Uctoltl:r 21, l'J2i WILMETTE LIFE 711~ jt~ Drug SlorP Stanley, the Explorer, and Spare Tires! \\'h\:n ~Llnl\:\ \h'llt h'.Hing down in the ho'>orn of the Afra Ll\ mg~ton. one of the mo\1 impon.1nt p1cH' of Njlllpmrnt h~ ClrrH·d with htm WJ'i his Medrcinc Chest. Tht M . C. \\',\\ irnporunt brcJu\c there were praorcJIJy no dru~ \IOh' \ .\1 Jll an the JUrt~l,· "' THFM J.J\·, : not much chJnS!t' c;in(t ·· Hh~.·r . lunder'ii.HHI \.Ill JUnRir 10 rr'>Cll(' Wild Boars! J · In the\e d.n) ~ttm' ""'cn't 'o wrll lr~trd JnJ da\~rfard"' tb,. , .Ht' .H prr .. rnt .1nd ,,·, .tho .1 f.lct thJt 1hcrc wrrr not ,1, MA:'\Y gcrmc; in :\lfl{,t l'> vou m.1v TODAY find RIGH -t HERE an th\ ern· :: St.tnln··., M . C. W.l\ rquappN.I marl' to tJkr c.trt· of lion hatt"l . th 111hblt"i. bu .. rt·d hont'\ . \ore bMk!l . and ·ndJgl">llon th.ln 10 \\ ard off .cunouc; g('rmo; . Y t-1 he w.Hn't in ·" much (bngrr I rom \icknr" .tnd d'""J\t' .1\ 'ou fol~' who \trOll lfl thi\ \[Oh' t'\' <'C\ dl\ : :\II of . whtch bUll).!. 'I \'OU 'lljU.lH' JOOUI f J(t' \\' llh th\' qun uon " HJ,.l' \'ou RIGHT ~OW · .~ Medicine Chc'lt .u home~ · Do ,·ou rc.llan'th.ll 1hcr.: .lh' ::;o prc,·entJtiH'I to 1 CURE. Th, propnl\' r,dc<t('d M . C 'hould (OntJin .1bou1 1:; dtffcrt-nt iH.·m' .1nd lht· purpo\\' ot t'.JCh om' .,hould be thorou~hly under'ltood In E VI::R Y mi'mbrr ot thr f Jmih: C\.-1Jny and nun\' .1 <,HIOU' tllnn\ " PRE\'F~TEO h.,· ,,.n,ihl,· uw of the RIGHT ,ort of MrdrCin·' ( h,·.,t . The wild bo.u of Ru!>:o.JJ ~row~ mun bristle- 1 8 mche~ long! These bristles .ue ihapped onr here and cluned. dHd .tnd bluchrd b\· our m.1nuhnurrr!.. Then . when 1he'· ue .1'>\0ci.llrd wuh tht' MAHOGANY .1 n d EBONY HANDLES .md ·BACKS. they rnake the highrst gude BRUSHES tn the world! Such a Pruo;h muns ccmfort. contented smilr!l .tnd kind dispom10ns. We h.tve ~uch brushes for \.lie . Also brushts for clothes. nJik complnion . teeth .1nd hath Scalp! W,· c.trr,· ' 1 brand or ~ulp dunc;ers. of wh1ch .1rc t'XUJ · ordinarii\· S!ood. Ao;k B".l for lh" n.1mc., ot thrst' thrt'c -- th.1t ·~ af vou h.1H hJir ,·ou· rt' mtrrr~tt'd an . Prescriptions ~Oilh' llllh' .1 SOc Klenzo liquid Antiseptic h J mc.tn t-nem v of gum~ .1nd U'>l'd .l\ .1 mouth wJsh. sure wrecks ·em! Kteps brtJth pure. gums hJp- ltf,· dqHnth <1!1 lih \\flit prompr .1nd ol .1 .H1 ur.ll" ,ompound111~' \our 0\\" mor d prt"' rapt 1011 pv JnJ \'OUr friends ( fltndh· . YOU t.lH hJ\" ·I \\half hcH!u.l onfJdl'nc, 111 vour Rl'\.tll Ston· to o~, onh the f,n,· ~t drug' .li.'dlr.lll'h ·il\pcn,,·d \\ 11h prompt \en t.:r Stationery, Tablets, etc. !':o1 n:n· exciting but ttrrible '"'cc'iun· ro h.t\'C .tbout at .til times. So an ordu rh.1t you won't forget .md go some pbce else ;and buy them '""e respectf ullv call vour ~t· tcntron ro them hnl' . We hJ\'t 'em ior ~Jk You .![, .li\Lt" \ .11, Jt \our fh\.dl ~(Of\ .1nd OUI JHl'\l IIJHIOI '< h.u~,., \,1\·' \Ou moth' ' Phones 28-29 Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Aves. 01ttstanding Radio! V..,'l' know th.H .1 fiftC.l'll minu4l' drmonstr.Hton wdl lll · 'Vt..'l' . .ll dw Ad.lm\. Elt>i..'llll ~hop. bdi(.'\'l' lh.ll dh' Atw.H,' t Krnt .HHi Kolstcr sctli .nr outsunding in r.1dto . (;rut.'n Ouanaond Cartouchc. ser 'rn.lnY fr.lllln'\ th.ll h.l\'\' .tddrd 1110 ·, to r.uf10 . \lHl' ·· irh 4 diamo11J~. $i~ Bdorl' vou bu\' \'OUr r.alto br .uul hr.n our\. \\'l' h .l\ l norhtng to fl'.lr through .\11\' romp.ntson . Dainty, dianlond .. sct (3ruens as lo\v as $6ll! oqu "'"' ch.Hm ot J Grul'n diJmond T w.uch onnot hl' 1old in word\. W.: Jrt: ill -\tt "fl'l ~Uh' 'Jpen until lJ P. AJ. CL'ery n'emny . 'ou w·ll r.:cogn1u unprrretil'rHcd calut con\·rvcd. hown'l'r. whl'n Wl" 'ipuk of .1 m()\'ement m.1dt rn thl' fHh."'t tr.tdiunns of lhl' olti WJI<h guilck C.lSl'd Ill I 4 J..t. '161td void. 'l'( WHh di.unonds Ctrlificd b\ Guu·n .11 ~ho: Other Gruen\. di.unond WJlche' up to $1 . =)00 .1nd .1 IJrgc ,·,uitt\· of Gnarn pockt·t :nd 'tup ,,·,ucht" tor men. I . n·, lifl' ~xpal in n·paumy Su.'i.\. AoAMS ELECTRIC Always Ready ·SHoP l(t{l" and Amc·rifan u.·atch···' Experienced Radio Sen'ice A-1 an DOMINIC PAGLIARULO Jew('ler 1 ~ Opticitm ~hone \Vilmcllt 1 oh 1 4th Street, Phone Wiln1ette 6 years in the .tame location. .·i·. .'i'· .'(·. :i·· .)'. :(·. ·:i:· :;,·. · , ······· lot It o,t I · ·· ·:·:· ...;....... .'i'· :~·. .·~·........... :t;·. :i,·. :i:· ·'i·· :&·· .., .. :('. 0 t,· ··· 't' llf 't' 'tt 't' o l t ········· t,t '·' ···