. WILMETTE LIFE 41 · -SER v ·E EVANSTON AND THE NORT R Complete Realty Service l"hosr who ~rrk .1 home 111 E \·.tn\ton 01 .1long tbl NortL Shorr ~hould ~cr U\ immcdi.Hclv .1s we .ur constJ n tl y in touch wIth £ hr mo<,t dr<>ir.1blc ."bu vs· · .1nd thrrr i1 .: dd.,d plrJ<>urr in dl'.liing with expert~. ,. RENTINt; DEP.t\RT~tENT You will find the "BJird t1 \V.uncr \V.l\·" of rl'nllng .1n .1p.ut men t un m.llch.lblr for surr <;.lt isf.l(l!On. W c Jrc cxclu,ivc agents for wh.ll we lh,lin·c to be E\'Jns ton's finrsr .lp.utmcnts The Abbrv G.urh. Thr Chu rch\·ic w . The E Llll ston Tow crs the n?w \\'t·dgcwood .u1d others . · INSURANCE DEPART~tENT pbtr gl.lss. li.1hility . .lUtomobilc. burgLHv .1nd torn.1do in sur.lncc. we .ur brokers. Lxprn .H.ivicc on -rour ·n~ur.lncc problem~ \\'Hho11t rh.ngr or ohltg.HJOI1 . A view that will give the readers of THE REVIEW an idea of the spaciousness of our enlarged quarters designed under the supervision of Mr. Smith of Childs ~ Smith. Distinctive lightin·g fixtures b"Y Ricklefs ~ Schuett. Salesmen· s desks are shown at left. fin.~. In Jddition to b.mdling hr.lltb ..lccidt·nr. · ~10RT(;A(;E n·EPJ.~RT~1ENT , . I !· NORTH SHORE LOANS Propertic<; firunccd. mortg.1gc<> bought .1 nd sold. bonds sold on thl' ronvcnirnt p.n t -p.1vmenr pl.ln . Lo.ln~ nuy hc .nungcd on h1gh cl.lc;s North Shorr rcsidcn t i.1l pro pen icc; for c;l her rc -fin.1 nci ng or con\ :;r ructiOn. l 1\RNER Ralph A. Hunr, Manager 528 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON Another view showing the ~witchboard ~Greenleaf 1855) also manager's office and private conference rooms. We call your p·uticular attention. to the ceiling of exi:raordinary beauty tinted in soft pastel colors in a fascinating, yet unobtrusive design done by J. Frank Copeland of Philadelphia. who also decoutcd the St.tte Bank a Trust Company's new building.