October 21, 1927 34 WILMETTE LIFE I News of the orth Shore Clubs Music and Play Feature of Tea Gift-Bearing Guests Jt Economy Shop Tea ThJnked With Delightful ProgrJm BY. R. L. P. Tht· EcOth)IllY ~lH·I' ui tht· \\"ilntt'lll' \Yom ;m\ club wa~ bem·fat.:d l,y the ~tddit ion 0i hundrt·d~ ,,j ,......_.iu l giit.... \·.hich will bt· ~old in tht· giit dt:p;trtm~_·nt of tht· ~hop, and 1lw lllt'lllht·r ... ot the duh who hwught th1· giit-. rt·Ct· in~d as a thank-you a mo. -,t pka:;:wt :·ittri!Olm, on \\'cdm:~day, ( ktnbcr 1.!, at the annual Ec(JHOillY ~hop tt·a gin·n in the clnbhou!'e. . .\n antu:-.ing ~a tire ,1n the Iit<:rary Mother'~ Club Meeting At Catholic Club Th,. uplift in womt:n':-. club.., -.·umplicatt·d hy hl'art and oth~r intl'rcsb, wa put 011, ··.\ \\'oman oi Charann," \\Tittc.·u 1._, E:.u.·llc \·. Brown. Th(' pb~· wa:-.. di rt·t·tt·d by M iu(·r Cohurn ar4.J act<·<l hy mt:miH·rs oi tht club. Tht: different · t _\' )'l'" oi wmucn that ruakt~ ttl) a club, ;,udl a:\ the flapper hri,ft·, the vtry t:X· Pl'ri\·nn·d, n·ry prartical grandmotlu:r, th(.· woman who likt.., to n·ad literan · papt·rs. go~sipy womcu, tho..,t· who lik.c ltl~_anagc tltitlgs, an<l <)thcr t).IH:". w~re excellently portray.t:cl hy th(· duh . mcmht·rs. The play shO\\'l.'( I goo d (I trection and talent on thr part of tht· artrcs~cs. The play conn:rn-. it~clf with the gossi1) ahout a woman who it:-- nt·xt tn(·eting an open !)tlt, tbth Tlw ctncs dt:partnl(·nt oi the \Yo - gi,·ing to all 1ntt:rt·..;tt·41 pasou s tiH· tuan\ Catholic cluh (Jf \\"ilmette. whid1 opportunity oi hearill!-! thl' wdl know11 j..., unclcr the chairman:-.hip of ~~ r~. :\. spt·aker ~f r:-. rtara (ugram Jud . . on. \r. Boyhton oi :?20 Broadway, ha s ,,·!w \\·ill ~~n~ thl' talk of the ('nning. ~tartC'd a scccJtld class in parlianH:ntar~· Th<:> place oi the rncdinj.!, whirh (,l' pron·dun:. ~[r !-1. ~fattriC(' Licl~t'r oi rur..; the ~n.· ning ni ~{onday, !\on-111 ·· \\.innttka i~ in charg('. The etas~ will t.n i, at R o'dork, ha:- lH.: t·n changed mc·rt rn:ry Thursd~y rnornit. lg- at 9:30 :-IIH.·~ the a 11 n,ntncellll'llt made rc·n·ntn'doek. at the home of ~[r .,. Fr:tnk ly hv tht· cluh. It will ht· held at tl~t· O<'kridt. at 1201 Greenwood :l\'t'lllll' . hnnlt' ,,f .\{r~ . Frank C. Cttthridgt·, ·117 Tlw rwxt r<'~ular meeting- oi the Crt·l'!l\\·nud an-nut·. in-.tt:a<l ui in t h,· \\'olll;&ll\ Catholic dub will "(' lwld rt·--i<lt·tH't· oi .\fr.,, rarl l~l'llllt:rkar 'l'tt(·.;;day afternoon, October 25, at 2 Tht :-.tanding rontmittec of the rluh o'rlock. at til<' \\'oman's c1uhhou.;;c at j._ r<llliJH ..... t'd <~f ~[r s. Elmer r. rla:tr, Tt·nth stred and (~n·<·ttlt·af :t\'CntH.'. prc~icknt: ~~ r ..... llarry Bnru:;ick, rhair There· wilt be an ~Hirln·:-i-; hy ~~ rs. man of the de,·ot ional rullltllittt·c ·. \\he · · C" Q i~ a . . :-i~tt'(l h\' .\1 r:-. I. C. John son and ~Iaurin~ Lteh<·r. )lrs. II. "· uinn. 'f \\. I> 'l 'II 'I .I \ K' ·1 · 1 F l I I. ·' r-- . . . ·' t ant: ·' r..... <. : . tkcn. pn.·slf t·t·t ot t ·e ourt 1 ( i . . trict. I lmois chairman of th{' metttht:r~hip conuuit Fl'daatif,n of \\'omen's Cluh,, al~o tl't:, and hl'r a ... :-i:--tanh. ~~ r..... A ~. \\·ill talk. The ho~ t<·..,-;es fur ·the after- (~rnltn and ~fr.;. F . 1.. :;trn-d; ~fr ... noon \\·iq ht: ~f r..,. J. Enright, \'frs . r R E. Craig, rhairlllan Pi tht· '-'uri.d .\frt'arthy, ~rr~ . J llaupt, ~fr .. . F .· l'llllllllittt·t·, \\ith .:\Jr:- . It J. Fintu·gan 1· ' : .t!ltl ~fr... (.' trl '. 1\t·n ut·fk.tr, h,·r ~trunl.!. ·'lr' . \\. J.,·an·. and ~fr ... 1·. . t ... -.i:-tallt ... ; \lr :-. fl. I ~ 1\in!.!h'·.ttn, ~· hair · l.wh\·i.·r. ,... .-\ hrid!..!t' p;u·n i . . l! . . tl'ol ior Fmb\· .till'l'tllllHl <ll tht· h .. utc \)i ~fr:- Joht! ll··\\d1c·, SOCJ l~akt · avt:uttt:. 'l'h._. })arty I I ty .\ 't r~ \\"II ' I ,t:ar~ , I~ ~p'HI'OI'('I 1 !;till Catholic League r~;,;~,!~c~1~1 ,~~;~e~~~:~~ Open Its Season P.uliamenlJry LJw Classes and Phillnlhropy C.)rd PJrty An nounced on League Program Tilt· Ojl\'llill<..: lllt'i"lilll,: e1i tltl· ;(prt]J Short· l'atholh' \\"otllan', kat...:tH·, la·ld Tm·,d.ty of Ja,t ,,n·k at tla~ \\·in~~t·tk: t \\.(llltan'... ullt'. club. H:t"' 'a ltlit'>l illtt·r(·-.tin~ The hr.,ard llll't .d 1 ,,\·lock. \\it! ~~ r.... \\' tlliant ~rh ildl.!t·n 1' r ,. , i d i 11 ~.!. Platt" ,,rt· lH·inl.! !ll;td,· t<' arr:tlll!l' .1 grnup .. i l':trliatm·lltan· l;a\\ lt·'""tundn tltt· k:trlt-r . . hit' 11i ~lr ... :.f:tu:·, ,·.· l.1ch t-r . ..,,qndllllt' clurinl.! the d\11. \ ,·,,:. .\1 r .... l.id11·r -.t·okt· ft·r a H·\\ 1ll :lllt ,. "ll tltt· nn·t·-. ... tt~· ,.f l' ;trlia:nc·nt;,ry r\1 1· a .... 111 .t ...... d t·· ,., lll·ll'hiJ·. ~IJ ... g t\··· tit~· tltrn· i·rinl'iph- . . llf parh.ttll· 11t. Ia\\ . ju .. tirt; to :dl. ( · ourtn~· t·' :til .,, : J, t thl' rntll.,rit\' 1 1l· l:t";trd . t., hacl discon·n·d hc:r hushaml otll'rin~ atlt'ntions to a prtttY millim·r. lthtt·;ul \)f ~ctting upset ahout it. the woman makt..'!-i lwr husband huy ht·r tlll' mn:-:t l'Xpt.·n~in· hat in tht ~hop. \Yhl'n prt·:-,t·d hy metuht·r~ oi tht litt·rar." duh f,,r t·xplanatinn, :-!It gi\'('" somt pithy COilllll('lltS 1111 twt·ntit·th r<'ntury 1. ·n·. that lt:~\~- e~ good it·o<l f(,r t h·tllg"ht '""ho . . e wlw took pa rl in tIn· pla~ wt·rt· M r:-. )1 aq.!ttt·ritc Calkins, ~I r:-. ~ :\. \\'hnlock. ~~ r~. \\'illiam ~bnn. ~lr .... r.onlon \\'ilson, ~1 iss .!\nn \\'hit mack. ~fr:-;. lohn Hchr. ~Irs. John \\.l'l ton Fisht·r. ·lr .. ~Irs. \\.illiam J. \Vel linn. ~f rs. f B. Hoclclit·, ~~ r:-. L<:>laml \' . l~it·r~on, ~~r~. C. :\. Kd1t·r, ~fr:'. lr·a 1\t·,·Jwhf... ~~ r:'. T. C. ~~ anm·rnd. ~~ r~. l·ft:rh(.'rt J. Lta~h and ~1rs. Frrtkritl ·. \\·ho i:- dlairulau oi the ~t. Franri-. :\. ;1\·i er ,:o~rho,\1 iund. ~~ r~ l.carv " dl hl· ;ts . . i~tt·d h} tht· mtnd~t-r~ oi lJ,., cnmmittct·. · Tltc phi !ant hropy dt·t·artuauH , ,, tht: \\'oman·~ t'atholi\.' duh "l'\H·d on \\"t~d nt· . . day at the hon·c l'i .:\( r,.... J. P. Bud ingtr ~~n \\'alnut an·nnt. The <kpartHlt:llt j..., ;utxiou . . t11 fini~h th<· hathrnbl'., \\'lrirh arl· br.ing tnade ior tht· ho:--pit ;.J., and '-l:trt \\IJrk Pit tht· l:tvl·tt~.: . . . ior till· ,yint,·r (lt-IJland. · Gold and Silver Sale All Day October 2 5, :! 6 From JO in tht· worniug ttntil ~ in aih·rnoon Tm·:-da~, ( h'tohl·r 5. and \\·l·tlnt·..;da'. ( lrtohn 2tt. th(' artt dt· . . rollt·ctetl l;~ p;tri-.h cl!airntcn ire~n. tlw g,)Jd and ~i1vt·r ,,J'ft·ring"' \\'ill ltl' ··n . . alt: iu tlw sh"P at )(·} \',u·th .:\lidt igan a\·,·:tttt>, Chiragn. The ~alt' j.., ronch1l'tt·tl unclt:r tht· o~u~pirt· . . of ih"t· \roman's auxilian .. j the t'hifaL!~"' dil)ft·:--t· of tlw E1;i~ropal rhurch. and tht· proct'('lb t·hth <kri,·l'd "ill gl· tt } thl· fmul ior thl· n·l.uilding- tlt St. ~far t...:.trct's !->rlHtlll i11r gtrl' i11 Tok\P, .fa pan. Tht· g,·nt>ral l·omlnittn· at "11rk l··r tlw sale ronsi:--t~ of )fr~. Ct·or~(· Allt·n .:\1 a:-nn of II ighland Park. prt·~i<l\·nt t ,f tht· \\'oman's auxilian·: ~1.-~. Carl :\. Co"·ch· oi Oak Park.' rhairman: ~~ r:-. tht· .\ttll··llttrclll\'tt! \'\ .~... lll,tdt . ·I ' ;. J·ltilanthrupy ~·.trcl l'·trt\· tr· he .:i,.; j., tit~,· lt·:ll.'lll' ·!l :\"' cllliH·r lit . :tl _; .· ·dllrh. .tt tlt\· 1· \·,m . . tlltl \\',·!tl.ll man oi th~ prngr.un rnlllltlittn·. with ~tr-. . :\. t' . Yo~rm~hl'I'L! and ~1 r . . . 1\ ~f l luh . Tht·ri .Lr1· tint'\' dt:tinnt·n ,. P .. rrill hl'r '1 ":-.i ... t;tnt . . ,·ltargt· 11! tltt' p. tl t \ ~I!· .... ~rhild~\·: : ------ ·~Jr . . \\'i lli :un l';n ·n· . tht· . . nrial c:l:tt·· 111:ttt. an·l .\[r . . :\ 1' . . \n tkr-. ·. :.. phi b Itt !u·~~p:-: l' ha irtlla ll ol t bt· J.. ,LL! 11 · · Tl1t· ..,n·nnd lltn·tim: ,.f Tlw .:\t·igh ~lr..: . 1\. ~fc{_·all. pn· ... uknt 1·i thl' he1r~ t11ok pl:tt:l· Octub,· r IX, ;tt th1· ( ' atlH,lic \\.Ptl\au'.., kagllt' ui l.'ltic;q.!· ·. K~_·ni i\\Orth dnh . l'roi. (~ll\ '1\·rn '" \\·a ... prt·..,t·nt :tlld pt·r . . ou:tlly ill\'it··d tiT, .:\r-rt ,;,\ ~·...,f\·rrJ tlnin·r ... i t~·· · -.p11kl' · < 111 Il'l"ttlht·r., ui tit,· :\Hrth ~h~~n· !t-;t~tlt · : ' 'Thina." Hr. Tt·rn j ... tiHir<HH.dll,· a ;ttt;·n tl tht· 1\lntin~ "i IH·r lt-a~u~.· J,,, . . . c)wlar and tr\·att·(i hr ...... uhjt·d 1;1 :t ~at u n Lt v at 2 :30. i r! the F i Ill· . \ r · mn-.t t·xhatt:-.tin· t!lannt·r. I [(· talked J,uil<iitt.<..:~ 410 ~- .:\fi1 hil":tn a\·entJt' . 11 11i Cltina frn111 it-. g\'di.!T:tphir --itu;.ti~trt \\; l:-- t'XPt'Ctt ·d th;tt a 1\\ltlll~t·r \\1·t1ld anti t·rc'l!llllllir t'lltHlitinth. \\' hil{' Cltin;1 rt' "}10 ll d I P t h j-. j II \ j t ;t t j q II, :t.., :t Ill I I , ' j, all i..;olakd ,uJ;jt-rt in tht· rnind~ oi attrarti\'t' prnl.!r:tnt \\;, . . pbnnt·el. \\j·l mo't Pi iJj, Ji,ti:tH·r .... l>r . '1\·nT mad,· I u<it.:l' \\'ilhalll Br ~~tb t · t ... a .. tIll· ... p,-.,k,.,. 1t :1 m" ... t in!l'rl·-.t iul! .md 'it :d t i1ing .Thl prt·-.i·knt PI tiH· lli~lti.Lild l',trl. ·\ l1l u u g I h l' ~ 11e.., t ... at tlt t. · ttlt.·t· I i 11 !..! \\"It r II ;lit ·-. dIll, -. jll I k t · j II I' :t l l ' \ '.' Ill j II \1 t I' · " t'l't' 1·:. 1.. :\' ~.,:.tar·l and tilt' 1:trttlt ,. al1ctttt th ... Hd:t·r llt~ :ll\'-. l·:xhil,it ht·!.\ qJ till· J·"'t'Jdl. ~~·;tr' -.rhe·,J ,lllrl ~Jj..,, tlwr·· J:t,t \\n·k. Fli/:tlJt·tlt l'ad,:t·r ,., \'t ·\\' Trier lit~ !, ~lr .. . 1\t~IH·rt \tc\tdk. \\It·· \\.t ... t,. e Neighbors Hear Talk on Chinese Affairs rh,tirtnan · ,j t Itt· dl·partna·m nf (·flurat iun nf f he duh pr~· . . rntt·d th~.· prnl.!r:tllt. I : .... ,rg\· -.dJ<Hil \1 r..: l~j, ·har d .....1 .. Ehding. Thr<'C S<,lo~ h\· llardin Yan lh·ur..;ctl , ,j \\"inndka. ,~· hu:--t· n ·markahk ha:-" \"t)ic~_· i=- wdl known hi north ~hort· ~chnhtrt: :\fl·tnht·rs r,i thl· art and litcratnr~.· <ll'partml'nt art· remi11ch·d l(l \\:ttrh i11r rant . . anntnllh'i!ll.! tht· nt·xt ltl··rninl.! iiH·,·ting of that dtt'artntt·nt. audil'IIC<'~. wc:rl' cll-Hrh· illtro,ht('ttl in - \Yind ~ptak-.." hy 4~r;tnt - ~rhadt'cr: and tlw Portt·r's '-011~ frolll ··~fartha:· In· Flotow. ~[i;-;.; \1 arg-ard Alhright . at'<.'l1r11Jlanit·d ~~ r. \·an I kur~t·n in a !'ympat he· tic mamwr. \Jr . \'an Dl'llr:-l·n :-an~ with in1etligt'nt "The mtbirian~hip. to~ thr play. "Du Bi~t l>ic.· Huh," hy Standard Bearers Meet :\f r-.. In-in lt .\elkin .... chairman of th<' Eroii(·I11Y hn:-,k~... tlw program. ::.1w prt· .. idt:nt nf tla· Kinm·,·. and '"' lllittt·,:. who ar~· at Shop CPIIllllith·t~. W;t...; tea ~l'rn·(l aiter tht· w.l:' thl· duh. \tr ..... Hayt':oo )fr nwml,t·r.- oi lu:r l'Om\{r ..... <..' . P. Berg. Mr" . lnhn ~facl.h·<l l'amt"lc.n. \fr". l'h<trlt· . . (·. Camt'rnn. ~lr!'>. ~. 1'. \' (thn-11. ~1rs. Te""e Du11nan . .:\f r .... :\rthur 1. Dixon. \1 r-.. Charlt: ... :\. Eldritlgt, ~fr ... 1.. F. (~att- .... ~Irs. Hoht:rt llumphrt·}. ~{r.-. l<·nnie Tohn"f'H. ~lr~. Jlowarcl Kodm, \1 r'. ~( \\·. Lauer. ~fis" Edna l.e\\'is. ~~r~ . ~r. H . .:\fr~fillcn, ~liss J('an lltmrn, ~f rs. Lillian ~ort ham. lf rs. \Vi11i:rm H. Rthfc·ld. ~frs. Ira Heynolds, !\frs. Lillian RtHld. ~~ r". Hope 'rhompson. ~fr~. ~funr(t{· Vemlhlt'S and lfr~. !\h·· J'(lf\ \\"t'>t. . a..,..,j..,tt·(l h~· Thl' Qu{'nt E;o;tla·r Stan·lanl Bt·ar, -r . . of tlte \\'ihth'ttt· .:\ft>tlllHlist 1-:pi . . r~tp;tl ·...-hurch held thl'il' seruucl llltTtinL: l)i 1he year at th<:> home of ~~ argart·t Bt·lnt c. 113(, Oak 'trf'd, \\·innt.'t k.t. T."riclay. Oct, ,lwr H. Fin· new girl.., llatluiwa,· \Vatson of \\"innt·tka. \'in· raise.·<! tht· nmul. ,·r pr,·scnt to twentvrllairman·; llrs. Jo . . t.·ph E. Oti,, chair- t\\'o. 'flll' 1wxt n <'l'tin~. Xon·mlwr ll. man of slmps ancl s;t16: ~f rs. M. Paul will hl' ht'ld at t :w honw of Vir).!inia X,lYt's. chairman oi sorting and ap· nullh·ant. 900 Oai(WOOd :t\"l'll\1(', \\'it mcttc. prai:o-in~: and t h~_· dist rirt rhairm~n. ~ft·sc.lanws Hermon B. Hutlt:r ~md r. Culton Daug 1 tad;n·, oi \\'innctka: Ed· Club Season Opens win J. Randall, J(;hn Oliph:ant. Hl·rht·rr 1\ card parh· g-iven toda ,. at The Bird. J. A. Carter. C. E. Osborne, \\'. K<·nilworth chib will be the opening F. Pdham and ~~iss Jam· Larah('r. ('\·c.·m of the... !'c.' a son. Cards have hcf'n The chairmen from the north 'horr issut·d ft·r tlw annual Hatlowe'<~n din· parisltt·s are Mrs. V :1 rcr ]~oh('rts, m·r d;anct· to h<· hdd· on o(~toher 2ft. ;, t 11i "'m~ ..... \\·a-. lil t -.\1 \Jj . . . , l.;lllrtig;l tt ,.j J-:,· ;Lta... tctll pru\ Ttlt-d tht· llltl ... ical p;tl , ,f the prt~l.!l'alll. "ith .l lltllllht·r 1 ·i J·ialte· . . ,·lt-ctiun.... . \1 r .... :\rthnr \\'hit('!~ 11i E\"<llhtoll gan· a gnnlp oi re<llling'. mduding a dr;un:tti\· pia _ \· ot h!.ol,t·rt Bro\\'ltin~. and told ~tlllldhill~ oi th,· !ti:\ton· of tht· tilllt' i11 " ·hich Hr()\\'!lin~ ~\TPtt': :\t tlt.tt tintt·, his work ... \\'t'rt· tHtt m·arly -,(, !IH!rh appn·riatt-d a .. th( .... ,. Pi hi-. \\iir ..tltltnu~h tw\\· Hoht"l t Bruwn·ng i.... hcl4l in much .high . ·r l':-i!tTill than i-. Elit.:thl'lh Barr,·:! Bnnrnin~. :-h~.· :-tatt.·fl h:tn· gt\'t·n .d1k !el hi' ;t ~r··ttil Jll'l'"\'tlt, < Sew foe Philanthropy at Woman-'s Club Today 'l'oda\' a~ain i~ the \\l'l':t'inn of ;til cl;n· Sl'~\-illl.! fur tlw h<'nrfit of philanthropy. \\'otllt"ll of \\'ilnwttt· art· 4.·or dially in,·iu·cl hy the philanthropy £trpartmrnt of the \Voman\ cluh of \Vilmrttr, ·whdhtr duh tn('mhers or not. to gather at tlw cluhhotiSt' at 10 th'i:-; morning h) work for the Econom~· sho1·. A luncheon will he sen·eft at Koo~lt..'. o( E\'anston: ~~ rs. Thoma' liard wick, \Vihncttc: ~~ rs. ~. D. Floo(l, Kt·nilworth: Mrs. Harn· I.. Street, \\"innetka: Mrs. C. C. c·oldrun, Glenroc: Miss F.. \V. Towner, Highland Park: Mrs. RQbcrt M. In~a11s, \Vaukegan. ~~ rs. Barr\· \ V ('11s and Mrs. E. C. the Kt·nilworth club. TO RESUME SEWING The Order of Martha wilt meet at the home of Mrs. P. J. Klapperich, 412 Central avenue, Monday. October 2-l, at . 1 :30 o'clock. to re.!'mne sewing for the y('ar. noon, to which school childrt·n will hl' welcome, it is announced. Mrs. George \Vehster is chairman of the department. Mrs. E. Ro\' ~ho1es. chairman for October, i~ in charge of the cutting. Her committee for the month includes lfrs. Frank Wever, Mrs. l.loyd Y o~t. Mrs. Charles M. Burlingame. and ~{r!'. ~colt Smith.