28 WILMETTE LIFE October 21. 19.?; A Carefully Selected Group of Unusually Graceful ! .r,,,.,. , ,. ,,,,,. ,,,,,. ,.,. ., .. l Founto 1~: \l:,·<l' -~ .1· ol · i I I 'l'ld t1 ' $105· l"'hcre Jrc in this group. coats t o fit many personalities. l "'he tailored \VOJ11 an will find Shagn1oors that are a very glorification of the mixture sports coat. The woman who wants a coat for dress wear will find a good variety to cho~se fron1 at this price. And rbey are all superbly tailored and finished . and tritntned \vith very fine . furs . MondJ.v ht>g.111 ort of the in thr hi·H ot \ of CdH 0 parlmcnt. Our h ·vn'.. n~cc resuhed in t lh' pt. · · h ~~~· f ro porter. of sale~ $100 ,(Jt·( \.Vo su r e r 1) among th'- I! · 'it'· t ; j ~· l , , 1nh'P we h.1vc r\·a This i~ .1 ') .tl ' ~ ht h. lo\'c beJutiful tl:· · ·\11d m arc en.1blcd to I "mt prices J rc f.u b,·! .. · .. ·1.1g\· ,, ,.,1Jtl1' 1:1:tllllil!11111 ' 1. · A Few of the Outstanding Models in This Group Gold Jade -and-Gray makes a stunning Shag moor mixture. trimmed with soft gray lynx . Black Silver Serge Blue Gold Brown Mink Brown Sandalwood Military blue L'eiveru makes a rich. handsome dress coat. With kit-fox collar and cuffs. A front-belted ShaqnJoor mixture coat h~as a fluffy raccoon collar. A compose plaid in shades of gray, has a long shawl collar of A tan checked Shagmoor has kit-fox col lar and cuffs. gray lynx. A black veluera coat has marten collar and cuffs. Shimmering Gray Lord's Apparel-Second Floor Tht charming assorrmen c of ex' ;: the selection of new sb~>, \: pumps, or straps. decidedly de discr~minating taste is sure ta be Boot Sbop-liain $7.50 and $J