July 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 37 BROWN FURNITURE COMPANY z567 J'/tentzqn-41/ellue F0 RM ERL Y EVANSTON kk.1h011e: llniwr.rifJ' 6_;oo ILLINOIS B R 0 W N -- U M L A N D T C0 M PAN Y ... · This charming Walnut Suite in Italian design is well constructed. Table extends to 8 feet. The Buffet is 66 inches long, with removable tray in top drawer for silver. Table and Chairs, $125 With Buffet, $195 One of the most artistic, and best proportioned Bedroom groups we have ever displayed at an unusual price. Constructed of Walnut with beautiful figured Burl Panels--oak interior, with dust-proof construction. If you arc looking for an odd chest of drawers in . walnut oi- mahogany, here is an opportunity to pur=hJsc a well -constructed chest for- $15.00 ,., I r 1 Simmon's Square Tube Bed attractively finished in Wal nut or Mahoganyany size - with new type of Filler-priced very low at- Three pieces complete- r r " i r $245.00 d 11 <; a $12.50 We have in stock for quick disposal a number of odd Wood Beds-The :me illustrated is Walnut -nicely finished-your choice at- ,.. (' r r r. 1d (' d I ' e. J.~ ·r $24.50 Folding Iron Cot-3 o inches wide, fitted with castors - well braced-has always sold at $6.so-our special at $2.95 . r. 1- Mattresses and pads to fit a t a variety o f prices. re~ I