W lL METTE .J. l ·f E July 29, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Chicago oftlce: 6 N. Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 ISSU~D felepllone ....·......·.·....·....·.....·. Wilmette ltiU JltBSCRIPTION PRICE . .·...·.......· ti.OO A Y~A.B All communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication must reach the editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance In current ls!!lue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, notices of entertainments or other atra.lrs where an admittance charge Is published, will be charged at regular advertfsfng rates. \\"hile few desire to see our business ~treets become like \Vilson a venue, still eYery citizen. every hou seholder and house. wife can readily see the North Shore advantage of h a vi n g stores of . various sorts Busi. ness within easy shopping distance. It is practically imperative that groceries and n1arkets be within a few blocks of home, so that table ·supplies can be quickly procured. The same may be said of drug stores. coal and lumber yards, dry goods stores and other commodity shops. rn every community there really must be a group of stores. The problem then becomes, how to conserve the country side s of subur.ban life, while still maintaining certain city advantages. How can those city worker s who seek recreation in th e suburbs get thi s recreation and at the same time get supplies · for their tables and houses? The obvious answer to the se city work-· ers is: live far enough away from tl1e business district in your town so that you will trot be annoyed by the noise. bright lights and dirt. Where there is business there must be activity; activity mean s tear and wear, noise, and plenty of dust and dirt. Unfortunately there are some suburbanites who do not feel kindly towards the business interests ,o f our villages. They apparently would like to do away with them altogether. These same people regard a chamber of commerce as a pure ~1uis~1ce, a group of men who are working, not for, but against the best interests of the comtnunity. But do these .o bjectors buy nothing at the village stores? Have these suburban sleepers considered how often they have telephoned the neighboring drug store to send over itnn1ediately a brick of ice crean1? · Have they neve~ sent to the neighboring coal yard an S. 0. S. for a half a ton of coal? And can they expect that storekeepers will be sa tisfiecl never to expand their business, never make provision for greater she1f and counter space. neYer have the ambition to grow? Suburbanites must expect to see suburban husines.s grow as the .community gr.ows. A. book natned "\\. e" is just off the press. All about Lindy and his plane. No one has forgotten that when he told the sin1ple, direct story of his wonderful Atlantic hop he used. as a n1atter of We habit, the fir t person plural instead of the singular. Almost anybody else would have said, "I did this and that," rather than, "We did this and that." And it seems all the m.ore remarkable because he was not including with hitnseli another person, but his plane. If there is in history an ~xample of another individual making so intimate a connection between himself and a machine, unless it be a man and his boat, we are ignorant of it. When Lindberg allied himself , with his plane he was frankly expressing the best philosophy in the world. He was forget- . ting himself ar1d ren1embering himself , and his· plane. He ""as rising .o ut of the narrow and low individualistic point of view, and taking the higher unselfish standpoint. It is our opinion that the "we" in this heroic tlier 's story accounts in large part for the · tremendous impression he made on the popular mind. He teaches us a much-needed lesson. The larger part of mankind's problems 'voulq be solved " ·ere tnan to forget him se lf and ~lly hitnself truly with others. "\Ve" expresses the true community spirit. .:\nd not only that but also the true inter -community and national spirit. ~Io s t of the progress and prosperity of t. -·-~-~-a-~.-..-..·- -11-~bA!LLDi41-·-a· ~ l ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·~·-·-·-·SHORE LIN.ES . -. and shop are but sparsely populated,. what with a goodly number of toilers far .away tn the wilds, the whit~ their brethren and ststcr(n) (for dear euphony's sake) extend an extra. eff?rt h~re and there to keep the old g·rist mill gnndmg wtth accustomed smoothness. Some. of us are ba~k from 'the annual fortnight of resptte, others sttll l.ook forward to that preciou s breathing spell. Vacations arc really funny-one often feels ~o utterly usele s~ . not to mention helples s, \\'hen altcnate~ ~ro.m the dailv routin e. They may he quite utuevtYtfymg. a. ;; our -friend · the filo sofer might say. V ACATION days are with us, and howl Offices Things Aren't the ' Same Soc Ed and Wickie have deserted .the ranks. The one to languish in the northern psne forests where none shall intrude, the other to grace the eastern shores of Lake Michigan-along with her trusty harp--where, Neptune'~ foamy m.essengers declare, she is doing a devastatingly beautaful Lorelei for the benefit of the t. b. m. and others who chance to pass her way. And She's Not Bizarre -· - ·--·-·-·-·· our north shore towns is due · to the fact that their affairs are in the hands of .a man who has had special Expert training for his work and a tnan who is on the job M·an~gement all the time. He is called n·ry appropriately village manager, because that is just what he is. No village tru::,tee or group of Yillage trustees can render the service rendered by the village manager. for the sufficient reason rhat the tru ste es have neitl, er the time nor the 4ili ty. The village manager looks out for the interests of the whole village. Some few c1t1zen s maY contend that a Yillage manager is not ,n)rth the ext'ra expense; the m.o ney not spent on hi s salary is just that much money saved. But an efficient manager saves more than his own salary. Under a competent village manager the various departn1ents-bu siness, electric, water, street maintenance-are run so economically that the paying of his salary really brings n1oney into the village treasury. :\foreover, a village manager can be held p~_rs.onally responsible for defects and abuses in his departtnent. Tf your ashes or refuse is not being collected regularly and in a sanitary way, phone the village manager. and you will at least have the comfort of knowing that . sotne village official knows of your dissatisfaction and that alm.o st certainly the trouble will not recur. In all our years as citizen and property owner a telephone call to the manager in our community has never failed to call out itnmediate and satisfactory action. It seetns to us eminently reasonable that our village managers should keep the citizens whon1 they serve continually informed through the press of what is going on in .their communities. Every month at least, and at shorter intervals whenever necessary, managers should publish accurate data of village affairs that citizens may know exactly what certain in1provements are costing, how n1any gallons the water plant is pumping, the definite need§ of the community, etc. LeL us co-operate with m,r managers by taking a frat interest in th ·ir work, and ap·.. preciating, their g~.od. d.e~.d.~~ . OF THH~GS ~OBODY WANTS.~' AND AT THAT \VE HADN'T HEARD SHE V\·As RE_:\D -:, l~G IL\Zr\AR ~TORIES AT THIS ~EASCY\ 01· TH !·:YEAR. W orsean'moreofem Recent rehearsals in Shore Lines oi quip~ 1't'1' pd rat ed at the expense of the .alleB'ed Pl'tJurinn Scots have encouraged the contnhtttion..; apJh:nd.t:d which may or may not sc n ·e tho.sc \\'ho q:tahr ~· as dummies at the bridge tables, 1. e .. to \\·tt: .\. Scotchman riding atop a bus <l~O J lJl··c l a din~t which rolled off the platform and fe ll mtr, the stn·(:ot. Of course Scotty went after )t and wh en he c~me t n the platform he was going so fast he (·ouldn t st<·P and dived over the rail to th<: stre(·t bvlow, cnmplf'tely breaking his neck. Coron c· r·s jun· r1~ pm1 :. "D nth due to natural causes." A man stepped up to a cig-ar c.o untr·r and h· I ~IJ;.l tt two ten-cent cigars. A Scotchman who was w~uttnJ.!· to he served pushed forward. . "You sell those c igars t·hre, . fnr a quarter, clr111 t vnu ?" he asked. · ··yp~," replied th e dealer. . .. ,Vell," Raid tlw 8f'ntchman, pr .. dncing a. nick(:-1, " !'1: tnk ~ the othPr one." THE LLTTLF. BENGAL OF THE P)\OUF I~I ·:A DER 'S R00:\.1 -G Rl~I RIGHTER ~)1- ALI. \\'RO:\GS- lS AeTHORITY FOR THT<.. ~PT~~ 10:\ THAT A BAZAAR IS "A SPECIAL ~:\T.L Don't Take a Chance! :\11, of which prompts our ha·chel or friend to wonder whether Scotch women could he relied upon to be sparing with words. MAN AND HIS SHOES How much a man is like his shoes: For instance. both a soul may lose ; Both have been · tanned; both arc made tiRht By cobblers: both get left and right . Both need a ma.t~ .to be complete, And both ari ~m-ade to go on feet. They both need ·b~~ling: oft are sold, And both 1n tirite will . turn to mold. With shoes the last . is first; with men The first shall be last, and when The shoes wear out they're mended new: When men wear out they're men-dead too : They both are tread upon and both Will tread on others, nothing loath . Both have their ties. and both incline, When polished, in their world to shine; And both peg out; now would you choose To be a man or be his shoes? ----·-·-··-··· Awaken, Littul W un! And nary a word from Littul W un when she' a at home. On foreign soil her pen is so pleasingly prolific. No doubt enjoying her summer nap alonr with most aU the contriba. Liki Unto You, Tiny "Oh, for the good old days," sighs Tiny the Timid, "when men were men and women weren't:' And, mindful of the g. o. d., who among- you ca·n recall those halcyon times when folks wercn 't concerned about vacations? --··-·-· --·· -JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY. ~-.--·-··-··- ··-~-·-·-··-~·'I' he Wrigl ( f·Y) ing Cubs may yet po!'lpnne our ntca tion to the first week in October. ~MIQOE. · ·:::.~.