I September 1~ 1921 WILMETTE LIFE 13 ·· · ) ....... Building Funds Promptly ··, 'l Available to North Shore Contractof'S, Brokers and Owners Have you decided where to build ? Quinlan 8 Tyson have records of the property' s history, if it's on the North Shore, and can judge its value and its .prospects. That smooths out the process of financing. makes it possible for you to start operations promptly. Every section of the North Shore is known to our representatives, who, ·specialize in various districts. You have merely to come here for a First Mortgage loan. or refinancing of a First Mortgage bond issue. to get action . ., ·-4'· .., . · .: · ! I -: . ::. :.-.."~-',, "~"'-, From our years of experience. and the compact organi zation we have built up, the information needed is ar our fingertips. If the report on your property is fa vorable. ready cash is immediately forthcoming. And a receptive market absorbs the conservative First Mortgages and First Mortgage Bonds issued on ·your real estate. because of the reputation back of thefu . , ......... .\ ,.. n ~ · ' ..,·"1 . · """" .. ~ . f.' . . ... . ...... , .... , . ft i~\ ~ ' Our resources for financing are at your service when you build. Come in and discuss your plan's. Call us by phone. or '"'rite. ESTABLISHED 1884 CHICAGO OFFICE 40 N. Dearborn St. Ctntral 0227 EVANSTON OFFICE Fountain Square University 2600 WINNETKA OFFICE 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2199 ..... For 41 fiNII ap«iGiilta in North Short rtaidtntial and b111in111 "'"and nniMI. Fitlt motlf·ffl· lOtlftl Mil irwatmttJtl--in~at·ntt of.,, h.JJHI·