34 WILMETTE LIFE July 29, 1927 NOTICE t-:otlce ·is hereby given to every property owner In New Trier township to have his Canada thistle cut on or before July 5. Any property owner who , does not heed this warning shall be liable to prosecution and a fine ot from $5 to $100. John Balmes, thistle commissioner of New Trier township, 839 Cherry street, Winnetka. Rush Seats Hand woven out of Nature's Selected Material. Chairs Recaned. Antiques a Specialty Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Taylor, and their daughter, Susan. of Indianapolis, arrived in Kenilworth Sunday to be the guests for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam J. Taylor of 310 Cumnor road. Mrs. \Villiam Taylor and her so n, Clive ] ., returned Saturday from a boat trip. They were gone a \\·ee k, Yi siting CleYeland, Detroit, anrl Buffalo. The Gilbert Mackintoshes of Kenilworth arc spe nding quite a good deal of time in Barrington these da.JS, where their new summer home is almost fin ished. One of the most attractive features of the place is a ·fine stable equipped \\·ith t welvc splendid ridinghorses. The ~fi~ scs Elizabeth and Alice Shipman of 432 vVarwick road, Kenilworth arc leav ing Sunday on a three weeks~ trip to Raini er National park. Jasper National park of Canada, and Alaska. JOHN ANDRES . 18-1!1 1\fohawk Lin. 2835 Read the Want Ads START TOWARD SUCCESS If you are a grammar school graduate, high school student. or high school graduate, a Metropolitan Business course is the direct road to a good office position. 11 -o- -a- Enroll in America' s· Finest Commercial Schools" Now in 54th Year Phone, Write, or Call for complete information. Our free catalog explains courses 10 detail. METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLL, EGE 3 7 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago Phone Randolph 22 o5 Oliver Barrett and his young- son, Roger, of 623 ·Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, left for Canada, July 17 with a party of friends tn spend several -owccb, enjoying the hunting and fi shing H0,,·arcl Durham , 431 Abbottsford in the French rin~r countrY. Before.: they leit ~lr . and ~Irs. Bar;ctt had as road, Kenilworth. will ret~rn hom~ guest::; ~~ r. and ~[r :.. ] uliu s Roscn\\·ald next \Vednesday from a s1x weeks trip to the \Vest. He .was ~vith the of Chicago and Highland Parle Sin1pson party in the H1gh Sierras oi -o:.rr. and ~Irs. llrnn· 'L.t\·l()r oi ..[ ,·! California. -oEssex road, Kenil"·ort-h, h~\· c ju st re~[r. and :.r rs. H. V·/. Alger and ~t i~~ turned from a t\Yn \Yeck:-;' ,-i-,it \\·ith Elizabeth Alger of 154 \Varwick lane, their daught er. ).fary. m St. Da,·id. KcnihYorth. were recently gue:;h at Pa. the H otel Del Monte in Cawfornia. ·1 1 North Shore Crest Area Enjoys Share of Building Boom ~L,rth Shore Crest is one of the ~v- 1 1 era! ~l·ctio n s oi that part of \Vilmettt· \\'e st of Ridge road where building ac ti\· i~i es ha \'e hc.en quite _ pronounce(~ dunng the pa. t tew week~. Three nC\\ bungalows are under construction in :\orth Shore Crest, and tho se inter ested in its development say that th ey !tope to hav e a dozen of fifteen more erected there by the time snow flies. This subdi,·i . ion is on the north side of Lake avenue and a short di stance we st of Ridge road. It wac; · ~ ubdividrd a few years ago, but like many other sections in what -was forlllcrly kno\\'11 as Gross Point. its de \'elopmcnt in a building way was not pronounced until the coming of the underground 1mprovements, since which time the area is proving one of the most attractive ce~1ters to the builder. George H. Ha ss, of Chicago, is the builder in this section and Mr. John son, of Deerfield, has the contract for three ne\,. five-room stucco bungalo\vs now under construction. Two of these arc on Melvin avenue and one is on Yale avenue. The lots here are 50 hy 135 feet. · J. H. Schaefer and company, well known real estate firm with offices at 802 Ridge avenue, are exclusive agent" ior these new bungalows and also for the remainder of the unsold lots in ~urth Shore Crest. The firm announces that the thr ::e homes in question will probably l> e complete'd within ninety days and will sell for not to exceed $14,000. Early planting of Gladioli now in full bloom at Hammond Gardens Only 40c 8 50c per Dozen Asters 3 5c Zinias, Calendula· 6 flowers 25c Also Vegetables, Broilers 8 Eggs. HAMMOND GARDENS Hibbard Road !1 houst'S south of Lake Av e. Wilmette 2 32 5