Augu~t 12, 1927 "\- 'NILMETTE LIFE 19 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltlllflltflltltlllllllllllllllllllltfl·lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUtllllllllllllll North Shore Golf Clubs "" ·il1 ,1 II 1 11 ' · ;· ill, II ;;;,j II: o'l ' ltii l ·ii. tlillillllil lilll:lll ~ !lllllllllllllollll ll ll llfllillfllllflfltlflllllllllllllfllfllllflllllflllftllffllllllllltllf lll ll l ll illlllllll llfllll lll :l i:lllilllillllldl lllfll l lflflllfll lf fll fl lfllfll l illf llll ltflllllllfllfllflllilltlfllfllllllllllllfllltlllllillllllilll i llllllllll Glencoe Club · Made Possible by· Energetic Spirit Play Opened Over 9Holes . lll Preserve . THE PICTURES. Th~ new Gltncot clubhouse soon ro b~ buih (lop)Scene at ground fntivitits rtccnrly · ( righr) -Wahcr (Wt~lly) Chamberlin. club's professional. l\:o,,· There's ltcgular Course \Vhich is Popular-Conl .. bination ~·lctnhership and Fee Club This i!> tht· eleventh article of a s t ' r it's dt>scribing th,-. great golf clubs of the North Shore. The story. her~with presented tells of :he fine spirit which made possible \ dandy course in Clenr.oe where esidents may be members or play on the fee plan. Another article wi!l appear next wt'ek. P !.· :· t l! i,t n.": !:t· : tn"w'·r~.·cl. ktl :tt ll' \' ti ll' - "; :. , 111i 1:!.! :t! l 'il· ! l1y RAy. c. I <~I "Tlit: la-.t dul,·~ y~.· ar pEARSON : I atlatr- arl· : \\.illiam Ed\\·anb, chairtllan: ,1 . :\. \\'illiam .... ~Upl·rintt·ml('nt: N' ) \\ I. ,\ I" I 11!! \' t 'i :...· ' ,J i \ 1\ 1 1· ~ \\ \ ' t -.' I I :..1 1 , < ,,·t , 1 ,' , ·r .~~. HOU . ,j tha t ll i ·Jll t ' i 1i t ll t · E. .I T ~~ ~· K n :tpjl . "t· ndar~· ani\ trea~urt·r. r:t t!l l: i . ~I ~l ; . ._ i1 I ~ I ( 1 " ! 1< ·;· .t :· · ' 1 ., . n ci '1 ' .' T . \I' l ·' .... .. :1 \ I .. I I · ! I · ·Ijl 1' I: - . :· 'I:' , ; II' 1! d t : · ,! · 11 t' I' I ··· J,,.,t rd , , j rlirn·tt·r , j ... c:llllJlt\~etl oi \\ .i l li:,:11 Lcb:ttd-. F . .1 l.ut"ttig-. R R. 1! \ir : .. rtl . . \ . 11. \l:tr-. h:t :l ;wd l'. 11. \ 1·:· .l \\.\. :.· d ' .t ~ ~~ dd i:-;1' , ,:! "" 1 ! .· ·\ ... . lli ' ::·.... i· 1\. , I ,, , . ' ! '· ' ' ' ·· '. I I' I :· l'tlllillllg- ·l ' . I ' <· i 'I I o· .. ~,._ L I; j ~ I .: · ':' . '. · I ' i"' ) :I I r t j '· l ~ '. I 1· : 1:.1 .! :."< '· \! 1 · .. !...\ : · F rid.t'i ) ,I i. . , ··· . I · .i l 't : ... , .t ' ' t' 1, 1 ·i ' ,,, Fin t> Community Spirit t·... . '! ' , .1. t·l t l t::.tli' ... ,.. I · " , ,, I: ·: I I' t r , ( · I I ::l · 'r·!'-: l.i,( :;il t l l1 ' ' 4'"' ' ' ' · , , 1. ·, , (· 1 : t1 1 ~ ~ i t I' )'"' " I· Illinois State Fair !' \'.t: t . t ... r,t i~· r 1· 1 t t: t ~ I 1 ' 11 I · j itl' i 1 L(. 1( :· ... I 1: ( I ]; I' l I ·I lH t' .\ : 1 I!. ": ' ; l ' t ·. I {' l l l I 1\' ( ·, . dl 1i - '-9 Forest Prt'serve ;--ilT!J t'l:!l! t· j l['t' \ jt~ ll ' i·· t!it till! \ t i';tt 11 ' ' ,,.., <k t idt rl t·' h.n ~ · :t L:·>li lluh, tltv \ ' ill.tL:t ' h ,td a,·,ptirt ·d ai·l' l' ··:-. i11Ltt··;, tlJilt .\ tl 1H' :t\'l't"' ,,j Ja11d :tf!j,·i1li1tg till' \ \,uld\ ' Furl"-t Prt' 't' l'\'t' prupt'l't\· I! ! ( :k1H' c ·e . But t ~w t hirh·- ,,llt' ;uTt'!- had lll'l'll J ,,,u~ht i11r a puri'"'t' t·tht·r t~1:t11 L:<~li . !t "a" pbnnt·d 111 ~~~~· tiLt! land l·l l .111 inrin('r:ttc·:·. c1 it \\ ;1-. tln't" ..,;u,· t11 1< ·t·k in :uwtht·r dirt·cti11n 11 Cit 111'11(' ,,·a~ t·1 haH· :t g-.1li club . In Start Play ~,:.l :~· ~i \·:, i,· 1111, r t· ' t d;,l : · ,, .,., , ·rL 'l l.t· Jt,, t l · . .1:11c :11 r;q·i dl.\ .1 1! 1·.. ,1 . h. nai 'i'· ,, ;" h t h \' :-n· H ·'.d, .t:.d ltt ·, t - tl r l' :· .\1 11- ;;. <· t l1 .tl t h vr · \\ t \ .· I ' i t I · · I · · ·. i.t. .. l......... r.L:c.· . ,- . !".'. !! l · i!'.·" .:, . :;,,· rl · .· t dt\1 1· ·il<tl :·.1 \' :·t . . ~ r ~~ ' t'l !· 1'111 11 · J,· ~t · ~· r ,, ,. . . . \'. l1, ~ :1 .i Ill(" !:':I' 11 ~ 1 :1 \' , ·t1·1 ... t itil1t' l 1 .{ 1 : ,~ r - 1·:;· I ' ' 1 ' ,i :l l \ln < ,·i ··. d 1 "' l 'i. ~ .' ·.L: :···t:. > 1 ' 1 ·~ 1! } t ' \. ( ' 75 th Anniversary Aug. 20-27, 1927 ,1 , l : I :} · i! l ( I t!1 ! r ~ it ! t I 1! '"' i ·( l 1 11 t' 1 .l.':t' 1'1 1 1 i; j',,l J: !<l Jl ·!i \'.····1,:l \ , t 1' t ' \"f·n· -..lwrtl~· ai:cr thl' \1 tmic·il·:tl l'c'tll · tnittc'l' h:ul ronfnrt:d ,,jylJ tl~t· l'cl\ltll T il l' Fc·rt·..,t Prt·,t·rn: (;th H;t ~t' \c · ltl\ i' . ('\' j .t (' tl t tin· :HTl" I, <·ffnl'cl :t d1at1n· . :\t.ld ,·ntlr-.,· :- !:tlld tltlt Ill (~Jl'llC\te art· ll<·r l ll'rt II. ~han, '1b r n F . K ,·a t , 1r :ll ; d I ' .! 111 h' . I h HI ~ n n . .\-k ·an,·otl\' in the ,{!l.t~l' and t11,·y'Jl tdl \'til; tht·~L' tlll<l' Jllt'll WCirktd U!ltirin~h in tht· t'ITI'rt to ~!1\'t' ( ~lt:nco~.· ;1 t..: I ·I ( ,. h d ). II, ' \,. \\' t'll t "'. \ ' \1 \ . I. ( 'l' d :: i ,,!J,, t.t' \\"1' ~ \\\111~ ;\ d: J\ 11. 1' 1t · y ~.(\, : · ! ·'~ ' r" \ L\' 1 t:l t· 1:,.r, · ~: }' t, l· n ·. l\1 ·- l' thn \\;tnt cd ·· ~ l ie; -. , q \ ·, 1. t . ..., n t ' pre ·! '(' rt" mo..;t amicahic. TltJt ,.,,t. t n l'Tli··.'· ~ ~·lt . l h t· r~.' , .t ,.,,11 1 . t~.: r n·ll t\· nt -. ;, ,·, ifi~· . . t h ,l! tht · , lnh 11 11 1-: 11111 11 i l ·' .., pi r i I j 11 t 11; 1 I I !1 ;1l.-. j II I l ' I' t' :-. t i 11 g . hl l :tnn· ~ h ,· upk ··t'J' :tnd t h .tt'.._ vx.tct h llttt'\' 11;\ll l t' , .t l"t t':l! t'lll :t tltl k t.t·~· " \\ !1it·l! ll l - i' 11j 'l' · · \t '< ~ ~ ~ .]i Tin·~ f, .1 ; Ill j 11 '\'1' \' t j t Ill I o) Fees Finance, Club \\ 1J ;I t t h t' d tl lJ j.;, <It) j ll ~ Tl it \ , .nr-.,· ~·:l ll lH· lt"'l! lt'cl 11 1·! diftl \ ult. l>tl! a i:tir tt·.; t itlr th,· t>l:l' ,.r ... . Th,· lir-.t nint· 1J,,j,., :ll't' thv hardc-.'. \\ ith m:tny trc·c· h.u:1rcl, .111d r11tt . ...:h till he~th .,jdt' . . ,,[ the 1:111'\\. ,l"~That t;tt·;, ;J.... 1\·,·ur.ttc clri,·inl! tn kt·t·p ··tlt 11i 1114' trntthk . Th,· :-~·r.-·nd nine i.: ll1Pi·.' , '1'('11 wit It a ronpll' , ,j i ·11nd l1e 1!l". Par f, ll' t lH· l'ollr ... t· j..; iO. Spencer Crosby Champion ~~~cnc,·r DcdicJtion of the new $ =100.000 Grand Stand and Race Track Automobile Races Each .S":lturday $14 3.000 in Premiums $30.000 for Racing 1)( ·:t :· cl. "ork \\as -..tartt·d :llld qt11ckl\' t'··tl!Jdt'tt'd on .t nillt' h·t!t· ,·,·ttl't' 1111 tl.: c· t'·iJ11lty'-. prt·Pt'ft~· . Tilt· J·la~· er-. oi Clt-nctw l1ad t 1 lw l::1t , l i<lllg,· .. h.n ,. lll't't1 in llw ,·!ul1 -.it1t't · the t·r ',illi!.ilillll d:t\ "· Tile· l'rn.;J,,· ,,j (~kllc<w j, tltt· rluh. 11i rcll11'"-l'. :1111! i.; ;1 ..r;..:ani,.atttl!1 \\·ith tlw -.ltc·rt t't·tlr..,t· until t !11· ~l11lllll\'l' of 1'123. hut in tht· mt·an · t inH· that· ranH· a hrt ·:t k in t IH· .t 't d i ,.,...,- ianlr which nt:ult- an t·i.L:htn 11 hoi,· ~"'ur ... ,· p(l-.:-ihlt·. That hr,·ak t':tllll' \\lll'n t!w ,·ill:q.,!,· "Fatht·rs" oua-.ltt·d thl' inrin<·rator pl:tn. k;win~ tho-e thirtY -on<' acre~ tlpt·tJ i11r g-olf. ~' 1 ·1l1t ' llt lt 1, a "'1mhinatiou lllcmhcr:.hip ;111d in· Ct~llr~c. ~lctnhtr~hip is unre "trictt'd. :\t prc:-t'l!t it cost~ $100 and :'5 dut·, t ;-. ht'lllll~. \I r. 1--: napp ;11 it~nn, l1h· that thl'l'l' arc 1.«) IIH.'II\hers. \\'h,·n a:--kccl ii many rq.~·i!-ll'fl'd a, in· l"'la.n·r.... tht· :-t·rrdary ~miled. "Th;tt' ·.; " ·hl·f\' Cknc·ul' rings the cash h,:. pH·; dub rlt:tt'lpinn. '\'o W·Hllall pl;n,-r h:t . . al,ly al\\'ays will Itt' l'll e:; t a hI i . . he d a.;, r 11 a 111p i, 111 t\ r t h ,. "tll·t i11r p,rufit" dtth. \\'alter (\\"all.\·) Chamherlin is the duh Jll"tlfto.;.;,jnnal. \\'all~· ha-. ht·t 't1 with t!tt· rluh four yt.'ar:-. He Jt:t., compt·fl'd in seYd·a l oi t ht' hig pr11 fessional 1\Htrnamt·ut.., with a iair ~in Wonderful Daily Features of ~nrn·~~. The officials who manage the dub