WILMETTE LIFE July 29, 192? Strained Sophistication Makes New Book Futile "Latterday Symphony" by Romer Wilson. BOOK SHOP FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON Bo o·k s - - Many New Ones The Frantic Atlantic Bail Woon Alfred A. Knopf ......... $1.50 The Next Age of Man Albtrt Edward W iggam Bobbs-Merrill ........... $J .oo He~e is England Marion &lder~ton McBridt ............... $J.oo Captain Cavalier J acluon Gregory Scribnu's .............. $:2. 00 The Inn of the Hawk and Raven A Tale of Old Graustark George Barr McCutcheon Dodd, .Mead 8 Company ... $1.00 Eight o'clock Chapel An accounc of New England college life in the fruitful and picturesque decade of the 188o's. Cornelius Howard Patton imd Walter Taylor Field Houghton Mifflin 8 Co .... $3 . so A New Testament Sherwood Anderson Boni and livtrigbr ....... $1.oo The Magic Mountain Thoma1 Mann Two volumes Alfred A. Knopf . ·.· ..... S6.oo Unkind Star Nancy Hoyt Alfred A. Knopf ........ $1.50 A Feast for Booklovers Reduced Books! Many fine volumes at far Jess than original prices. The Life and Lettus of Walter H. Page: The Romatic 90's, by Richard LeGallienne: From Melbourne to Moscow, by G. C. Dixon, and many more. Lord'1-Book Shop-Just Imide the W e1t Davis Street Door The .amusing duel between H. G. Welts and Hilaire BelJo'C has seemingly reached an impasse just at the time when Mr. Belloc ha s bared his Achiltes heel to his antagonist. Wlu:n "Mr. Belloc Objects," by H. G. \Veils, was published as an answer to the scathing denunciation of "A Companion to H. G. Wells' 'Outline of History'" hy Mr. Belloc. the retort courteous ( ?) was so futile as to engender gargantuan laughter. In reply to the scientific data of Mr. Belloc's work and his not-so-naive surprise at Mr. Wells' ignorance of scientific progress in the past twenty years, Mr. Wells descended to bluffing and the personalities of pique. His realization of the unanswerable logic of Belloc's book reduced him to pitiable pop-gun efforts of retaliation behind a smoke s-cree n of deroga tory r~marks anent the physique and I THE most discerning article' of the mentaltty of Mr. Belloc. 1 , currqlt magazines th at has bn.: IJ If Mr. Beltoc had any slllall part of drawn to our attention this month is ~DOCDDaii~aDriiiij[ii]~ ·discernment he would h~vc rc~i:ed ; "The Meaning of Hokum," by Kath~ from the field at the pomt, tra1hng ' crine Fullerton Gcrould in the Augu~t c~o~.ds of glory-the victorious rc - 'j iss ue of Harpers. Her' assertion that Clptc~1t of th~ loud huzzah s of_ t!1e ~>Ol~: I hokum li es i1 _ 1 the lll<l!~llcr, ~ather them ul~cc. But 1~1. the last anal~ sis. ctllj th e 1 ~ 1 atte r o t contt:nt 1:; entirely to ullr tl~mg of er_uclttl_on that ~h. Belloc had liking. Then.: i::. so much cleverne:-" dts~layr~ ~~~ hi s bo?k. ha51 been the ·and so little \\'i sdom in th e contcnqK·Unkind Star frtllt ot hi s gleanmgs 1rom other rarr ,,·orld of plastic arts that a ..,ldid savants. and \\'hen he was placed on : . .. . · . . · · . · . Nancy Hoyt ............. $2.50 1 · 1 · OV\'11 1111 · 't'1a 11\'C' 1 I 1e un for- \ anah 1!s H~ n.tac.c t 1 relie-f ~b ot t \ t tl t 1c lllll!llportant 1:-. d A Helluva War g1vable error of puhhshmg an alto- j · Arthur Guy Empey ...... $2.00 gethcr superfluous rrjoiner in the Spring Circles form of a bookl et en tit led, ·'~f r. Bettor Florence Ward .......... $2.00 Still Objects." E arL· \'cry sorry that our Germ_an Where the Waters Turn Tn this br oc hure :\Lr. Belloc accu:-,e:; is not tqual to "Der AmcnkTheodore Von Ziekursch, $2.00 Mr. \Veil s of being pro-Protestant! anische J ournali smus" hy Von Emil The Trail of Fear And if any book e\·er repudiated the Dovifat. \Ve can think of nothin g individualistic teachings of Christian- more potentially hmn oro us that tht: Anthony Arm'\trong .. . .. $2.00 itv, Mr. Welts' not-so-scientific Outline solid Germanic mind in contact ,,·ith certainly did. The unfounded accusa- the ~lirror, tht: Graphic. and the tion was as absurd as though someone blurbs of nur o\\·n \\'illiam Randolph. had accused Voltaire of being the inB. B. With Whip and Spur (12 stigator of the Reformation. Mr. Beltoe deserves great ·credit for the years Famous American Riders) of his lif c he has devoted to the reLawton B. Evans ........ $1.75 E hear that Conrad Aiken, in "Blue stating of the history of the Roman A Little Boy Lost . Voyage," has refined the Joyce Catholic church. hut he has nullified W. H. Hudson ........... $1.25 any constructiYe good he might have "Ulysses" method to parlor technique. Historic Girlhoods rlone by slinging this futile mud at Even the smoking-car ilavor tlf Rupert Sargent Holland .. $2.00 other Christ ian creeds. "Ulysses" could not relieve the windy boresomeness of the book and wt re B. B. f use to wade through another book oi the same wind-jammer ty],.Je, be it ever A new conception of India is likeso po.lite. A great. weariness descends ly to he spread abroad hy Katherine Practice and Theory of Inupon us at the mere thought of such a Mayo's new hook. "Nf other India." dividual Psychology Miss Mayo went to India and lived trial. Review it? Somebody else, not Alfred Adler (Vienna) .... $6.50 among the people themselves. those us. Mother India who are not usually represented in any Katherine Mayo ......... $3.75 ·discussion of India. Her amazing The Spanish Journey statements about these three hundred J uti us Meier-Graefe ..... $5.00 and fifty million i!1hahitants rival her T,H E most ingenious idea has been disclosures of the Philippines in "The . 1 utilizrd by Houghton Mifflin compan~·, i. e., red stars prominently disIsle of Fear." played on the jacket bands of books Leonard Cline's noYcl for next fall, that are guod rip-snorting adventure "The Dark Chamber/' is a return from yarns, to steer the hearty book buyer the light mood of "Listen Moon" to clrar of psychological hooks. Whv not the somber one of "God Head." The coffins on the Dreiserian school ~ster latter hook "·ill be published in Eng- kks on Cahett and his ilk, "sic" ~n Va1; ·land in the fall under the title of Vechten and Morley, and question "Ahead the Thunder." marks on the M enckenese? A strained sophisticated book is "Latterclay Symphony" hv Romer Wilson. It is onlv a slight thing in pages and in exte1it of time covered-a . single dav- hut its brilliance is like a flashinsi- blade to slit open that day in the live s of three men-two white men and a negro, All of these. men are in love with the same woman. An innocent young- thing who says not more than a hundred words in the entire book and rather lessen s our intere st in the men's feelin:;c;;. But thev love her, and each in his , wa v is going to make a ptea for her. So- th e night after the party which has brought them all together at · Conra,t's one of the men, Stephen, has a t·,a part\'. TheY are all there, and each in his turn has a chance to offer his all to Mary. Conrad does it with !.trace. Lindsa~·. the negro. with simplidty horn of despair. and then Strphrn who loves her most of all, with the combination of beauty and bitterne ss. se lf-consciousn ess and ahandon. which is t~r pical of thi." hook. "B ut 1 can light the whole earth up for you Mary, and finger the world over to show your hl'auty. l've no imagination for · dark places heyond my ken. But I hold a brittle thing in my hands agonisingly-Reality perhapsit will shatter into fragments if you JlO awa\·." The hook is interesting and well writtcn hut it It-aves \'OU with more than the usual sense futility when it is done. -Es'I'HitR Gour.n. DID YOU KNOWThat "Tall Men," the July se lection of the Literary _Guild, is a first novel by James Stuart Mont. gomery whose discovery is . accredited to Carl Van Doren, editor of the Literary Guild? That a typo-facsimile of Keats' "Endymion" is to be published by the Oxford University Press and (TJade as nearly a duplicate of the original of I 8 I 8 as is possible? That Marie Conway Demler's, "The Holy Louer" deals, in the form of fiction, with John Wesle!J's three years as a resident of Georgia? Pot Shots at Pot Boilers SUBMIT for your enjoyment, following : When reporters, bearmg I copies of Shaw's comment, "Comstock ex~pense of the United State~," brought ~he erv is . the world's standing joke at the the quotation to the attention of An thony l he querulously replied, "Ge~rgc Bernard Sh<;tw? \Vho is he: ;" · F there is anything of truth in the I old adage to the e.ffect that by their works ye shall know them, perha1' s such books as "Unkind Star," by Nancy Hoyt, will do much t~ cstabli~.h an understanding of what 1s technlcallv known as u.~ younger generation. The. scene of the book is Continental Europe, sophisticated and with a s ~tr face gaiety that makes the un_derlym~ pain all the more pOignant. "ne'~ generation has learned raptdly and 111 most of its artistic efforts it is easy to trace a nostalgia for other times and other manners that might bring sOJntthing of solidity and peace. Tht:ir brave futilities have kept suffering humanit\' from becoming a smug phra ~e: they ;uffcr from disenchantment, tht·:-c hurt romantics, rather than bitternes s. .Their arpeggios of pain they ha \ ' t.: transiormed into smashing major!:> , dtsp ising the dimini shed :-.event hs of th t: gay 90's. · rl "It Was a Famous Victory!" :n11s ~ · of · New Fiction · W · Books for Children · W Travel, Biography, etc. · I