Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1927, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE J ufy 29, 1927 You can't look at a tire and tell how far it will run You CAN'T SEE a tire carcass because it Erects .Georgian Home in Glencoe for. Fall Market R. E. Crosb\·. builder, of 566 Center street, Winnet.ka, is completing for the fall market a verv attractive Georgian colonial r esiden~e at 246 Franklin road. in one oi the choice residential sections of northeast Glencoe. Reel brick is used in the construction. The lot. ideal for this development. is 63 by 210 feet and is surrounded by numerous high grad.e houses in keeping with the type of residence . which Mr. Crosby i~ building. Special decoratin· features are announced for the inter ior finish. The first floor will he don<.· in parchment color, antique finish \\'ith the porches the same except in a green shade. One of the bath rooms will be finished in black and white and the other, off the hall. will be done in a marhle finish. The in~ide shelves tJf the kitchen casr "'ill he green. blending with the tiled floor linoleum of 1 that shade . An arched ceiling features the breakfast room. while arched hook cases and arches elsewh.e re throughout the house add to its attractive interior design. This house. ~1 r. Crosby . au nounces. is to go on the market at $35. - JUNIOR COEN TAKES STATE TENNIS TITLE Kansas City Youth and National Boys Champion Wins Handily in Skokie Play The first championship oi the llli n ,,i .; state tennis title play 011 the Skul.;ic courts sa\,. the Yictory ,)j a Kan-.a-. City player, Junior Coen of tht .\1i~ .;ouri citY who is the national ho~· ~ ·~hampio1~ 'and who was the iavoritc in the competition just t:nded. annt.xecl the title ln· defeating \\"alter Th(lma..: of Elmora: 1':. J., in the finah fo r t he Junior title hy score . oi ')-3, 2- t·. I .... I 6--1. (.....-3. Tn is covered by the tread. Yet the way this carcass is built wlls how far the tire will run. Dunlop has had 39 yean to learn all the hidden points where tires wear. Dunlop C8J'CUiel are built from the best long fibre cotton, spun in Dunlop's own mills into the famous Dunlop cable-twist cord. These cords are elftttic, so they give and take as your tire runs; strong, so they resist constant load and pounding. They build the best possible foundation for the Dunlop tread-the toumhest rubber develop. ment known. · Thus Dunlop's extra years of experience build added value into every vital tire· part. That is why, not one Dunlop-but (;Very Dunlop-gives you more service than you can reasonably expect .. l I \V e recommend that you rut Dunlops on )'owr car MARGERUMS TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing and Acceaaories 621 Main Street Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3243 every 2Y.t seconds someone buys .a the semifinals Tho111a:' d<J\Ulcd Chicago hope, Scott Rcxin~t· r. 6--2. {}-3. Coen won out over Rtr !lard Lusch of Los Angele--. () - 2, 11- l. in the semifinal match. Junior's "·as a swift, decisin: a-.ceut to the throne. He played a bril liant game throughout. out~tandin~ and outplaying his opponents in al mo~t even· skirmish. \\'ith tlw tx ception or' his second set. in. which he we1it to pieces momentanly. h~· 000. \\·as too much fqr Thomas. Tilden Forges Ahead :Scott Avenue Property The state championship:; attrar1r·ci Changes Hands This Week a fil'ld of stars including the f amou-.: The Crosby and. M-cKendry Realty Big Bill Tilden. In the p!ay in t lw company. ·StXi Center street. \Vinnetka. major ennt which began on ~fonda~· has sold the 150 bv 159 fctt Yacant. Tilden and other stars managNl to with south front .. on ~rott an:nue. do the txpected by forging to tlt~.: just east of Grecn\\'ood ayenuc. Glrn- front at midweek. On opening day cnr. to \\"alter Vette. This co111pany Tilden who won the title t\\'o ytar~ also reports the real estate market in ago hut who didn't play la:-;t year \\;111 general much more actiYe than it ,,·as two matches defeating two ynutht11l a short time ago. both in regard to Chicagoans. His victim s v;ert Gt1rcl nn the mnnber of huvers for Yacant and Brauclt. r>----0. 6-1. and Scott He~ing those " ·ho are lo~king br impr(ln·d er. h----1. 6-0, Tilden kept a Jlllllp ahead of the others on Tucsda,· 1)\· property for fall occupancy. defeating Jack Harris, 6-2. ()-0. · ~I 1 ~f F () 1 _: : To rdie,·e the monotony oi ~:n,c 81 ·' sl'<lr<l . r. an{ . rs. . L. 1Iurray lllatche s the fans :;aw tht la .l Greem\·ood avenue stopped th. e middk of July at Paradise Inn. high up on ~)i · \Yalter Hayc:!'. the Chical!t). Ytt_l'r:tn. Mount Rainier. which is the tallest in the first rnun<l. Leroy \\'elr ? 01 _1·.'1~ perprtually sno\\'-capped peak in the an~tnn heat Haye!'. 1-<,. r, -· :-:.-. L1 nited States . .in Rainier :\'ational Other first ronnel ,,·inner.; \\.('rt liarpark. \Yashington. During their stay encc C.riffin and \Yray Br()\\'ll. at the fl·snrt. ~lr. and ~Irs. ~furra\· A f.eature match of tilt' t·ntrnat llvllt found more than eight feet t)i sno,~· tu date " ·as that bet,,·el'll J ,)ltn II tth remaining on the porch oi the hotel hell ni Kansas City and :\xl'l ('.ra,·~·m in mid-July, although warm :--ttmnH·r )f Chicago. It \\'ttS a marath()tJ. D:::·k "·eathtr prc:Yailed. ~less had. force<l tfH·m to halt t)n \f 1111 · -odav whl·n each l1ad won a ~ct. _and ~Ir~. Bernard ~fl'Ytr and her i;unih· \\·~re t-tll cnn nn the third :-ct. I h t -'. or ~chiller street " :e re at the .\rling- decided to pla~· the match all nn:r ·~1 I ton hotel. \\.a:--hington, D. C., recently. Tuesday and Hubbell \\·nn r1-2. ~ - ,. TheY wi II ret urn to \ \' ilmette next A 1f red 1r. Chapin. Jr.. oi ::.nring h l·l d. Thu-rsday after making part of the ~f a:-s .. " ·ho arrived a day htt· 1wpJ 1l·d home\vard trip through Canada and into the fray Tuesday and \\·on two , stopping at \."iagara Falls and Detroit. matches to catch up with the fil'ld. -oHe defeated R. K. But·hanan lt -- 0. :Mrs. John "·elton Fisher, Jr., of 826 ri-O and Ellis Klingman. (l-0, (,_ 3. Greenwood a\·cnue had as her gitest j Mrs. Chapin Advances las~ '"eek. ~Ir · . \Villiam Claslin of ~1rs. Chapin. "·omen·~ chatnpiltll Phi!adelpllla. Pa. On leaving Wilmette, has been finding the g(\ing snl<Hlth Mrs. Claslin went to Highland Park to an~l ach·;mccd 'to the qttart<·r-final spend a few clays before rcturninR bracket. ~f arion Leighton Pi Chic;q..[n. home. a titleholder · also has rt'arlwd thi-.: bracket as ha\'e also Mrs. L. E. Raile~· and ~f ahel Robinson of l'hicagt 1. fn the matches on \\.ednesday llu 1 JHave funds to loan on choice imhcll continued to win deieating 1\. C. proved North Shore Suburban residence property at 51;2% intere,..t.. Fulton of Chicago, 6-3. ()_ -1. S<>f> us on renewals. In the third round C. Lcjeck <kE. G. Pauling & Co. feated T. F. O'Connell, Chicago. (,-3. 5 N. La5alle St. Main OZSO (1-2, while Ted Eggman. Kansas City. defeated H. C. Gotfrecl:--nn. ~fih\·au \ kee. 6-4. 9-7. H l'( ' klnghnm 6011 thl' ---- ~ l 1 UNIVERSAL Window Supply Co. Window Shades - LOANS 4)n POUNDERS OP THB PNEUMATIC TIRE INDUSTRY Draperies Wrought Iron curtain poles. :Sew Shades on Your Old Rollers. Sent>n atHl Metal Weather strips. 1223 _ 4. DDISO:S S'f. neslrable Homes und ApartmeJH Buildings WITHOUT COMMISSION I I .I I I John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 112 w. Adams St., Chicago

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