WILMETTE LIFE August 12, l9l7 LAKE FOREST Children Play Sand Sculptors ·at Wilmette Beach ·- VACANT :~: :. 1 ·· : . · .. ';,_,' .l!":l! !' '!\! : ·:1 , ··.' ·. l. ,· .· i. \ . ·I :. 1' 1 .· ~ . ' 1 \ ::, : .· i : :) . . '.\' ·:} ,. I ~ ' ·-.... _;·· :·' .. I . ,. 1.·! '~··'·~-,.; ,'~· : ·" .. . · . ... ...l~ . ~- .·. ··' .. ··~. ·-··""' llJ, ,,,l\ 1'11 '> l hi htt)'> .lt $85 11cr foot ,,. . ' !·, . '. . .. Jli" L"'" Crosby f1. McKendry :; :;t. C l ·;\; J I ·H ~I K l I · I l' :tr t·TJt:-: watrhinL;· tht:ir YPtlll!-: hopdnl~ nwddin~ g-rP ,.,,Ill" li!...!llrc·~ j.,r ,,],,, ,., .. 11 thl' -.eni··r rPlltt· . . t \\ith :1 llludt:l uf a ~IL-t·pi ng- do;.:. :tjiJ·t·:tr" itt in:--t'l. ._.,r,,· ,.r,t \\ .lJ1: 1. . t' . II! t :t I ':tl h. .· Wr;-..;:--:t II\:lO)l Don't Forget Wilmette Day· - ·August 17 --, I I I : 1 ;-==--======.::.::===::...:.:..:==.::.:::.:::...:·: :. :··. :- ::.. .. : ---· --·- - -· ·- - . - . ~ -.. -- --- ! ~ Three Spanish Bungalows \\'c hJ\'t' unda con~rrucrion . tl\·c room Sp.1n1o;h hungJiowo;: rhil.'c most b('JUttful for delicious fried chichen and 8leah. dinn !£;), served every night from 6 to 8. LocJtc<l in "North Sharf Crt>st. " Lake A venuf, im · mrdi.uelv Wf~t of Ridgr Annue. on lots 50 x 1 35· Thest homrs. rhr first lo ~ buih in this ntw sub di"ision Jrl' ro br rt.ld)· for occup.Jncy by Oclobtr 1st. Service to the Home Seeker \Ve Will: - ~how you huw to fin .lnct· The Price-$13,5<)0. $2,500 Cash Com~ and insp.-a our plans. W t will build to suit on any lot in this Subdivision . I ,, home. Build just the hom~ you w.-.nr. Help yo11 sdcct your lot . Uuild to ordrr on your lot either for your occup.1nq· or for .thc m.ukct. huni!>h pl.ms Jnd spcofic.llion~ and drli\'t'f hou~c "'llnpll'lt' Show rou how to .sell your Jot .lt a profit. FinJncc. build Jnd sell for you . J. H. Schaefer & Co. l~caltors 809 Ridge An'. Wilmeur · Ph. Wilmeue 164 The E. T. LEONARD CO. "Builders of Preferred Home.'\" 5 s6 CE!\:TLR ST. . -\VIN~ETKA -· PI I. \\' f(\N. , q 49