Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1927, p. 35

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Jn1y 29, 1927 W I L M E T T ,E L IF E Tuesday Night Lea1ue Special Lea1ue Pet. 1000 1000 I. 0. 0. F., A Fond of Archery? New Club Invites You to Join Now For the information of all those inin archery it is announced that an archery clul) has been formed to he known as the Xorth Shore ArchCI~.~. :\!embers arc "·elcome from any ot the north shore towns. Shooting is done on Saturday and Sunday afternOt)tl5, and on c\·enings during the W~t: k. The g'rouncls are at the Indian Hill ;;tation park. The club is anxious tn !.!.ct all people interested to come out and shoot. Doth old timers and he~inncrs are \\'elcome. Tackle will he fumi;;hcd if necess·ary. .\rchcry is a fi.!)c sport and is becoming· more popular all over the country. .-\ll rhose interested arc asked to call Dr. (~t'Orge F. F.iscnbrancl, at \Vilmett~ .)tl _ ;:;l «Jr Greenleaf 447. ten~~ted Team St. Joseph; 2 Prt-sbyterians St. John's, 2 K. of C. The Horseshoe leagues sponsored by L 0. 0. F., 4 Howard P. T. A. the Wilmette Playground and Recrea- l 'ongTegational cion board, are ne'd.ri~g their end, with l. 0. 0. F., 5 Horseshoe Leagues Won 4 4 Lost 0 0 2 2 2 2 Congregational I. 0. 0. F., B :\[ason 500 2 2 1 0 0 '1 1 2 1000 500 000 667 1 1 1 0 4 :J 3 3 3 3 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 -t 500 250 only three weeks to go. vVith upsets continuing at the rate they have been it · is still anybody's league. .In the Tuesday night league the St. ] oseph 2, and the Presbyterians still have a clea;. slate, but the .K. of C. and St. ] olu, s Sl'Cond team are still both in the running. Thursday Night League Tet~ m.inal A. C., 1 l't·rminal A. C., 2 r. 0. 0. I<'., 2 Tt:rm.inal A. C., 3 I. 0. 0. F., 1 .:\fHhodists I. 0. 0. F., 3 :-i . .r c,hn's, 1 2 2 2 1 1 o "The Teachings and Philosophy of ooo the Revelation"' will be the t1oteme at I the studio of Louis Bourgeois, architect, 536 Sheridan road, Wilmette, at 1 n~ 3 p. m., Sunday, ] uly 31. "Divit\e 667 Wisdom" will he the topic of the 667 study class at the home of C. P. Chr·is~~~ tensen, 1138 Oakwood avenue, 8 p. m., 250 1 Wednesday, August 3. The public i!P ooo invited to these gatherings. ~~~ BAHAI MEETINGS In the Thursday night league the Ter- 1 minals 1 and 2, are leading, but still have · l'ume he a YY <·omp ·ti tion to face and may \ ··ud up back of the Odd Fellows, who won ' last year and still ha,·e a tendency to ~~~~!2~m;3~~~~qJII'Ia'la t :tk e their horsesho(·S seriously. If. -~~-... The ong-regalional second team has jrdned the Tuesday Xight league, taking Lht' place of the I. 0. 0. F., ·5 team which is helping to slrengtht'n the I. 0. 0 . F., I H·am. Th· ·. t·d.;ults follow: Christian Science Churches ~ on - ~ermon in all ~ \- it·Jlti;;t, ~unday, "Truth" \\·as th<: ~uhjcct ni the LesChurches of Christ. July 2-t. Thl.' Golden Text "·as iroll! Psalms ~> : 11. "Teach me til\' Lord· r will \\·;tlk in th~· trut-h." - ' ' .\lllong the citations which cnmpri~\: d the I.esson-~rrmon was the folJ, · '.Y i iu~· from the Bible: "In the heginn i n~· \\'as the \Vorcl. and the Word was \': it l1 C.od. and the \\.on! was God. And th~._· \\"ont wa!' made flesh, and d\velt ;un..!. Hl ~ u s, (and \\'e beheld his glory, th~._· ~lory as of the only begotten of th~ Pather), full of grace and truth. l'or the law was given by :\loses. hut g-nl'L' and truth came hy Jesus Chri-.t" ,,.a,· () 40 1 Years Beauty Lies ln of Quality Work John Ortlund, Sr., started bus·iness in a small room. He dreamed.a business of the future. His slogan was .. ~ality Work." Today, after forty years, what was a small room has grown to be one of the largest laundries on the North Shore. A Forty years of dream come true. U ·>l1ll 1 :1, 14, 17). TilL' I.esson-S..t..rmon also included ! thl.' iollowing passages from the Chri . tia11 ~ciencc textbook, "Science and HL·alth with Key to the Scriptures," bv ':\Iar~· Baker Eddy: "Christ, Truth, wa"s demon~trated through ] esus to prove the power of Spirit over the flesh-to sho": that Truth is made manifest bv it5 effects upon the human mind and bod ..-, healing sickness and destroying sin" (p. 316). . . · Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. UN less kept always clean and healthy, EYES lacktthis alluring lustrt. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par. . ticl~s o.nd keeps them clear and bri~ht. Contains no belladonn~ O..r illautf'ated books on "Bye Co.nr or "E~e Beauc," are f~BB on !'ell~ :\f r. and ':\1 rs. Claude E. Fitch of 11)33 Elmwood avenue left Fridav of l;ht \\·cck to spend the week-end at tliL' :\orth \Vo ods club of the Hamilton club of Chicago near Ishpeming, :\f irll. The\· returned to \Yilmettc \\.cdnesday. The Murine Company )kpt. 33, Chicqo .. Qgality Work." Time saving equipment, more man power, larger facilities encourage a large volume of business. And growth will be fostered; but so will t(~ality Work." -o-B. ~larshall of Los Angek . is Yi:-iting· hi s brother, ]. 13. l\larshall. and his family of 1040 Elmwood avei : lll' . Fr ~lllk ASK THE-M VVe rest our case on the word of our owners- and you can get any number of their names for the asking. C. M. McDONALD 10 19 Davis Street Phones: University 224. Wilmette 2 24 Washington Laund.y 10D-104JfMIAyAw Sbu~ .IWA.M7lW~ · f a. ~~ A USE-D CAR IS ONLY AS DEPE-NDABLEAS THE- DEALE-R WHO SE-LLS IT .WionB · Wilmette 145

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