Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1927, p. 39

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July 29, 1927 il WILMETTE LIFE · 39 FOR SALE-VACANT FOR SALE - BEAUTIFUl. WOODED lot in Cedar Point Park on Lake Gen£>Ya. Reasonable. Ph. Winnetka 2960. Hold Beach Day Program Women's and Beach Teams for Parents This Friday Play Kickball Wednesday · The regular weekly bea'Ch day proA kickball game between a group gram which is held each Friday after- of \\'ilmette married women and the FOR SALE - DA~DY LOT I~ \\~IL- n_oon under the joint auspices ' of the \Vilmette beach team has been sched:Mrs. Mary Burton Stewart Barry, mette. $65.00 per foot. This is a real attendants of the Wilmette beach and uled for next Wednesday afternoon at 82 years old, and for the past 35 years uuy. "Wilmttte 698. 53LTN44-ltl· the Playground and Recreation board 2 o'clock, it \\'as announced . . The game a resident of Wilm tte, passed away oH W'fD. '1'0 U.E~T-APAllTJlENTS ' will be held this evening starting at was arranged at the request of the at her home. 912 Greenleaf avenue, 7 :30 it was announced this week. The Mrs. Barry was thr. \\' A~'rED 1'0 RENT 4 OR 5 ROO~l change in the scheduled time was made members of the two teams partici- last MondaY. apt . Ly selected family of three. Prepating and will be under the joint daught~r o( Thomas A. Stewart,. firs ft'rably in private home in Wilmette or in order· to make it possible for the auspices of the \Vilmette Playground editQr and publisher of the Chtcago Kenilworth. Addn·::;s \Vilmette Lifl' friends and parents of the children B-38~. 58L44-ltc participating to wjtness the eYent, ac- and Recreation board and the \Vii- Tribune and had been a resident of Chicago and the North Shore all of cording to those in charge. A large mette Beach association. \\"'I'll. TO llE:S'r-Jo'UU~. APT. Immediately follo·wing the game. a her life. having come to Illinois witl attendance is anticipated and preparaWT1l . TO HENT-S)IALL FURXISHEil tions are being i'1ade to stage one of short play written by Annabell Bro\\'n, l her parents "·hen less than a year old hoU!:il' or apartment for month beginning the best series · of contests of the sea- daughter of A1r. and Mrs. Harry A . She \\'as horn in Lap<;>rte, Ind. about August J U. Talk B-382. Brown, anq prepared by the children where hrr father had heen the editor 59LTX44-ltp son. will he pre - of the Laporte \Vhig. In 1.847 her The events are as follows: ( 1) Bal- of the Beach playground . 6tl sentecl. The play wtll be presentet~ parents moved to Chicago, restding on WT (). 'L'O .RJo~N'f-HO D·U::s loon race; (2) Overhand race for boys by a cast of about 25 children and i:; what was at that time the n::>rth .;irlc 11 Years and under,· (3) Overhand race \\"T.lJ. TO Rl~XT BY OCTuBER 1ST. unique in both composition and stag· hut 1.; now 111 the heart of the cit\ ti room house; reliable J)arties. Phone for girls under 11; ( 4) Overhand race . '\ l "1 . f h d 11 d l r f B . d h d . . Cni\·l·ndty 4611.-J. 60LTH-ltp for boys 12, 13, (\nd 14 years old; (5) mg. " 11 ex 11 Ht 0 t e . 0 s an . lam t- ~ rs . arry recetve er e ucatt~m 11 Overhand race for girls 12, 13, and 14 work made by the chddren wtll also 1 the :\orth\YCste rn Female semtnary, ljLEASA~'l' HOUSE 6 OR 7 ROO:\lS. nars old. (6) Overhand for boys 15, be made. The Beach playground i., an antecedent ::>f Xorth,"-estern uni 1 1 I:·i~·~: H~~st~IJH t~t. Address ~~~~ 1:~1~ i6, and (7) Overhand for girls 15, under the supervis.ion of Mrs. Alta B. ,·r r~ity. In 1867 she became th~ wi[e 16 and 17 ;. (S) Nail driving -contest for Caldwell. o_f George Barry. an officer 111 the 66 W'l'U. '1"0 BCY-JIOL'SES boys under 17; (10) Somersault r~ce , C. onsun_H'rs company and who pas sed for boys and girls 12, 13, and 14: (11) Glencoe Man Witnesses 1 away 111 _190~. ~lr. and ~Irs. Barry \ Vinnetka I-lotne \Van ted \Vatermellon grab for girls. · · · · \\' C'H' actiH m the foundmg of t~e 1 I L\ \.E CLIE:-;T WHO DESIHES *:l5,000 . . Great Ktlauea 10 Action s,wdcnhorgen church on \?an Buren to HO,UOO honw in Winnetka, n.ear the 'I A specta'Cular return of molten lava .;frret. lah. (;in· full Dickenson. detail!:i. Immediate re1 mette Wimmers a e to tile fire pt"t of Kt'lauea \'Oicano ~rr.... ,. came t0 \\'ilmette i:l ply reqm·stt-d. Aldrich and ., . . Barr_ Hodg·er-;. Iue., 100 w. :\fonrot St. FrankPrizes in Fish Fan Tilt seemed to be arranged for the special 189-+ and throughout her residence lin ti201. SGLTXH-ltc , . 1 places were taken by a benefit of Oliver Picher of Glencoe here '"as prominent in club and .social IS FOU. SAL.E-nH~IJ ('ARS ~- n c :a t am · CQmpo ·eel of -Bob Ill., and his fellow travelers who ar· affairs. She was a member emeritu~ 1 2~~~~;~~ J · G~orge \Vhite~ Steve Hop- ri~red at Honolulu July 8 on the S. S. of the \Vilmett~ \Voma~ 's club. a l::UlCK .\lAST~~ SIX. SPORT TOURIXG k" \V 1 "ll"· tl Holt11es ancl Doroth· ' Ctty of Honolulu. memher of the \Vllmettc Ctrde and of ta 1 in A - 1 cond1t10n. F1ve tint tires. This ms. ··J T · h' h 1 · h 1 0 A R l·ar muHt l·t- ~E't-n to bE:- amm·dnted. Ad- Tucker. which repre sented the \Vuhe acttvity w tc began t 1e rug t t 1r . . . . dn·H:> Willm·tt· · Lif·· B - :~84 . J lllt·tt " I)L·acll ' tt th· ' Kovice Swimmina before is the .first in three ~: ears and is Sun·iving arc three children, Dr. GSLH-ltp '" ' .__ · . .. · rattracting such crowds of St)ectators ----------------:--:-::--::-:--:: l mttt held undtr the ausptcrs ot thl' George F. Barry of EvanstoP, ~frs. J.)(;IIT SIX STl"llElJAKEH TOL"Itr~c. Fish Fan's cluh of Chicago. last Sat- that the boats plying between Hono- Tohn A. ~facLean of \Vilmette. anrl in g-ood t'Ondition. ltil4 \\"iln 1Lt- 1 t~~. 4A,1·lt' ., urdav lulu aiJ ct the isl and o f Ha\\b·aii kwdherte ~frs . Eugene A. Hatch of New York, WilnH·ttt-. .. 6 8 J.' ·1- P .· · . · the vo 1 cano ts 1 ocatec1 are oo e o · 1 1 1 'Jd a ct h 111 til" :::o \' arcl free st\"le · F 1r:- t Pace I t rec 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '" .J cat)acity. Beautiful fountains of red \nt 1 ten .t rranc c 11 ren D Ill ' ' ()OJ,.. t k I \\'"ll"atll. Hol111es a-t . (I Prcat-rrra11dchildren. 1 1 it J:'Oit SAL .E -IISE v ·~ ,,·as a ·en n · · ' lava are J)]auing the !)it Halemaumau ' ,... 11 rc I PIacr was --------------::~--:-::--:-:-::::- t a k en 111 · tl1 e ... ?QO Ya rt l and visitors J are watching the weird Funeral sen·ices were held WednesHHA~lJ ~E\\" I<'E-HOX, BEE~ rs£D t I· :: wet-ks. <'apaeity 75 Ills. <'ht:ap for rt·lay b;,. a team . composed of the b_ur I sho\\' by day and night. The Hawaiians day from the residence. Rev. Stephen <·ash sal~:. T e l. Winn. ::o:H. 7JLTXH-ltc hon. fhe relav team was later d1s- are thro\\'ing ohelo berrie and other A. Lto~·d officiating. Burial was tn · 11 gs 1 ·11 to tile pt"t 1 ------------::--.::-:-:::-:::-::-: ·11 recognt"tt'on of Oakwood cemetery. PfX£ BLANKET \'BEST; 2 DRA\\"EHS <tu~lified hecau;e of an infr:1ction of offer 1 below chtst. Tt:l. Wilnu:tte 2725. the age limit ruling. Miss Tuch' ·· Pete, the goddess of the volcano. i1LTX44-ltc also placed in her event. Holmes n-i11 ~he Home and Garden club members ------------::: - : - : - enter the finals in the· meets. " ·hie! ' · t'llJOyed SALE OF LINEX \\'IXI>O\V ~H.-\IJ£;:s, t · Cl ~f 1 a ver~· novel meeting last ~.25. 22 Prouty Annex, Winn. 225ti. arc a weekly event. on August 2i. I untor rama ICS ass ; On( ay, l~tnching at the Pink Poodle 71LTX44-1tp . Presents Two Playlets fea r?om m Deerfield. a1_ 1d afterwards ---------------:-:-:::-:-:: Northwestern Naval Men · . . spendtng a pleasant afternoon observnL·: F'RrCERATOR, 75 LH . ( 'APACfTY, Supplemented by. t\~0 ..Jtttle . skt: s ing S0111e lonlv Deerfield gardens. in good cond., $15. Glencot i\:Jr:~NH-ltc Do Well on Cadet Cruise bJsed on A. A. Mtlne s \Vhen \\ ... . -o53LT~44-2tp Services Held for Mrs. Mary Barry, · Resident 35 Years I d: w·· ~. s . T k I 1 J · J D 1 i:? . -tlct \Vere, Very You~g" and. ""YV"innie tht . ~f r. and ~f rs. Christian Darling and Pooh, students m the JUnlor dramCl · their familY of 1538 Highland avenue \\'A~TED TO BUY .'EC(J~D HA~V tics class at th~ Sc~ool of Speech ~ .;nent last· \\·eek at the Edgewater furnit un~ and other hous(·hold goods. Northw~stern t~ntverstty, r~cently P,~e- Bca~h hotel, Chicgao, where Mr. DarHighe::;t prkeH for same. t 'rost Fursented The Shppers of Ctnderella. ling \vas attending the convention of nitun· Ston·, 1004-6 Bmerson .'t., EYan~ton, Ill. Phon(· Uni\'. 18~·. The play, "An Impossibility in One the American Train Dispatchers. i2LTX44-ti<.: Act," was directed by Miss Winifred \Vard, director of the Children's theas PEf'IAL ASSESSJIEX'r ~OTICE i3 ter. Performances were informal, and YILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE HIRV~EYE ~IAPLE BEDR00).1 SETthere was no admission charge \ _s ~EC'~AIJ ASSES~l\IENT NO. 20:! · · :'\otJC'f ts hereby g1ven to all persons l!t:d, dresst-r, desk and chair. Silk illtt'rf·8ted that the President and Board dres~es, size 36, practically new. Reaof Tru8t<'es of the Village of Wilmette, ~onable. Call evenings Glencoe 535. Steve Hopkins First to . in the C'ounty of Cook and State of Illi73LT44-ltp nois. haYing· ordered that a Supplemental " Make 500 Point Standing AS8l·ss ment be made to pay the deficiency FOR RALE - LIFE MEMBERSHIP I~ ~JH·dal Assessment No. 184 for the con~rystal Lake Golf Club Tand ).\edit~h Steve Hopkins is f he first of the in 8truction of a sanitary sewer system o! C:olf Club. Reasonablwe. Fermsl\·I n~ u e participants in the Beach day programs ,·itrified tile pipe sewers with brick mant ranl-lfer fee. Call . . · or11son, · · 1 "()() · l' · Franklin 6201. 73LTN44-ltc to attam t 1e J -po111t stanc mg. tt was ho)('i'; in Seneca Road and other streets tht: Yillage of Wilmette, Cook Country, ATTENDS CONFERENCE I annour1ced this week. Steve is auto- in Tllinois, the ordinance for the same beFOR SALE RABY"S BAS~l~ETTlh~ I Frederick E I ewis local funeral eli- maticallv entitled to receive a swim- ing on file in the office of the Village tnnmwd; likt' new. Tel. h..emlwort · . · "'. ' · _ · _ . 1f 1 B 2656. i:~LT44-lt<' I rector. was m Mtlwaukee \h.'ednesday. m111g sutt a~ a~ a\\ ar< rom t 1e urns Clerk of said Village, and said Village having- applied to the County Court of · · . attending the conference of fu~eral Tog-g-ery and .:' out. to break _the ree- said Cook County, lll'inois, for a SuppleF on SALE AUTO TRUNK. $2:>:00 · directors "";hich was held in that ctt,·. ord hy annexmg stlll more pomts. mt-ri"tal Assessment to pay the said deAuto tent, $10.00; In-a-car bed, $6.00. · · ficiency in Wilmette Special Assessment Phone Winnetka 365. 73LTX44-lt<' Xo. 184 aforesaid, according to benefits ~1 r. and Mrs. J uljus Seng entertainA CORRECTION and an assessment therefor having been FOR SALE- REF.D BABY CATIRfA(;E ed eighteen friends with a dinner party in good condition. Wll. 1642. In the report of the death of Frank madE> and returned to said court (Docket · 73LTH-ltc at their home at 1222 Chestnut aYenue En!!els. 131 Cent-"1 P:>-1< a'""llll" . in ~o. 203), the final hearing thereon will bE> h<:>ld on the 15th day of August, A. D. last Saturday evening. last week's issue of the \Vrt~I~1"n: LrF'~, 1927, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon i4 W'fU. TO JlUY-:MISCELL:\~EO"l"S -oit was stated that he passed a\vay sud- th(-reafter as the business of the court The Misses Fern a~d Beatrice Older permit. \YA~TED- CLEAX, WHITE RAnS, 10l" denlv and that his death was not dis- will All persons desiring may file objections pt-r lb. 1222 Central AvenUl', \\'ilmttte. of 1026 Elmwood avenue left last week cove-red until the following day. This in said court before said day and may 74LTN44tfp for a two weeks' tl·ip through Yetlowreport was incorrect, due to an er- appear on the hearing and make their stone park anti Colorado. ronious source of information. Mr. defense. Said ordinance provides for the compleHOLD SANDCRAFT CONTEST Entrels W<l" attrnciPrl at tllP time of his tion of said Supplemental Assessment in Chicago has the busiest street in the ten annual Installments, with annual ~aturdav afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock, world - Michigan avenue, between death by his housekeeper, Hilda Olsen. interest thereon at the rate of six pert\\'o grottl)s of bQys and guts. divided Jackson boulevard and Chicago avenue, centum per annum as provided by law. into junior and senior sections ac- where 68,011 automobiles pass in :\1rs. Fred Pitney and Mrs. Fahie Dated . Wilmette, Illinois, July 28th, cording to their · ages, will take part twenty-four hours. :Michiner of Pasad~na. Calif., are the A. D. 1927. CHARLES N. EVANS, in a sandcraft contest which will be guests of their brother, George Bird, Person appointed by the President held under the supen·ision of Mrs. of the Board of Local ImproveIllinois leads the nation in the manu- of 1010 Chestnut avenue, for the summents of the Village of Wilmette, Alta B. Caldwell at the Beach play- facture of signs and advert ising nov- mer. Thev will remain in \Vilmette \'ook County, Illinois. ground. until Septe;nber 1. elties. L44-2tc WTH. '1'0 llL'Y-IISEJIJ,J), GOODS In a report from Commander L. S. Stewart, U. S. Nav\·, the officer in charge of the members of the na,·al unit cruising on the U. S. S. Florida from June 25 to July 9, it is indicated bv Mr. Stewart that the North"·estern tl~liYersity delegation did excellent work. Commander S. B. McKinney. head of the N. U. naval reserves. received Commander Stewart's report. Grades were assigned the N. U. boys for notebook work on the following subjects: Torpedo factory, medical department, supply department, ship's or ganizatio11: steering system, communication. gunnery, engineering, ~ramanship and navigation. · · 1

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