WI L M E ·r T E L IF E July 22, 192( Children S Carnival at Ravinia Old Enc_Ilish Festival Children Urged to I Wear Costumes for Ravinia Carnival BY JEAN TEN BROECK Marry in Dundee II Wed in June I Balloons to Mark Entrance Gate to Midsummer Frolic The charm of an Old English Festival is to· be the appeal for children this season on the occasion of that annual colorful affair, the children's carnival at Ravinia Park. The day is to be Thursday afternoon, July 28, 1927, but the real time is that of Robin Hood, which will be relived in the costumes of the children participating. In addition to the youngsters from the Municip~l Pier, who each year have given the carnival production, two groups of little folk, one from Winnetka and Hubbard Woods and one from Glencoe, will join the young actors on Thursday. The former group will give two folk dances, and plans have been made for the latter to be miniature Robin Hood men. The entire affair again is under the direction of Mis s Bertha Iles. · The Great Lakes band will play its spirited music. Members of the north shore Ravinia committees wilt sell favors throughout the festival and two girls from each town, clad in gay cos(~rystal Lake Studio tumes, will help sell favors. North shore children who come to The marriage of Miss Harriet M. the .festival as spectators are urged to Carlsen and Robert H. \Vaterfall was attire themselves in costumes to lend color, and to take part in the Grand an event of Saturday, J ulr 16, in the March. always a feature of the affair. Episcopal church of Dundee, with a dinner following at the Crystal Lake CoJ.tntry club. PHOTO BY }{t;ICK Before her marriage on June 25, Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne was Miss Kathryn Brooks Newey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Newey of 436 Lake a vet~ t~e, Wilmette. Wilmette Girl Married in Church in Dundee Illinois Golf Club A gown of white satin trimmed with Is Scene of Wedding_ pearls and lace and a short tulle veil Arnold-Ricksen Wedding Solemnized on July 11 A recent marriage was that of Miss Evelyn Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Arnold of Evanston. to Robert Ernest Ricksen, · Jr .. son of :Mr. and ~Irs. R. E. Ricksen of 1006 ~[ichi gan avenue, which took place ~ron day evening-. July 11. · .The Rev . John T. ~lelO\· read t iw ..;t·n-ic(' in thl' L'nited Presbyterian church at 8 in the en.·ning. The bride wore a dress oi brocaded blue satin. with an orchid felt hat and carried a bouquet . of orchids. Her only attendant, her sister. :Miss Maxine Arnold. wore a period t·rock of peach and orchid flowered organdie. DaYid Ander~on was Ur. Ricksen's best man. with orange blossoms were worn by Miss Harriet M. Carlsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Carlsen of 501 \V'ashington aYenue, \~hen she became the bride of Robert H. Waterfall, soft of Mrs. Harry vVaterfall of Baltimore, early l'a. t Saturday evening. She carried white roses and valley lilies. Her only attendant. Af iss Ethel WraY of Glencoe. formerly of Wilmette .·· was dressed in a frock oi soft blue with a net har to matcl1. Her flo,n·rs \H' t'l' pink roses. \\t n.rren Ragg of DcKalb scrn·d a s best ,nan. TIH· service \\'as rrad in the St. James Epi~~ .)pal church in Dundee. and immed; ·.td y afterwards the forty guest5, relatin:-::; and intimate friends, had din. ner ·. t the Crystal Lake Conntn· club . Mr. and :Mrs. \\~a teriall arc on ·a n automobile trip in \Visconsin and will return to Crystal Lake. where th ev will spend t hr remainder oi the sumnicr. Out llf town guests for the weddingwere ~lr. and ~[rs. Ro,· Hinsdale of Des ~I o ine:-. unde and aunt oi the hride. and the bridegroom's mother , Mrs. Harry \\'aterfall of Baltimore, who has been spending a few days as the guest of 11r. and ~Irs. ]. G. \Vray of Glencoe. ~he will ioin her son and his bride upon ' their return from their honeymoon and \'i ·it them at Cnstal Lake for a short time hdon.· retur~ning to her home. Among the prenuptial affairs gi,·en for the bride and groom was the dinncr gin·n hy ~[r. and ~1rs . \\'raY Friday evening. July 15, for the meinbers of the bridal party and a few of their relatins and intimate friends. The Illinois Golf club was the scene of the wedding of ~[is s ~fadelinc S. Hammond, daughter of ~fr. and Mrs . Arthur C. Hammond of 500 Gregory · a venue. to Edward B. Raul>, Jr., Tue sday evening last. The bridal atendants gave a colorful touch to the setting in their gown of five pa tel shades, with · : ach bouquet combining the five colors " ·orn by the group. The flower girl. little Barbara Ann Hammond, niece o£ the bride, was in pink. ~{rs. Howard :\. Hammond of San Francisco was the tnatron of honor. ~1iss Eleanor Raub, :-ister of the groom. was maid of hon nr, and the bridesmaids ,\·ere ~fiss Ruth Birdsall of E\·an ston. Mrs. J ud . on Stone of Racine. and :Miss Man· Pearson of La Grange. .. \Yhite satin with Venetian lace with trimming of pearls fashioned the bridal !rown. Her tulle nil was made in three tiers '"itl1 a Venetian lace cap, "earl trimmed. She carried a shower houquet of roses, Yalle~· lilies. and baby's breath. Howard A. Hammond, the bride's brother. \Yas best man, and nshering were Laurens S. Hendersou and Reginald W. Garstang of Indiana.,olis, Howard \V. Jennings of St. l.ouis. and George E. Bates of Camhriclge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs Raub arc on a motor trip through the East and will be at home in Indianapolis after August l. George H. Roger. 928 Oakland avenue, \Yith a reception following. There wilt he no attendants. Mr. Gage and his bride \\·ill leave at once for Los Angeles. where they will make their home. Miss Clampitt. who has been residing in Los Angeles, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Clampitt of Joliet. former residents of Winnetka. ·Because of their past residence on the north shore._ Miss Clampitt and Mr. Gag~ have chosen to be married where they ha:ve so . many friends. Once more north shore children, " ·ith their relatives and friends, are looking forward to the annual Children's Midsummer Frolic, which will be presented by the National Kindergarten and Elementary college on Tuesday,_ J ul~: 26, at the 3 :30 o'clock at "Bluff J·.dgc, Hubbard Woods, the home oi ~t r:-. Douglas Smith. "Bluff Edge," 915 Sheridan Road, Hubbard \Voods is well known to north shore folks, since Mrs. Smith has al\Yavs been most generous and graciuth in ·her hospitality. To make it very easy to locate .. Bluff Edge," i~ is announced that gay balloons wtll float from the trees at the entrance which is just a few feet north of the \Vinnetka water tower. It is easy to reach by motor up .Sheridan road, or from the Electric station at Tower road, Hubbard \Voods. In case of rain on Tuesday the frolic will take place July 27. 1i nn that day it should rain, the audience will assemble at Community House, \Vinnetka, in the Rudolph Matz ).femorial hall. The frolic presents a lovely occa~i< ·n for midsummer reunions ·of friends. Among the parties already planned for that day will be a group of ten children invited by Mrs. B. F. Langworthy in honor of the young daughter and sou of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Beatty of the Bronx, wl1o are summering- in \\'in · netka. The sum realized from the small adlllission fee \\·ill be applied to the col ·· lege building fund for the completioa nf Harri son hall, the lovely college building at 2770 Sheridan road, Evan :>t on. July Bride Among those of the college governing hoard who are sponsoring the frolic and assisting as hostesses and in the sale of tickets are: Mrs. Do.uglas Smith. ~1 rs. Andre\\· ~r ac Leis h. Mr..; . H. F Langworthy, Mr s. Frederick Scott, ~Irs . Phillip D. Armour, IU, .Mrs. Fred A. Cuscaden, ~Irs. Mcrritt Starr. ~[rs. ~[ary Juliette Cooper, ~f iss Madeline Foreman. :.rrs. E . J. Buffington, ~[r-.. Frank}. Bcrshach. ~frs . Landon Ho,·t ~frs. Harry Byram. ~frs. P. \\'. Brad~ :-.treet, ).f rs. \\'illiam ~f arsh Burn s. :\f r-... C. S. Bigelow, Mr=-. Harry Lay, ~[rs. Albert H. \"ceder. ).f rs. Llovcl Holli ster ~f r:-. Theodore Covne. ~[ r~ . Freel Kin~ gure. ~r rs . IT arry Phillips. ).frs. Cha rll' s. Cart\\'right. ~fr s. George GrO\·e~. '.\[r . . . C. P. Dubbs. ~1r s . \\'a lter ~farx, ).[r ;;, Fred ~[eyer. ~fr ~. Albert S. Peirc1', ~[rs. Fred D. Porter, U rs . Albert TJ Clrich. ~f rs . Alfred Alscl1t1ler. ~r r- : Ot.to Barnett. ).[iss Loui~e T. nn ' chlt . ~ftss Katherine Bt:che, Mrs. J e. :-e B. Alton, Mrs. vVellington Coolidge. and ~[rs. George Tomlinson. Tickets arc to he secured at t lw r' dIrge office 2770 Sheridan road. Selects Wedding Day Miss Margaret Birk. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John \V. Birk of Chicago. has chosen August 25 as the date of her marriage to Frederick S. Rye, son of ;rr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Rye of lOb Chestnut avenue. The wedding is to ta~e place at the Edgewater Prcshytenan church. The " ·edding of Miss Frances Rising, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Rising of Evanston, and Arthur Burnam Durham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham of Kenilworth, is to take place tomorrow at 8:30 o'clock. at Westt~toreland Cou.ntry club, with a receptton and dancmg following. Former North Shore Girl to Wed in Aunt's Garden A 4 o'clock garden ceremony has been chosen by Miss Viola Marise Clampitt when she becomes the bride of Sidney George Gage of Los Angeles. son of. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ]. Gage of Hubbard Woods, tomorrow afternoon. . The service will be read at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. The Illinois Golf club wa~ the setting for the wedding of Miss Madeline S. Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Hammond ·of 500 Gregory ave, ·wilmette, and Edward B. Raub, Jr., Tuesday evening, July 19.