t1 August 12, 1927 WILMETTE ·LJl;E li l'nclt. · rt a king company at 1120 l't:n1 r;tl 'l'lw (·xhihit will np<'n on \ Thur -.da,·. :\n g- tbt }};, :t11d rlo~t· tht· i~~ll""· in~ \\'cclnt·:-day. \f:ttniaJ, mack nn the pl:tygrt~und IJ\· t !J, . rhi ldn·n durin g t Ia· "lf.lllll11'!' \\ ill ht· .1·11 n.hihiti~tll. l.arqllt'l' \'.orl:. 1 ~triL:inal doll-.. papt ·r tlrHn·r-.. Jt <h lt·r-.. , ··lllrrt·t· la. r:tffi :t. ;·nd · .hjt·t·t.., c:trn·d ir .·lll \\··.rul and . . ,,;q·. Till· puhlir i, I 11J'L!I 'd to ('pill(' ill and :-otT tht · \\'otrJ.. · ~ti 1 :1 1' chiidn ;, 1111 the pl:t~',t!I'·Iti1Hk Thr~t11L:'1l t !Jt· rc ·11rtc-.\· oi t 'okn l :t ~ · F. i:llrr·~nvl l" .tllll .\llwrt J. \\ ' j..,,.l 1m:. o tiH· ft1 lt111 11-.<·d ir·r tht· t·.'.l liltit h.1 · ! ) t . 11 k t 1 t ht . I' b \':..' i· Ill ! I cl :I II! I H ·T··.tti ·JI i~<·:,rd ir,·· · ,,j chargt· . an·11tte. 1 Miss ~'right and Miss DeBe~ard plan RETURNS FROM WISCONSIN 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Watkins of 1322 to tr~vel on. the continent during t~cir Dr. c. E. Geisse returned Tuesday Greenwood. avenue, with Mrs. Myrtle vacatl(·ns _o t a n~onth c;1ch at Chnst-1 aitt.'r !'pending a vacation at Reilly's May Hopkms and her da.ughter, Etm<h and Easter t1me. ; hay, in Door county, Wis. Mrs. Gcisse dora, and Mrs. Cleo Watkms and her ~lis~ \\'right plantH.:d to return to and her daughter. ~fan· I.ou, will re- son, Howard, returned the first part Thl' \'illagc.· Play~rmmd II andicrait E\·an:--ton t hi~ \H't.·k from htr home in main <&1 Green Hay, \\:is., whc.;rc they of the week from a six weeks' motor t:xhihit will he hdd this yc.·ar in tlw Harlan . l(t\\'a. to 111akt f111al plans ior ' arc d~iting at the home of It \V . Bur- tour through Canada, the New Eng· gess. land states, and New York. building formerly used hy the Lewis the trip auroad. ---- --- - - - - --------·-- - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Playground Board Shows H andicra/t Work of Children I I I 1 Many years ago the North Shore Line adopted as Its slogan the phrase, "The Road of Service" 1; i~ter- · pre.ting its slogan, the Nort~ S~ore Line bas always looked upon courtesy as an important phase ~f service. It as natural. then, that thas radr_oad should receave frequent letters commending the courtesy of its em· ployes. Recently a letter was receaved from a New York woman, Mrs. Lillian Keane praising the courtesy of a North Shore Line conductor. In her letter Mrs. Keane said, ··1 have traveied rather extensively and In all my experience I have never seen more considerate attention to the comfort of passengers.': l If I I Go to London for Year of Teaching and Study \fj-.,, l.ulu \\'righ t nf th,· :\t·,., Trin q·IJ,~~·I iacult\ and \fi..,.., Flii':t 1·\'t L lkl~, r:ttd ui XH! Fl!ll\\f"'d :1,.,. ' !lil t. \\ ' i!ntt·ttt·. \\ ill -.:til i1 IIlii \'t' \ \ y, ~rk . · ;1 , (' l.:tt·land .\llglJ-.1 .!11 i .. r J.,,lltJ,,n. · '···J t· t I ·' "ill n · m:ti1 1 d11ri!lL: tltt ' t' .. lll ·~.:.: ,_ ,.,,, Ti 1 n · \\ill h:td :t l'hln··u·~ ~ . .tJ. d iitt!t l :itt·r t· nl:tkt · " :ri11 t' lrt·t t:..:!J llil~h :-:tttl 1.t11 d lwtt·J' t· l'o ' t!ll'!liw· · 1:1· l.t-.: ;~ : trt 1:· !·I H ·11 : L : I., n 1· \ ·· lt 1 · r, · 1 lt , · -. · ' ill Ltko · :Ill ; ql;j"! lllt'lll. \l i--. \\ 'r i~lt' ;,:tH·- ·, , tl··· !' 11!1 !1'\. I l : ~· ! 1 ' I· ' " ·I. :t -.1'11 , ·· ol 1.· , r L: i r 1, · in ·I I IJ'i!'.'.t·,t i.·t1 1dt1!1, ;1' :t' l t., ,·!J. !i :..:~· lt '. il'l.tt ltd tht · \\' ;11 111.!; .!o..:. \J j ...... I ' I t ' :, : : j:, 'I \\ill 1.tl.t· \J l" \\' ri:·l ·t':-"J.\1 t' .tl \', ··:. Trit·i. \lj ...... l> 1 l: t·:. tnl ~... :; l 'li1l;il1 it htr -.1 11olit· - 11 l ii l' l '11 i \ t·r· , it · . 1·i l."1 1d1 Ill. :11 Jil ·:.i ll r 1 t t:··rr itt . 1 1 ' 111 · : · " i 1l !' 1 -'~ t .. ·h· l ' ni\·\·r -. il\ ··i lllin"i". \\ lwr t· · -.ill' " ,, . . >~ -.tudt·tJt during tlt\ ' p;, . . t year . ·NEW -.faster time to LAKE GENEVA tl·a North Shore Line trains and Motor Coaches 'EVERYBODY KNOWS HE Not:th Sho~ Line has placed in effect a new "Limited" Motor Coach ~ervice between Kenosha and Lake Geneva. Limited Motor Coaches, at convenient hours, operate on the new direct route from Kenosha to Lake Geneva, making the · run in 68 minutes. T THE VALUE MILK! I' ' I TWIN LAKES, POWERS LAKE: Convenient motor.service is maintained between Kenosha, Twin Lakes and Powers Lake. The best way to reach any of these popular vacation centers -Lake Geneva, Twin Lakes or Powers Lake- is bv North Shore Line train and motor ,:oach. Motor coaches make convenient connections with 'North Shore Line trains at Kenosha. A pleasant, scenic, comfortable ride in luxurious North Shore Line Motor Coaches. .1 1 I t) ' ~ - No one needs to be convinced of the value of milk as a food in ·health and · sickness. Everybody believes it. But the milk must be fresh and pure . I -1 tt For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at . North Shore Line ticket office. 1~ bl" J Chic1go North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Sen~ice '+' WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 nf ~. nl Ill I