October 21, 19Z7 WILMETTE LIFE I i !llllllllllilllllllllllllll!llfll!lllllllll: illoiii: I!:JIIIllllll.::; I i + An intensive selling of Ruby Ring Hose- to demonstrate beyond question the high standard of Ruby Ring quality! Here are hose made according to extra-ordinary standardsn1adc not only for beauty of texture and fit, but for long \vearing qualities. This event makes the buying of Ruby Ring Hose a specific economy. No woman who knows abou~ it should n1iss it. And having once worn Ruby Ring Hose . \\re kno\v you'll .\vant them· always! I ~II ' orl of rhc most imporrant ot \ of c·ur Oriental Rug De, h wr'.. recent Eastern trip pv ·h ~~~· from .1 direct tm111 Sheer Service Weight .\fine. light \\'~·ight stocking closely resembling chiffon. but \\·ith exceptional \\'earing qualities \\'o\·en in. A. stocking for good. practi(Jl general \\'L\lr and smartness. Pric\!d very -;p.:cialJy ,H fhz·.., price is effectit·e only untzl Thursdav noon. Octol>er 2 ;t h r\nd if. you prefer other weights of hose-rou .m· ay buy them under th\! Rubr Ring mark. too. .\' o exchangt?s or ~ 't I ·· t ), of ; ~·ltal Rugs \Vot th .lt ·· ,lnlt'P their prices rei und...; · !. ~ ht h. mr-mJkers who .\nd m tny more people " ' m tl1is s.1lc for the ~ L· , , ' 1.1g\' ,.J: I ·:q FALL SHADES < : /nor Silk Chiffon Hose Rea vy Service Silk 3 pairs for r·. :n::'·.:: ,: '-. t: n t .\!~ $5.50 . $1.95 .\ l: L· ~ ·: A gossamer-sheer chiffon. for dress wcarJnd a heavy service weight with a lisle welt for the woman who gives her stockings lurd wear. Dent's Chamoisuede Gloves Calf Satin Glove Kid Black Suede Patent Leather Lizard Grain Alligator Grain men£ of ex ·, aisite footwear makes w sb~>, r. hethtr oxfords, ties, decidedly ·1eligbtful. The most is sure tl' be satisfied. $2.25 English suedecl0th gloves that have much the appearance of doeskin-yet these are so reasonable--cut to fit so perfectly-and made in most de~irable slipon and one-button styles. Plain or hand stitched. White, bran, oyster, gray and caramel. Postman Wash Capeskin A very new glove-this slipon with ... Glov~s-$4.75 · ~0 and $10.50 t Shop-J:I4in Floor an elastic wrist and flare cuff. The strap fastens with a tortoise buckle. In russet and wood. Another new slipon with elastic at the inside wrist and a contrasting color of lea~her lacing at the glove top. Wood and russet. Lord's-First Floor