Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1927, p. 36

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.16 WILMETTE LIFE October 21, 19li ~Irs. Harry Bald!iwin of 62Z · \Vash· in~ton 3\'CtlUC entt.·rtained Se\·entcen ~nest~ llonday afternoon in honor of her si!'ltl'r. ~Irs. H. G. Shope. ~lr~. Shope ha~ hten yj~itin).! in \\'ilmette ~incl' :\uf!U:Ot and t.·xpcct~ to rtturn to htT hotnl' 4 11 Caliiornia tlw last oi the month. . ~lt;o.~n 1-.<ltth ancl ~l!ldn·<l 1tclcman. tlaughtt.·r~ oi ~lr. and ~~ r:o;. ~- .:\. 'fidt·man, 105 l.indt.·n <l\"l'ntl~! \Hilt to Champaign. to att<. ·nd the Illinois-Iowa :-:.tatl' g<tTlll' !'aturday, Octobt·r 15. . . . -o- . , ,. Kut·lzow, fill (.n.·t·nltill ;wcnut·, ~I)CI\t the \\"l't.·k-t·rHI at Champaign as the gut.·st oi ~I ari1ll\ Tintcngcr. She attended the .-\lpha Camma Rho fraternity dann· Saturday . t' \'t>nin~. at tht· L'nin·r~ity oi lllirwi". . j "'ll i~~ llrs. A. J. Kuelzow, 611 Greenleaf DIES IN FLORIDA 3\'enuc, left 'Monday to motor to (~. F. Hc.lllll. who formerly n·sid<·d c&t St)ringfield, where she will attend the! Wll (~rt·cnlt.·ai a\·cnuc, \\'ilmeth', passfort\·-third annual session ot the H.c-l ed cl\\"3Y at Jack:;onvillt·, Fla., Octohck~h State assembly a~ a ddegatc.· oi ! her JU. Burial wa~ in 'Milwaukee (~II \\'ilmcttc Rcbckah I.od~~ numlwr 1110. Octohl·r 14. ~I r. Holm . hal~ }>ct.·n JIJ J. 0. 0. F. ! ahout thrt·t.· month~. ~un·Jvmg art: _ 0_ hi:-- \\'i·lnw and ;l dau~htl'r, llayhl'llt.·. Wilmette Boy WinsSaiNew High Honor ·· Oliver :Boddie. di~trict agent for tlw Curti~ Puhlishiug- company, announn·~ that Billy Bersch. )() year old son ot Dr. and Mrs. 0. II. Bt·rsch, lS.U llighland a\·enue. ha-. just hcen promott·d to senior d<'~rce in thl' ··League..· for · eaman ~layhcllc ?\J. 1 . Cur~i;o. ~aksmen." . _ . ~lr~ . 1{ .. \.\\alton amlla. · r daughtt.·r. 1 Btlly h<lS \\oil Ill~ rl·co~tut.tOrt .h~ hh .\lif~.:. lf~li Fort·:o-t an:nut·. SJH:nt la:-t I rct.·ord as a lot·al rcprt.·:<·ntattn· h r. tht· \H't.:k-t'tHI \Yith FO\dt.·r \\'altnn ;lt I Curtis rompany. an~l 1... 110\\: t.·JitJ!It·<l :\nw .... ln\\'a. \rht'fl' Fowh:r attl·tHJ . . e11·l- to a tnt·fllht'r ... lup _ m tht.· \ · ~1. ( · :\. Inn·. lit· i~ a ~i).!ma Chi pk<l).!t'. , Sinn on.ty nt.H ' 01 ~.:n·r;r :-_n·l·ntt·en · 1 · ----- ------------ ----- ' J,o,·:' att:llll:' tht' cll'gfl'l' lhlly 1:- proud j .. Ill I\\' h- · \narin).! hi..; :'l'ni·lr pin and Twenty-eight students from Lane Technical High School, Chicago, decided recently to tour Kentucky, but did not wish to take too much time for the journey. A North Shore Line Motor Coach was chartered for the trip. All points of interest in the ..Blue Grass" region were visited. Only three days were required for the trip, and a distance of 1,180 miles was covered! Whether for long trips or short trips, fast trips or leisurely trips, North Shore Line Motor Coaches afford utmost comfort, safety and convenience. Information about the chartering of motor coaches can be obtained !rom the North Shore Line Traffic Dept.. Room 602, 7!l W. Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. ! \~t~rking actin· )~· ior pronwti1111 l·· tlw i uc..·xt r.;111k. lit·. h:t=- a .. ke1l \\'11 . \tU."I'E l.rn: 1:1 thank 111 . . lll:tn~· nhtnnH ·r ... tcq· t lw -.upp· ·n \\ hich t lwy art· 1.!i,·im.: I . '!!Ill . Rigid Inspection System for Chandler Motor Cars "'\\"hen the ' purd1a . . t'=' a lll··t<~r ha~ a and providt·~ j, tak(·n i11r :lnTagl' !IJ(Itor r;tr hn~ n 11\'\\' autmuobile and tht· \Hlrhl ()i P'"'\'(·r . i:-. q!Ii,·i. all ar11tllld cftiril·nr:·. it grantt·d that tht..: ctr i-.aTi,fart~try. J,nt ,·l'r~ · it"\', -.t< 1;1 to f··l .. ider tltt' )·ain-.t.lkin~ l':Ht· and pru·; -.ion l':X l'!'ri .. t·d ln t lh· hlllldn in (trt!·-r t , ;11·hin·, thi .. · -.tandard." r,-n,,,rk-·.1 .\lr. .\Jt.,·,·r ·H Tt,!ll II,,, . · \: ~·· n . )t .. ·.ti l'hancllt·r di-trihttto:·. · "TIH· l·l't'H·i \·nry ,·,ian :. P""' ·r i'Lt:·l dqtt·!l<l-. !lltl o\111~· \ljiUll thl' ljll:dit~ t tl tht· m;ttcri;tl, u . . l·d and ~IH rart.· tak\'ll in buildinl!. l,ut al-.p :t nd final!.\ - <IJ'·Il l thl' lt ·~ tilll.! :111d in~pc·di··!l ui tht· .1"11! ·! JIP!ll'llt part-. that nt:tl.- t· 111· t ht: tin!~ ],, d l1 !1 it. "Tht·re :tr t· IJJ,tn~· h·t!Jdn·d "'l'\·ar.ttt · in:-J·('rtiOII' :n:ldt· q] th~..· \·;lrinu .. p:tn ~ t h:tt t·ntl'r i11 t·) t 11(.' l· .. n .. t ruction ··i t ~~· thr\·t' .. t·rin qj ('h;llld!t·r motor<' :-:,id ~tr. ~ln·n. "Part-. .tr,· rhcckt··l a nd rt·cht·ckl:t l nunh'r ~ ~u~ ti:llc-. in torcl, r that tht· t·hanrt·' i11'· ,·r··or m a,- 1~t · a},:'\oltttel\ e11ntinatt'·1 ;, . . !~~~r a, i li1· lll:illJ: JH·,_,jhJt.. tlw ;imv :1.,· !l:att·ri ;d-. ;tr· · -taltli-.!Jt·rl ]>,· till' t·n~inn·r in~ dq·.Hl 1n 'l' i\·t·d :1t tht.· i,tt' tdn· n:1til t!:t: fn1i,: , , d rar !t·,,,-t.~ the j·l~ult. hnn(lrl·tl, · ·:· i"'l" 1 t"r' ;trt · :tlt-rt 1 <:·1\·h <1rt~ jl(·--1 hk iiiiJ·t lt'l tion ant! m:d,,· n·rtain th:1· \ ,~rh !In it j ... up '· : tt· ·pn·i fir:tti. ·!I"Frn111 1 Ill I 111. .. ttEY SKOIUl V4LLEY 1\0UTl SNOI\l LINE J\OUTE - :t\'t'J:\ll', \\',t<lillt.:'· ·ll '2.! ;11 :\t ' \\ Tri,·t. ~-. .t 11··'.\ .t L ···ll J; I,·r ,,j t1Jt· \·o~rl :-: d 1pr; II i I! II , r h o110 I i; tn!lt y. ,l.tlJ·· ~ti" lli11 .. ;· 11i :!Jt· t"l:t-.- .::1~ tl OME people have a mistaken idea ahout the Skokie Valley. They look upon it as an undestrable lowland. Nothing could be farther from correct, consiJenng the Skokie Vallev as a whole. There are sections, it is true, which ha\'C been unaJ<~pteJ to home,building. But most parts of the Skoktc Valley are unexcelled in natural s~1lendor- in desirability as home sites. That thts ts true is convincingly demonstrated hy the Eelection of this vincinity for the establishment ot numerous fine estates. Convenient transportatton came to this territory wtth the openjng of the North Shore Line ·s Skokte Valley Route. By \'rrtue of that fact, the Skokte Valley already is ~ing transformed to a gre.lt new commumty of homes. S .. The newer ~orth Shore," as the Skokie Valley is termed, affords the greater fn:eJom which home builders seck today. Space is plentifuL Modern conveniences arc al.rcaJy ~lvailable sewer, water~ electricity, gas, telephone, pa\'ing. Beautiful golf courses anJ forest pre, serves are close at hand. Especi~tlly to the younger generation, wishing to locate '"next Joor .. to friends and relattve~, the Skokie .Vallev is ideal. Irritated Bladder , 'l'h.- hl:ttlth·r 1..; &h·· r··,··rutlr for ttu· urlut·. Wltf'll J·OI"OII" ;nul :u·lll-. ur·· h·ft 111 thC' urine· '·~· tllf kltln.,.~· ~, flu·~ , HIt f' 11 lrrltnh· flu· hlllel·l··r. t·a·u,;hur In· tlummutlun un·l !if·H·rc· 1m ln. lh·llef ·l··r·tnd"' ll(tflll tllf UNllfiiiiZil· Chicago North Shore and ·Milwaukee R. R. Co. Thf! Rood of Service lion nt tht- au-lds and t h .,. r.-,.torallo·· or J·ro)u·r llleluf')· RC'thm. t·ut _,.o11r hot·e In :\IOUIIIuha Yaalh. ·y )lin· ·ral l\'utn from 11111 Sl·rlng!4, ,\ r1uuasa1s. Its allmllne minerals tentl to IH~Mtrullze the nelcls, There are 22 golf courses olong the Skokie VaUey. nn·l lt. ulso aids In ff'81orhiC IIOfRIRI fUll«'· tlonl·~ ol the llltllleys. t·lu~lf'h&ns UORTH SHORE 11 LINE 1-8 ........ ,. ...... "1· It as aut nl·l Itt tht- tr·aatm·nt of nil dhmrtlt>r!l. .I·htmc for n t'HSt' a·r·s.. rU·· t:very"·taere -We lleiiHr- Mouataia VaHey Water Co. 2609 Broadway Greenleaf 4777 10:\·anston, Ill. 'i:m W. Jack"'on Bl\'d. lfonroc 54GO Chicago, Ill. ·

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