzerland Evanston, Winnetka, Highland Park and France before r eturning to \Viiand Lake Forest women will serve as mette. hostesses in turn, and Junior League · -ogirls will be waitresses. Miss Cecile Miss Cecile GilroY , 124 \\'oodbine Zukovsky, graduate of the University avenue, has been sP.ending- this week of Chicago, will be the manager, and in Pequot, Minn., as a delegate to the under the supervision of Mrs. T. Jer- Pi Phi convention. rold Bryce, graduate of the Art in- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stitute, decorations are being planned that will make the tea house "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." Their exact nature will not be revealed until the "open for business" word goes out, but those in on the secret fore see a daintily delightful outfitting and adornm e nt . ·Menus are being especially designed, and the Junior League girls will serve in ur.,que costumes to harmonize with the iuterior. It is possible that a branch of the layette shop, so successfully .c onducted at the Cradle by Mrs. J ohri C. · Slade, may be removed to this hou se later on, it is also announced; but those who have the tea house planning are confident that, with all service except the cook's donated, the venture should realize each month an average income of $500 for the baby haven on Ridge avenue. May Sene Dinners In the beginning, only luncheo n will be served. Later the demand for Thursday evening dinners may be met. The Garden Club of Evanston has promised to keep tables and rooms supplied with flowers, and the enthusiasm and willingness of all Cradle ' 01:10 friends to lend a hand and do what they can has been a great encouragement to the directors of the 'enterprise from its outset. The menus are j ' m charge of Mrs. Lucius Crowell and will be designed after Paris' sm~rtest B. Coplan, Prop. "maisonette." Mrs. Frederick P. Ives 1126 Central Ave. and Mrs. Kenneth Henderson will direct the assignments of the Junior Phone Wilmette 240 3 League girls, and the hostesses will inWILMETTE clude Mrs. Robert Shimmin, Mrs. K. V. R. Nichol, Mrs. Malcolm MacHarg, Private Beaches There are many all .year joys to the ·property with a private ~~ -_... ...,;.;; _________ <r , ~'l' . , ~~,... ·····-~~~t.,.,. rl - '- ' ... ~~ nfl_ .· ,·.,. '-- -~--· ~,, ---)I ~ --- g;~;:~::m~~=~~~. ~ -4j really make life worth liv- / \ , - in~ . . . Y ~u should in- . beach-but in the -:'" ~ ·· ~~ ·· '":'\. J..t.i' ,.;;.. ,.. '- .~ \"' .._, · ;. ),J · Filmy Chiffon and qutre the praces on several choice properties of this nature. ~~~;:· _., ··..~· ·~ftft ·. t ~::!~ all other Dresses for Tighe Realty Co. 1420 .Sheridan Road-Wilmette Entrance to "No Man's Land" Phone 2671 Afternoont Evening and Sport UNIQU~ MOTORS SERVICE Incorporoeed STYLE SHOP EVER.VTHING ./0,-me AUTOMOBILE Portbe4th Luggage Carriers and Straps Straw Seat Covers I I====== !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII'g First Ch::~~!~~~!~;t~:. Scientist SUNDAY SERVICES SERVICES-II A. M. I - NEVER. CLOSED Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P.M. Sunday School Exercises . 9:45A.M. . . I ~ : July 3, 1927 Subject: ' 1G 0 D" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. ,~1 MAIN i===== ~= =~ i ~ HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. ~· ~!d~~:J'ly ~: :.·t~ 7 ~45PP. tt rowed Litt:rO:ti~~: m~~rib~a~ea~,cib~~~ or purchased. 9 9 0 The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other Wilmette STREET - =~ 'lbone w.trnetteh 0 J. c. Slown The Public i· cordially iavited to attead tlae Church Senlc" and Yi·it Readiaa Roem t·· I . 1-"'}0 o t 0 A. J......HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIII.,._,