.T uly ·29, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 9 ·~ l ! other owners of Skokie Heights lots North Shore Line Iwill break ground this fall. Official Buys Big McGuire & Orr report a number of other sales in Glencoe besides the Glencoe Property Skokie Heights sale to Charles E. of Charles E. Thompson vi<.'e-president Thompson, as follows: the sale for Chicago Korth Shore and Mil- Frederick A. Cooper to Charles W, waukee railroad. has just purchased, 1 Spooner of the n~ew resid~nce at ~35 . , . I Grove street, at $=>2,500, wh1ch sale mthrough :\·[cGmre & Orr the new rest- eluded the 100 feet at the northwest dtnce at 961 Bluff road. Skokie corner of ).[onroe a,·enue and Grove Heights. at a consideration of $50,000. street adjoining the residence; sale of The grounds have a street frontage of · Frederick \Y. Cady's 100 foot lot at the · . . I southeast corner of Grove street and 2-?0 feet. ~he h~use ~s of Spamsh ~c- ~ Washington avenue to Edward R. stgn of hnc.k wtth ttle roof. contatns Hankins at $13.500. where ground is ten room s wtth four bath s. and attach- ~ already broken for a residence to cost ed two-car garage. Mr. Thompson between $40,000 and $50,000; sale by has long be.en a resident of the north Rav Garrett to Bert Stoetzel of the sho_re, owning a hot~lc in \Vilmette, residence at 377 Hawthorne avenue at whtch he now occuptes. and contem- 1 undisclosed consideration: sale by plates moving into his new home very . ] . A. Hamilton to \\rilliam ]. Edmonds ,IJortly. of the residencl' 794 Vernon avenue at Skokie Heights is experiencing quite 1 $16.000. a little building acti,·ity now. \\T atter I Several other important Glencoe J .. McGuire is c~nstructing a new j sales are under contract made by this hnck and stone res1de.n ce at 1020 Bluff firm which will be released for pubroad, whi-ch witt cost nearly $50,000. lication shortly. Thomas I. Simpson is constructing a new brick re s-idence at 974 Eastwood road having recently sold his home at John L. Robertson, who has been 1026' Eastwood road. to james I visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Campbell. formerlv of Evanston who I P. Robertson of 518 Greenleaf aventH. ', ha s already taken possession . ' Mr. I during his two weeks' Yacation, is re Simpson is planning to have his new I turning tomorrow to Hartford, Conn., house r~ady for the g_1arket about Sep- 1 where he has been for the past six tember 15. It is expected that several months. 1 1 I Our Cold Drink Service Is Ideal Nowhere in town can you secure your favorite cold drink any c. older or better than right here at ·our SODA FOUNTAIN. Our fountain and general equipment is of the latest improved pattern which facilitates prompt. efficient service at all times. A.. BOBBED HAIR TRIMMED If you wear your hair bobbed it must be trimmed regularly in order to keep it neat and smart looking. Our barber shop makes a specialty of trimming bobbed hair as well as the present styles of bobbin~. Our men are experienced in the care of women's hair and give prompt and effident serv- . ice. Give us a trial and be convinced. We cater to family trade, and particularly want to call your attention to the fa'ct we have a sterilized c.cmlb and brush for every customer. SHOE SHINING SERVICE 1 ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllll l lll l lllllllllll l lllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l ll l ll lll l llllllllll ll lllll ll lll ll lll ll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1 First Church of Christ, Scientist - WILMETTE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Ridge Avenue Pharmacy C. C. RENNECKAR Opposite St. Joseph,s Church Tel. Wil. 3 16 I anitar~ Barber Shop E. J. Belrose, Prop. 1!! Years In Wilmette \Vednesday Testimonial Meeting-8 P. M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. 1128 Central Avenue Phone Wil. 3 786 Wilmette July 31, 1927 Subject: "LOVE" READING ROOM-11&3 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary .Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The Public ia cordially invited to attend the Church Servleea and visit t·e Readint Roem :;:l lll ll llllllll l l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir - Motor Checked Have '{our . . und Y. out 'Valves Regro Carbon I Remov-ed lake the Dividend Notice · Service Company of Northern Il.linois has declared the regular quarcerly dividend of $1.50 per share on the Com .. pany' s 6% Preferred Stock, $1.7 5 per share on the 7% Preferred Stock, and $2.00 per share on the Common Stock, payable August 1, 1927, to stockr.olders of record, .at the clos· e of business, July 15, 1927. GEORGE R. JONES, 'Treasurer T HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Before You Cat Out for Sutnmet !outing PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN IWNOIS &. }AlLlJ~l\ }A\LL"ER ,,,.intenltlce"1 EquCJls . "Equipment lVI ' Serving 6/)00 sqiUITe miles-286 cities and tuwns-with gas and EleBricity CJhe Common and Pr4tfftd Stocks oi Public Smlice Compan, of J't!ani.Dn IUinois are lisud on Th.e Chicago Stock Exchange }Aotot Sa es }tepait Dept.. 5\' 4th sueet of Wi\tnette pbone Wtl. . 6J6