August 12. 19Z7 WILMETTE LIFE Unusual Val~es In the· August Sale of Blankets . Davis Street'" Downtown Evanston OS ENBERG'S The Models #« Fall in Aurust Sale ol Shoes In August--The Awaited Semi-Annual WITH ten days of the August Hosiery Sale passed, thousands of North Shore women have taken advantage of the savings offered at Rosenberg's. Wotnen's hose, men's hose, children's hose-all at special August pricings. See these values. AII,SilkChiffon Hose, $1.15 T ~hades HE e11tire stocking from top to toe is fashioned of pure 42-gauge silk, re -enforced \\'ith lisle fet~t. ~u matter how brief your skirts, nothing shows but gleatning- · silk. Classed as slightly substandard, they ~dl at but $1.15. Sizes 8;,~-10}'2. All the lovely new too: flesh, pink, grain. moonlite, othc·r~ . Perfect Chiffons at $1.25 of P <>~~ESSED even· beatttY ·-- full-fa~hioned chiffon hose, :'ilk to the hem- ar;d ever~; pair perfe~t in quality. They come in ~mart ~hade~ of peach. gTain. muonlite. cameo. aloma. dr. ~izes R1/j to 10~- ~- :\not her great .-\ugu~t ho~icry value! En·ry selrctinn will he re"·ardccl here . . Service~Chiffon Hose, at $1 F shades '" The August Hosiery SaleFirst Floor to the hem-in such lovely as grain. peach. moonlite. alon1a, witchery, t'tc., the~e hose otTer :;avin~~ typical of August values. ~lig-htly snh-standard. hence the very special price: Sl p:1 ;r. Come in today for choice . l"LL-FASHlO~ED- ..,tlk In the Men's Shops~ · Men's Silk Hose at 69c ...., Chiffon Hose With Fleur~d.e, Lis Heels $2.95 Pr. · P LAIN and fancy double thread silk hose, values up t.o $1.50. Plains in grey, black, tan. Fancies in vertical stripes, plaids, and · , checked effects, 69c. · Silk-and-lisles. too. Every man will want these. · .TJ IE newest and sm~rtest des.ign in fancy heels is the J·leur-de-Lts pattern- <leddcdlv slenderizing. In shell grey. flt·:-\h. parchn1ent, gunmetal, etc. ~izes R~~ to 10. Fashionable won1en will wekom~ this latest addit10n to Ho~en lwrg-'s nit ra-smart hosiery selections. 75c Hose at 59c P URE silk hu~e with "e'\.tratnile~~~·· fe·t·t. and iath:y :'ilk- and-li~le in duoturH.·~ and no\'t·l pattern~. J~eg·ularly ; 5c in tht· :\U!-!USl ~ah·: tht· pair. ·Sqc.